Sunday, September 12, 2021

1K Watchers Celebration: With Love from Paris


So today I reached another of ma milestone of 1K watchers. This caption to mark this amazing milestone I dedicate to the person requested it MTBProductions

Marcus (MTBProductions) an old friend & business associate of mine & the owner of M.T.B.Productions house who produced amazing movies with exotic beautiful girls. But no one ever knew from where they brought their girls from. Marcus being a very popular producer with his "Girlfriend In a Box" movie series & a few more popular series he produced. After quite the success one day Marcus came up to me with an unusual proposal. "Hey Lucifer, I have come to know for a while that you have discovered a device that can sculpt & mold any man into a woman of their dreams?" He asked. "Yeah I do, but how did ya came to know about that?" I asked Marcus to which he beamed at me as he said "Do you think that those Girlfriend in a Box were just movie series like those Fast & Furious? No my dear friend, we actually made those girls designed them tbh & I was hoping you could help me with something I want you to." He said. "Well Imma biggest fan of yar work so go ahead ask me for any any favor, if it's in ma power I'll do it." I replied. "Well i want you to turn me into a buxom blonde bimbo to shoot my new project in Paris." he smirked. "What? ya wanna become one of ma dolls?" I said a bit exclaimed. "Yes loverboy. why? wouldn't you wanna have me in your girl squad?" he said teasing. "Why.. dang... I'd love to, in fact it's one of ma biggest ever dream to do that to ya to be honest." I said to him calmly. "Well then do it, what are you waiting for?" Marcus piped up cheerfully. "Come on follow me to the Transformation chamber, I have got an idea, Imma gunna handsculpt ya with ma ClayDollMaker V3.0

And so the transformation pod was prepared for Marcus in my personal quarter. I showed Marcus all the bodies he could have. But he was more than happy to let me choose for his appearance & so I choose a busty buxom white blonde body for Marcus. Marcus was a bit dark, tall, with a rather masculine muscular built. Marcus had medium short dark black hair & a nice toned body to make any girl fall for him, but that was about to change now soon. Marcus was happy with the body I choose for him & he entered the pod happily. "I wantcha to stay as calm as possible & restrict yar movement Marcus." I said from outside the chamber as Marcus fixed himself on the pod's wall. Soon the chamber filled with pink liquid & needles from every direction was injected in various parts of Marcus's body. I on the other hand was monitoring his vitals & his thought patterns as right now Marcus was thinking "Wow that kinda stings." Marcus's nipples were also needled while a long 7" dildo like stuff came down & entered Marcus's mouth pumping him with all the nutrients & minerals to keep his body active. Marcus's follicle tissue changed as his hair lengthened out of his scalp getting longer & blonder just as was on the girl I showed him the picture of.

Marcus's whole face then felt an odd rippling sensation as his facial hair receded back into his body making his face very shiny smooth softer & feminine in nature. His square jaw became rounder heart-shaped as his eyes became bigger with longer lashes & arched brows. His nose thinned & became pointed. "Ooooo that feels so tingly Marcus thought in his mind which was now being show in the monitor." Soon enough Marcus's lips were full & plump to give him a very soft feminine face to look at, the most pleasing thing was that his ears got pierced & his hair was now shoulder length which turned platinum blonde. Marcus's neckline & shoulder got feminized as his shoulder got caved inwards while his Adam's apple got dissipated. The thought pattern showed Marcus was very happy with his new face & he was feeling good too. "Ooooo those lips feels heavier than I thought." He said to himself. His physique started to change as Marcus lost his height rapidly now standing only 5'5" instead of his former 6'4" tall stature. He lost a lot of manly muscular bulk of his body as well becoming very slender soft and curvy. Next his chest started swelling along with his arms getting petite & girly. Marcus now had long nails which looked like fake extended nails as his chest grew until they reached J cups which too looked fake silicone boobies with puffy areola & rock-hard nipples. The thought detector showed Marcus was extremely happy about his huge boobies. "oooo those pillows feels great. I wonder what else Lucifer got in his dirty mind for me." he thought to himself.

Slwoly the changes spread across his waist & hip region making his waist thin as a corsetted waist & his hip engorged becoming thick curvy round heart-shaped pillows. "Wow that's some ass ya got there Marcus. hahaha." I laughed as Marcus beamed in his trance showing happy thoughts only about his changes which made me even more happy. I could see the thoughts going inside Marcus's mind as he was hoping to have a wet pussy soon. "mmmm can't wait to have a wet juicy pussy instead of that staff there now." She said to himself as his legs & thighs rounded out complimenting his new proportions. All Marcus had now left was his manhood which slowly slurrped into his body leaving him... now her with a void of emptiness to be fulfilled. "So this is how it feels to be a girl. I have turned so many guys into girls but I feel so good to be one now." She said to herself. As soon as Marcus's pussy took it's place her former scrotum were now rearranged to become a pair of working ovaries inside her pelvic region. With that Marcus's transformation was complete. "Marissa ya can now step outta that chamber." I told her & Marissa stepped out of that pod taking small baby steps as her center of gravity just shifted. "How do ya feel Marissa?" I asked the new naked blonde girl in front of me. "It feels amazing rejuvenating actually. Thanks Lucifer. You are a lifesaver. "Ya're welcome babe. Imma glad ma powers & I could be of yar help. Now I'll take ya to Paris & introduce ya to yar crew.

Next week we were off to Paris & Marissa was having a great time. She posed around the Eiffel Tower where I took this picture of hers. A new chapter of her life was on it's way & Marissa couldn't be any less happier. We had great time shooting Marissa's next series which was called the pretty princess castle which was already a super-hit series. I loved working with Marissa felt one of ma dreams came true as we had great evenings & even more super sex-crazed nights. She was a total tigress in sack & a hungry one. I love the new improved version of Marcus... Or Marissa now, a total nympho & a complete slut for hung muscular men. Marissa & I had great time together at Paris & I have some really amazing plans to carry out now that I felt really good about ma work.

P.S.: New series coming soon. This will be a comment to get entry event during the mid-week of February.


I hope ya'll loving ma work so far. Know that I dun own the pictures so if the owner asks me to take it away I might have to take it away. I am so happy to make such a big fanbase watchers & page-view in such a short time please do know that I have too many requests atm & will do them slowly as I have now ma hands & ma head quite full so please don't be impatient, it might take a while to come out yours request, but I assure you it will come eventually. I'm open for RP over discords only, but Imma bit picky over RP partners these days, please don't get offended if I don't like roleplaying with you after a while. I prefer more steady RP partners which now I have quite a few. Also stay tuned for more new series coming up soon, the more ya watch me the more I get enthusiastic so gimme WATCH. Here is a link below attached for my discord channel: which you can also find in my discord bio, my discord ID is Lucifer#7319. please do join ma group on deviantart & discord & shoot me a note here or a dm on discord, also again if I don't respond quickly please be a lil patient, I will surely get back to ya. This group of mine is for all TG TF lovers, artists, fans & roleplayers alike, hope you'll all love the place. Imma doin special requests on patreon now, yar request will get top priority depending upon the choice of yar tier & ya will have it delivered right away, also there will be some stuffs soon that might surprise ya, for every patreon there will be somethin in store that ya'll enjoy for just a lil bit of donation, for details, visit ma Patreon Link here…, Check out ma new blogspot here: & ma Youtube Channel here:…

The Stand-in Model


Jim (bimbofairy) worked as an assistant developer for a photography company owned by Lucifer's Dolls. But there was a secret behind this company which Jim didn't knew. He had just joined a couple of days ago and met many busty buxom blonde brunette brown-haired girl, but always wondered where they came from. This Sunday even though it was a day off for Jim his boss called him in the morning first thing. "Jim you there, I need an urgent photo-shoot done & I don't have time, no models are available at the time, can I ask you for a favor? I'll pay you double, heck even triple if you wanna." "Well it's my day off technically, but fine I'll do it." Jim sighed thinking that'll be 300$for just one day & possibly what could go wrong? Jim quickly dressed up & left for the studio, upon reaching the studio he saw his boss standing there with a tall dark handsome man. "Jim meet Mr. Lucifer, investor & the biggest client of our modelling agency. Mr. Lucifer here want some lingerie shoots done urgently & we are running out of time as well as models."
"How am I supposed to fill in for a model? I don't even look like the perfect one to fit in a lingerie." Jim replied. "Ohhhh dun worry that will be taken care of." I assured Jim. "Here take this pill & swallow it whole, ohhh & Jim here take these with you too." I handed him a few sets of lingerie along with a pink pill. "What? What should I do with these." he asked in a tone of exclamation. "You'll know once ya have taken the pill." I replied to him calmly.

Jim quickly took the pill & went into the changing room. After what it seemed like a few seconds he felt a funny & odd sensation all over his body. First his dirty blonde hair lengthened to a wavy curly ass length platinum blonde hair which cascaded down from his scalp. Jim's face felt funny as if thousands ants were marching on his face. He looked at the full size mirror on the wall & saw a luscious deep blue eyed face with soft juicy lips & a face tanned face seductive & sultry enough to make any cum at will. His teeth straightened & whitened as his chin and cheeks got feminine soft chiseled. His nose got small & pointy while his eyelashes grew long & his eyebrows got arched. Jim thought to himself "You got to be kidding me? How is this happening what was in that pill anyway?" He then quickly took his shirt off of his body to see his body also matched the same tanned feature as he lost his Adam's apple.

Jim felt his torso was already a tanned tone of caramel, but then he suddenly felt the whole world around him getting all bigger, or was it he actually shrinking. He shrank almost a feet becoming 5'4" from a 6'4" tall skinny young man. His rather skinny body & arms were now getting induced with fat as if he being stuffed with some natural stuffing. His skin felt so smooth and soft.  "This can't be true. I must be hallucinating." Jim said in a very feminine voice as his hands quickly reached his mouth to cover it. The next thing was Jim being pumped up like an air-balloon as his chest swelled to an rather perky F cup with rock hard sensitive nipples. Jim tried to to grab them & push them back in but with no avail. "Shit... Shit get back in." He moaned. Jim could see his long nails & skinny arms getting feminine & all curvy as his shoulder caved in with a feminine arch. Even his spine arched in a feminine manner.

Jim felt distracted as he took off his pants instinctively trying to take a good look at his lower torso. "Thank god it's still there." He said stroking his cock but in a matter of moment within his hand his cock slowly reduced in size & girth. He almost cried in the pain in his groin region, but the pain soon subsided & was pleasuring as he felt sitting on his amazing squishy pillow-like ass. His heart-shaped ass begged to be groped & spanked. His legs felt softer as his thighs felt curvy & much more feminine. Jim was amazed to see how well he was taking to changes now. In fact it felt like as if he always wanted this to happen to himself. he got memories of how he always tried to dress as a girl secretly when no one was home. "Shit.. what are these memories & where are they coming from. I am not a G..irl... I am a Bimbo... a Doll." Jemma giggled at the same time his cock completely melted away along with his scrotum now securely placed inside his body as a pair of working ovaries.

Jemma's mind was still fuzzy, but then she saw those set of lingerie laying on the couch there & quickly fixed her hair as she put the pink lingerie on. Jemma then came out of the changing room outside which was a ready studio with an exotic backdrop & some props. The two familiar guys she remembered working with greeted her. "What took ya so long Jemma? Here this way pose for the camera, this shoot is gunna change our lives as this lingerie hit the market." The photographer (former Jim's boss) quickly took some shots of Jemma posing on the tree prop stood there. "aaaand that's a wrap. That was some amazing shots we got there & ya're a natural when it comes to posing." I told Jemma as she got more enthusiastic. Later I took Jemma on a date & she was quite the ditzy blonde bimbo I didn't thought she would be. Dang must have got overdosed the pill, gotta keep that in mind next time.


I hope ya'll loving ma work so far. Know that I dun own the pictures so if the owner asks me to take it away I might have to take it away. I am so happy to make such a big fanbase watchers & page-view in such a short time please do know that I have too many requests atm & will do them slowly as I have now ma hands & ma head quite full so please don't be impatient, it might take a while to come out yours request, but I assure you it will come eventually. I'm open for RP over discords only, but Imma bit picky over RP partners these days, please don't get offended if I don't like roleplaying with you after a while. I prefer more steady RP partners which now I have quite a few. Also stay tuned for more new series coming up soon, the more ya watch me the more I get enthusiastic so gimme WATCH. Here is a link below attached for my discord channel: which you can also find in my discord bio, my discord ID is Lucifer#7319. please do join ma group on deviantart & discord & shoot me a note here or a dm on discord, also again if I don't respond quickly please be a lil patient, I will surely get back to ya. This group of mine is for all TG TF lovers, artists, fans & roleplayers alike, hope you'll all love the place. Imma doin special requests on patreon now, yar request will get top priority depending upon the choice of yar tier & ya will have it delivered right away, also there will be some stuffs soon that might surprise ya, for every patreon there will be somethin in store that ya'll enjoy for just a lil bit of donation, for details, visit ma Patreon Link here…, Check out ma new blogspot here: & ma Youtube Channel here:…

Saturday Night Hangover


It was Saturday Night and Paul (PalinaTG) reached his favorite strip club as usual. He loved the drinks along with those exotic new women every time he visits. Paul was indeed quite amazed at how the club owner managed to get this many exotic girls anyway. After what seemed like his 6th he ordered his 7th. Paul felt the booze already as it started hitting the sweet spot. Paul was quite the drunk as his head felt heavy & passed out soon. In his dreams he saw girls around him everywhere just like the crowded Stripclub he went to this evening & it felt so real. Suddenly Paul felt a tickling over his face & shoulder as he ran into the bathroom nearby.

To his horror Paul saw his brown short hair getting long & platinum bleached blonde as his face contorted. Like a puddle of clay his face slowly morphed & molded as his chin chiseled down a lot making his manly masculine face excessively feminine, soft and very seductive. His eyes changed color to that of a shade of deep ocean blue while his lashes lengthened, his eyebrows got arched in a sexy feminine way. Paul's cheeks now had no scar or facial hair or imperfection as he got a smooth soft creamy textured skin while his nose shrank but lips grew & swelled out to become soft juicy plump succulent cock-pillows. Paul felt his Adam's apple dissolving inside his throat as he coughed a sultry feminine moan came out of his mouth. "Shit, shit, this must be a nightmare." Paul whispered in a very seductive feminine voice. "This can't be happening to me, I got to wake up." Paul pinched himself but to no avail, instead he felt the pain for real and much worse the changes moved on to his body & continued.

Paul's arm's muscle mass was now reduced to nothing but a twig-like skinny built. Paul's physique wasn't that bad, but he wasn't overweight either. He was 240lbs & a good 6'1" tall. But the way Paul's changes were heading soon he stood 5'9" & rather skinny yet somehow had fats induced in places where he shouldn't have them. "Shit shit shit... I got to get out of here." Paul said to himself in a feminine voice, but suddenly a sharp pain & a change in center of gravity made him trip & fall. Paul could see his body hair receding into  his body while his ass length long platinum blonde hair tickled his back he felt his spine arched & his manly biceps completely gone. Paul's new assets started to grow ballooning up bit by bit as his chest swelled larger till they were massive F cup boobies with perky sensitive nipples right at the top of'em.

Finally Paul's waist reduced to a very thin zero waist while all the volume shifted to his hips making his thighs crunch his dick & balls. His hips got huge heart-shaped & jellycious while his thighs were now much more feminine with lots of curves & feminine fats. His cock wasn't meant to go through this kind of strain & surrendered as it entered his body creating a way for his balls to follow which became his... I mean her new pair of working ovaries. Palina was all set to hit the stage with her new dance moves. A girl knocked at the bathroom door. "Palina, you there? it's your turn. The boss said you are up for the next pole dance. get your ass over here quickly babe, we are all dying to see you..." Palina came out of the employee only bathroom stall... what was she doing there anyway? "Well of course fixing the makeup... duh." Palina was a total tigress on the stage. her body moved like it was whisky on the rocks. Later she dropped by to see the boss. "Hey Palina sorry for the drink uhhh... well I guess ya like workin here rather than bein our regular customer now & ya'll like it here. Ya'll get yar paycheck every week, so make sure to be at yar best." I said to the exclusive beauty seductively staring at the bulge in my pants. "Ohhh who needs a paycheck when I have these to play with." She quickly knelt purring as she gave my pants a firm squeeze. "Hahaha ya naughty lil minx, I guess ya had too much of that drink. well works for me." I grinned.


I hope ya'll loving ma work so far. Know that I dun own the pictures so if the owner asks me to take it away I might have to take it away. I am so happy to make such a big fanbase watchers & page-view in such a short time please do know that I have too many requests atm & will do them slowly as I have now ma hands & ma head quite full so please don't be impatient, it might take a while to come out yours request, but I assure you it will come eventually. I'm open for RP over discords only, but Imma bit picky over RP partners these days, please don't get offended if I don't like roleplaying with you after a while. I prefer more steady RP partners which now I have quite a few. Also stay tuned for more new series coming up soon, the more ya watch me the more I get enthusiastic so gimme WATCH. Here is a link below attached for my discord channel: which you can also find in my discord bio, my discord ID is Lucifer#7319. please do join ma group on deviantart & discord & shoot me a note here or a dm on discord, also again if I don't respond quickly please be a lil patient, I will surely get back to ya. This group of mine is for all TG TF lovers, artists, fans & roleplayers alike, hope you'll all love the place. Imma doin special requests on patreon now, yar request will get top priority depending upon the choice of yar tier & ya will have it delivered right away, also there will be some stuffs soon that might surprise ya, for every patreon there will be somethin in store that ya'll enjoy for just a lil bit of donation, for details, visit ma Patreon Link here…, Check out ma new blogspot here: & ma Youtube Channel here:…

The Sissy Race Prologue


Kevin (megashootman) was a dominant alpha European manly man who loved racing & fast cars. He got a bit arrogant after a 99th winning streak & thought he could take on anyone with his Lambourghini. Kevin never thought that I'd be his 100th opponent or even if he knew Imma sure he thought it'd be a cakewalk for him underestimating me. Well ya never know what tricks could I, Master Lucifer (MasterLuciferSatan) have up ma sleeve against ya in a game. In the final quarter lap remaining Kevin made a mistake while trying to show off & I finally took over Kevin as he fell behind me. That was a big mistake which Kevin paid dearly as he was a loud mouth. Before I beaten him Kevin & I had a deal that whoever looses will have to do whatever the winner wants & Kevin was now in no state to deny that. "alright man you got me, what will you have me do?" Kevin asked. "ohhhh I hope ya remember when ya said ya'll do ANYTHING if ya loose? So ya'll now do all as I ask. Meet me back at ma Mansion & we can talk there."

Kevin reached my Mansion next morning where I had a package for him. "Here this is for ya Kevin ya'll wear whatever in that package." I said. "Alright man you win." Kevin sighed. Ripping open the Package Kevin found a latex Catsuit, but not only that it was a female tight latex Catsuit. "WTH man I ain't wearing this shit man." He yelled at me. "Ohhh no ya're wearing this stuff Kevin or I'll make ya wear it." Seeing me standing up he felt a bit intimidated & said. "Alright man alright you win. I'll wear it for one fucking time. Ok?" As Kevin put the Latex Catsuit on he felt an odd sensation flowing through him." First his short hair grew out to be long & was dyed in raven black color with scarlet highlights rather than his former brown hair. His face softened as his lips plumped up & make-up was applied to his face automatically. "Whaaa..." is all he could say before his voice cracked & sounded a high pitched seductive feminine voice.

Kevin's frame shrink a few inches making him 5'5" tall, so I asked him to wear the heels which he wore instinctively without a protest. Well he sure wanted to scream but couldn't as he shrunk & lost all his manly bulk of muscles faded away. Kevin's arms feminized as he got long nail extensions with painted manicured polished nails. His facial & body hair was already gone but what lil was left of his manhood was his cock. I laughed as his 8" cock shrank until it was 1" & then it stayed tiny like that. "What? What the fuck are you doing to me?" He tried to yell but it came out as a whine between her lips. "Hahaha ohhh Imma just makin ya a cute lil sissyboi with a boipussy clitty." I said while laughing. The bulge that was there for so long was now gone & his Catsuit was more tighter around his groin region now.

"Mmmm there it comes the big round milk jugs." As I say that Kevin's chest ballooned slowly until it reached a huge J cup with sensitive & rock-hard nipples. His waist thinned too as lost a few more pounds there. "Ooooo why does it feels so good? What have you done to me Master? Master? Why am I calling you Master, Master?" Kevin purred. "Hahaha let's just say it's the charm of this Catsuit. Mmmmm I think ya'll make a great sissyboi for me Kandii." I said. "Oooooo I like the name Kandii Master." Kevin... Now Kandii replied. "Yes Kandii but ya have a duty a responsibility from now on ya're ma sissy slave & work for me as a sissy slave recruiter." I said to Kandii. "What does that supposed to mean Master?" Kandii asked innocently "Ohhhh that means I have given ya some special powers of mine & wheneva ya're near a white boi yar cock will grow until that boi starts sucking it & gives in to ya as ma sissy or even in some extreme cases as girls."

From this day forward Sissy Kandii works as ma sissy slave & as a slave recruiter for sissies. Anyone wanna be transformed into sissy can drop to their knees in front of Kandii & Kandii will take care of the rest. She will turn ya'll cute bois into a good sissy (or even a girl in some cases if ya suck her Kandii too much.) Kandii now brings all the hot sissy gurrls to Master Lucifer's new strip club cum harem where she too works as an escort. Sissy Kandii is now on a hunt for her Master. Imma sure she will make some amazing sissies & big tittied bimbo dolls of a girl for our new Lucifer's Dolls Strip Club. A new beginning for a New Year, welcome to Lucifer's Dolls hope ya'll will have a great time here. I know ya'll sure will.


I hope ya'll loving ma work so far. Know that I dun own the pictures so if the owner asks me to take it away I might have to take it away. I am so happy to make such a big fanbase watchers & page-view in such a short time please do know that I have too many requests atm & will do them slowly as I have now ma hands & ma head quite full so please don't be impatient, it might take a while to come out yours request, but I assure you it will come eventually. I'm open for RP over discords only, but Imma bit picky over RP partners these days, please don't get offended if I don't like roleplaying with you after a while. I prefer more steady RP partners which now I have quite a few. Also stay tuned for more new series coming up soon, the more ya watch me the more I get enthusiastic so gimme WATCH. Here is a link below attached for my discord channel: which you can also find in my discord bio, my discord ID is Lucifer#7319. please do join ma group on deviantart & discord & shoot me a note here or a dm on discord, also again if I don't respond quickly please be a lil patient, I will surely get back to ya. This group of mine is for all TG TF lovers, artists, fans & roleplayers alike, hope you'll all love the place. Imma doin special requests on patreon now, yar request will get top priority depending upon the choice of yar tier & ya will have it delivered right away, also there will be some stuffs soon that might surprise ya, for every patreon there will be somethin in store that ya'll enjoy for just a lil bit of donation, for details, visit ma Patreon Link here…, Check out ma new blogspot here: & ma Youtube Channel here:…

New Year New Race TG RC Dollification


For some New Year brought new body, new country new happiness. But for Nathan (Tgmaniac212), a Caucasian male, it changed his whole identity. Nathan stood 6'2" tall & fit in built & physique worked as a delivery man employee at Lucifer's Dolls & when the shipment for new Asian Dolls came along Nathan was too unfortunate to be the one trapped inside a shipment. Two days later on 3rd Jan Nathan... Well now she is known as Barbie was found from the same place Nathan was last seen & from the id badge on her huge voluptuous breasts it was confirmed that Barbie indeed was once Nathan. Even though Barbie have no recollection of her older memories & now have a significantly lower IQ we scanned her brain activity from which it was confirmed that Nathan is still trapped inside Barbie somewhere though if he can be revived that is a topic of debate. Barbie now works full time at Lucifer's Doll as the most expensive Asian Escort. The name Barbie was chosen as by her since she somehow carried the Asian Doll's traits from the containment shipment of Asian dolls she came in contact with & her feeble mind couldn't find any suitable names. Barbie also got some cute piercings & the most nimble sweet 5'2" cute Asian doll ya'll find she let's me handle her body so nicely & is a total doll who will obey yar every command. If ya like Asian dolls dun waste yar time & order our barbie today.

**P.S.: A very important plead to everyone. If ya like ma work please give me a Watch that'll help me be enthusiastic & create more type of new works, if ya dun like ma work please ignore. If ya hate ma work please ask me to remove it NICELY & I'll do so without a question. But please don't report ma account to deviantart, as this will terminate ma account permanently & I'll be really heartbroken. I already got a few work removed for DMCA violation & is trynna move ma work over to blogspot so please support me on other medias & help me get a good reach of ma page. With helping each other we can achieve an amazing fun-filled TG Community we thrive to build. I make arts for free but sometimes I do need to monetize some of ma work as nothing in this world is free. So if ya really enjoy ma works please consider donating from time to time so I can carry the costs of the renders I started making recently. That'd be really helpful. Hope ya'll love the New Year TG Captions series. This one will be the last to come & I hope ya'll will have a great & prosperous New Year. May 2020 bring love & happiness in yar life & ya'll achieve yar goals. Love ya'll, peace ohhhh & ma details are on ma Bio if ya wanna know ma other media links. Thanks ya.

New Year New Barn part 2


Mr Elliott Taylor (tbiss2000) was a milk dealer & tester of a dairy company he worked for. The dairy company recently bought milk at a very cheap rate from a barn on this New Year Deal. Taylor was supposed to taste that milk. As soon as he took a few sips from the milk Elliott felt overwhelmed to eat some grass from the field nearby. He quickly started grazing like a cow as his body slowly changed without him noticing. He grew pair of horns while his ears elongated to become cow-ears. His nose become snout-like as his body shrank to a feminine curvy shape. His chest now filled with milk grew to become huge soft pillow-like udders while his manhood became teats of a fleshy sack which multiplied in numbers becoming two pair of pink fleshy teats & a huge pink sack of milky udders. Elliott's cock was no more in it's place there were a warm wet opening which was accompanied with pink fleshy lips. Elle was born. Elle the bimbo breeding milking cow. It was necessary to contain these two breeding cows so Lucifer's Dolls secret asset acquire team quickly located these two hu-cows (both Elle & her mother Joana). Well Joana was technically Elle's mom now since Elle became like this after drinking her milk. We now have collared & cowbelled (Elle, formerly Elliott was given a special cowbell that allowed her to obey every commands I gave her with just mere thoughts.) these two amazing breeding cows in our barn as they love to graze & have fun. I hope ya'll  love these two hu-cows.

P.S.: Actual picture & morph credit thanks goes to TF-Warlock. Faceswapped by me. I repeat I do not own the images or the morphs & if the owner wants it to be removed I might have to remove it.

New Year New Barn part 1


John Shepard (TheDefiantPirate) worked as a farm-hand in a barn. On the morning of New Year he found a Cow-bell laying on the ground of his barn. "Who would make such a lame joke? hahaha."" he said smiling but as soon as he touched it he felt a jolt of electricity went through his body & suddenly he felt a warm sensation inside his body as if it was burning from inside out. John's face contorted as it it got a cow-like snout, a pair of long pointy cow-ears & a pair of horns sprouted from within his head. John's voice changed to a feminine cow-ish as he moaned softly with a mooo. John's chest swelled heavily as two pairs of heavy milk-filled bags sprouted from it while his cock replicated into four more pink fleshy cock-like appendages which was now attached to a pink fleshy sack that was now his udders. while the rest of his body morphed & John now grew a vagina which was wet & warm with a huge opening. John's eyes were watering at the pleasure & pain from the extension of his feminine curved spine which now elongated into a tail. Joana the milking breeding cow softly mooooed as she was ready to be milked. This is Joana after being exhausted from all the milking. Well what could possibly go wrong with Joana's milk now I wonder.

P.S.: Actual picture & morph credit thanks goes to TF-Warlock. Faceswapped by me. I repeat I do not own the images or the morphs & if the owner wants it to be removed I might have to remove it.