Sunday, September 12, 2021

New Year New Android Bimbonator TX


Kian (Sargentkian) was testing his new bot out on his first day on this New Year. The bot suddenly turned on against him as the AIwas somehow affected by an unknown virus. Kian was repurposed & molded into a robotic mindless android as his body became all steel & wires. His eyes became optic sensors & his whole body was reformed in this feminine mold. Kian now known as Unit BimbonatorTX-K1RA. His body have a mimicking software installed that can rearrange his body at molecule levels to mold it into anything or any tool that is needed. Soon this bot will be an asset to Lucifer's Dolls Co as I have the codes to alter it's memories & repurpose it's mind to a slavebot of mine. All I need to attach this data cable & transfer this codes into her body & after it's done... Kaboom with a huge explosion her memories were erased to this mindless sexbot I now have. look at Kian now kneeling waiting eagerly for her Master to claim her.

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