Sunday, September 12, 2021

New Year New Barn part 1


John Shepard (TheDefiantPirate) worked as a farm-hand in a barn. On the morning of New Year he found a Cow-bell laying on the ground of his barn. "Who would make such a lame joke? hahaha."" he said smiling but as soon as he touched it he felt a jolt of electricity went through his body & suddenly he felt a warm sensation inside his body as if it was burning from inside out. John's face contorted as it it got a cow-like snout, a pair of long pointy cow-ears & a pair of horns sprouted from within his head. John's voice changed to a feminine cow-ish as he moaned softly with a mooo. John's chest swelled heavily as two pairs of heavy milk-filled bags sprouted from it while his cock replicated into four more pink fleshy cock-like appendages which was now attached to a pink fleshy sack that was now his udders. while the rest of his body morphed & John now grew a vagina which was wet & warm with a huge opening. John's eyes were watering at the pleasure & pain from the extension of his feminine curved spine which now elongated into a tail. Joana the milking breeding cow softly mooooed as she was ready to be milked. This is Joana after being exhausted from all the milking. Well what could possibly go wrong with Joana's milk now I wonder.

P.S.: Actual picture & morph credit thanks goes to TF-Warlock. Faceswapped by me. I repeat I do not own the images or the morphs & if the owner wants it to be removed I might have to remove it.

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