Sunday, September 12, 2021

The Stand-in Model


Jim (bimbofairy) worked as an assistant developer for a photography company owned by Lucifer's Dolls. But there was a secret behind this company which Jim didn't knew. He had just joined a couple of days ago and met many busty buxom blonde brunette brown-haired girl, but always wondered where they came from. This Sunday even though it was a day off for Jim his boss called him in the morning first thing. "Jim you there, I need an urgent photo-shoot done & I don't have time, no models are available at the time, can I ask you for a favor? I'll pay you double, heck even triple if you wanna." "Well it's my day off technically, but fine I'll do it." Jim sighed thinking that'll be 300$for just one day & possibly what could go wrong? Jim quickly dressed up & left for the studio, upon reaching the studio he saw his boss standing there with a tall dark handsome man. "Jim meet Mr. Lucifer, investor & the biggest client of our modelling agency. Mr. Lucifer here want some lingerie shoots done urgently & we are running out of time as well as models."
"How am I supposed to fill in for a model? I don't even look like the perfect one to fit in a lingerie." Jim replied. "Ohhhh dun worry that will be taken care of." I assured Jim. "Here take this pill & swallow it whole, ohhh & Jim here take these with you too." I handed him a few sets of lingerie along with a pink pill. "What? What should I do with these." he asked in a tone of exclamation. "You'll know once ya have taken the pill." I replied to him calmly.

Jim quickly took the pill & went into the changing room. After what it seemed like a few seconds he felt a funny & odd sensation all over his body. First his dirty blonde hair lengthened to a wavy curly ass length platinum blonde hair which cascaded down from his scalp. Jim's face felt funny as if thousands ants were marching on his face. He looked at the full size mirror on the wall & saw a luscious deep blue eyed face with soft juicy lips & a face tanned face seductive & sultry enough to make any cum at will. His teeth straightened & whitened as his chin and cheeks got feminine soft chiseled. His nose got small & pointy while his eyelashes grew long & his eyebrows got arched. Jim thought to himself "You got to be kidding me? How is this happening what was in that pill anyway?" He then quickly took his shirt off of his body to see his body also matched the same tanned feature as he lost his Adam's apple.

Jim felt his torso was already a tanned tone of caramel, but then he suddenly felt the whole world around him getting all bigger, or was it he actually shrinking. He shrank almost a feet becoming 5'4" from a 6'4" tall skinny young man. His rather skinny body & arms were now getting induced with fat as if he being stuffed with some natural stuffing. His skin felt so smooth and soft.  "This can't be true. I must be hallucinating." Jim said in a very feminine voice as his hands quickly reached his mouth to cover it. The next thing was Jim being pumped up like an air-balloon as his chest swelled to an rather perky F cup with rock hard sensitive nipples. Jim tried to to grab them & push them back in but with no avail. "Shit... Shit get back in." He moaned. Jim could see his long nails & skinny arms getting feminine & all curvy as his shoulder caved in with a feminine arch. Even his spine arched in a feminine manner.

Jim felt distracted as he took off his pants instinctively trying to take a good look at his lower torso. "Thank god it's still there." He said stroking his cock but in a matter of moment within his hand his cock slowly reduced in size & girth. He almost cried in the pain in his groin region, but the pain soon subsided & was pleasuring as he felt sitting on his amazing squishy pillow-like ass. His heart-shaped ass begged to be groped & spanked. His legs felt softer as his thighs felt curvy & much more feminine. Jim was amazed to see how well he was taking to changes now. In fact it felt like as if he always wanted this to happen to himself. he got memories of how he always tried to dress as a girl secretly when no one was home. "Shit.. what are these memories & where are they coming from. I am not a G..irl... I am a Bimbo... a Doll." Jemma giggled at the same time his cock completely melted away along with his scrotum now securely placed inside his body as a pair of working ovaries.

Jemma's mind was still fuzzy, but then she saw those set of lingerie laying on the couch there & quickly fixed her hair as she put the pink lingerie on. Jemma then came out of the changing room outside which was a ready studio with an exotic backdrop & some props. The two familiar guys she remembered working with greeted her. "What took ya so long Jemma? Here this way pose for the camera, this shoot is gunna change our lives as this lingerie hit the market." The photographer (former Jim's boss) quickly took some shots of Jemma posing on the tree prop stood there. "aaaand that's a wrap. That was some amazing shots we got there & ya're a natural when it comes to posing." I told Jemma as she got more enthusiastic. Later I took Jemma on a date & she was quite the ditzy blonde bimbo I didn't thought she would be. Dang must have got overdosed the pill, gotta keep that in mind next time.


I hope ya'll loving ma work so far. Know that I dun own the pictures so if the owner asks me to take it away I might have to take it away. I am so happy to make such a big fanbase watchers & page-view in such a short time please do know that I have too many requests atm & will do them slowly as I have now ma hands & ma head quite full so please don't be impatient, it might take a while to come out yours request, but I assure you it will come eventually. I'm open for RP over discords only, but Imma bit picky over RP partners these days, please don't get offended if I don't like roleplaying with you after a while. I prefer more steady RP partners which now I have quite a few. Also stay tuned for more new series coming up soon, the more ya watch me the more I get enthusiastic so gimme WATCH. Here is a link below attached for my discord channel: which you can also find in my discord bio, my discord ID is Lucifer#7319. please do join ma group on deviantart & discord & shoot me a note here or a dm on discord, also again if I don't respond quickly please be a lil patient, I will surely get back to ya. This group of mine is for all TG TF lovers, artists, fans & roleplayers alike, hope you'll all love the place. Imma doin special requests on patreon now, yar request will get top priority depending upon the choice of yar tier & ya will have it delivered right away, also there will be some stuffs soon that might surprise ya, for every patreon there will be somethin in store that ya'll enjoy for just a lil bit of donation, for details, visit ma Patreon Link here…, Check out ma new blogspot here: & ma Youtube Channel here:…

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