Sunday, September 12, 2021

1K Watchers Celebration: With Love from Paris


So today I reached another of ma milestone of 1K watchers. This caption to mark this amazing milestone I dedicate to the person requested it MTBProductions

Marcus (MTBProductions) an old friend & business associate of mine & the owner of M.T.B.Productions house who produced amazing movies with exotic beautiful girls. But no one ever knew from where they brought their girls from. Marcus being a very popular producer with his "Girlfriend In a Box" movie series & a few more popular series he produced. After quite the success one day Marcus came up to me with an unusual proposal. "Hey Lucifer, I have come to know for a while that you have discovered a device that can sculpt & mold any man into a woman of their dreams?" He asked. "Yeah I do, but how did ya came to know about that?" I asked Marcus to which he beamed at me as he said "Do you think that those Girlfriend in a Box were just movie series like those Fast & Furious? No my dear friend, we actually made those girls designed them tbh & I was hoping you could help me with something I want you to." He said. "Well Imma biggest fan of yar work so go ahead ask me for any any favor, if it's in ma power I'll do it." I replied. "Well i want you to turn me into a buxom blonde bimbo to shoot my new project in Paris." he smirked. "What? ya wanna become one of ma dolls?" I said a bit exclaimed. "Yes loverboy. why? wouldn't you wanna have me in your girl squad?" he said teasing. "Why.. dang... I'd love to, in fact it's one of ma biggest ever dream to do that to ya to be honest." I said to him calmly. "Well then do it, what are you waiting for?" Marcus piped up cheerfully. "Come on follow me to the Transformation chamber, I have got an idea, Imma gunna handsculpt ya with ma ClayDollMaker V3.0

And so the transformation pod was prepared for Marcus in my personal quarter. I showed Marcus all the bodies he could have. But he was more than happy to let me choose for his appearance & so I choose a busty buxom white blonde body for Marcus. Marcus was a bit dark, tall, with a rather masculine muscular built. Marcus had medium short dark black hair & a nice toned body to make any girl fall for him, but that was about to change now soon. Marcus was happy with the body I choose for him & he entered the pod happily. "I wantcha to stay as calm as possible & restrict yar movement Marcus." I said from outside the chamber as Marcus fixed himself on the pod's wall. Soon the chamber filled with pink liquid & needles from every direction was injected in various parts of Marcus's body. I on the other hand was monitoring his vitals & his thought patterns as right now Marcus was thinking "Wow that kinda stings." Marcus's nipples were also needled while a long 7" dildo like stuff came down & entered Marcus's mouth pumping him with all the nutrients & minerals to keep his body active. Marcus's follicle tissue changed as his hair lengthened out of his scalp getting longer & blonder just as was on the girl I showed him the picture of.

Marcus's whole face then felt an odd rippling sensation as his facial hair receded back into his body making his face very shiny smooth softer & feminine in nature. His square jaw became rounder heart-shaped as his eyes became bigger with longer lashes & arched brows. His nose thinned & became pointed. "Ooooo that feels so tingly Marcus thought in his mind which was now being show in the monitor." Soon enough Marcus's lips were full & plump to give him a very soft feminine face to look at, the most pleasing thing was that his ears got pierced & his hair was now shoulder length which turned platinum blonde. Marcus's neckline & shoulder got feminized as his shoulder got caved inwards while his Adam's apple got dissipated. The thought pattern showed Marcus was very happy with his new face & he was feeling good too. "Ooooo those lips feels heavier than I thought." He said to himself. His physique started to change as Marcus lost his height rapidly now standing only 5'5" instead of his former 6'4" tall stature. He lost a lot of manly muscular bulk of his body as well becoming very slender soft and curvy. Next his chest started swelling along with his arms getting petite & girly. Marcus now had long nails which looked like fake extended nails as his chest grew until they reached J cups which too looked fake silicone boobies with puffy areola & rock-hard nipples. The thought detector showed Marcus was extremely happy about his huge boobies. "oooo those pillows feels great. I wonder what else Lucifer got in his dirty mind for me." he thought to himself.

Slwoly the changes spread across his waist & hip region making his waist thin as a corsetted waist & his hip engorged becoming thick curvy round heart-shaped pillows. "Wow that's some ass ya got there Marcus. hahaha." I laughed as Marcus beamed in his trance showing happy thoughts only about his changes which made me even more happy. I could see the thoughts going inside Marcus's mind as he was hoping to have a wet pussy soon. "mmmm can't wait to have a wet juicy pussy instead of that staff there now." She said to himself as his legs & thighs rounded out complimenting his new proportions. All Marcus had now left was his manhood which slowly slurrped into his body leaving him... now her with a void of emptiness to be fulfilled. "So this is how it feels to be a girl. I have turned so many guys into girls but I feel so good to be one now." She said to herself. As soon as Marcus's pussy took it's place her former scrotum were now rearranged to become a pair of working ovaries inside her pelvic region. With that Marcus's transformation was complete. "Marissa ya can now step outta that chamber." I told her & Marissa stepped out of that pod taking small baby steps as her center of gravity just shifted. "How do ya feel Marissa?" I asked the new naked blonde girl in front of me. "It feels amazing rejuvenating actually. Thanks Lucifer. You are a lifesaver. "Ya're welcome babe. Imma glad ma powers & I could be of yar help. Now I'll take ya to Paris & introduce ya to yar crew.

Next week we were off to Paris & Marissa was having a great time. She posed around the Eiffel Tower where I took this picture of hers. A new chapter of her life was on it's way & Marissa couldn't be any less happier. We had great time shooting Marissa's next series which was called the pretty princess castle which was already a super-hit series. I loved working with Marissa felt one of ma dreams came true as we had great evenings & even more super sex-crazed nights. She was a total tigress in sack & a hungry one. I love the new improved version of Marcus... Or Marissa now, a total nympho & a complete slut for hung muscular men. Marissa & I had great time together at Paris & I have some really amazing plans to carry out now that I felt really good about ma work.

P.S.: New series coming soon. This will be a comment to get entry event during the mid-week of February.


I hope ya'll loving ma work so far. Know that I dun own the pictures so if the owner asks me to take it away I might have to take it away. I am so happy to make such a big fanbase watchers & page-view in such a short time please do know that I have too many requests atm & will do them slowly as I have now ma hands & ma head quite full so please don't be impatient, it might take a while to come out yours request, but I assure you it will come eventually. I'm open for RP over discords only, but Imma bit picky over RP partners these days, please don't get offended if I don't like roleplaying with you after a while. I prefer more steady RP partners which now I have quite a few. Also stay tuned for more new series coming up soon, the more ya watch me the more I get enthusiastic so gimme WATCH. Here is a link below attached for my discord channel: which you can also find in my discord bio, my discord ID is Lucifer#7319. please do join ma group on deviantart & discord & shoot me a note here or a dm on discord, also again if I don't respond quickly please be a lil patient, I will surely get back to ya. This group of mine is for all TG TF lovers, artists, fans & roleplayers alike, hope you'll all love the place. Imma doin special requests on patreon now, yar request will get top priority depending upon the choice of yar tier & ya will have it delivered right away, also there will be some stuffs soon that might surprise ya, for every patreon there will be somethin in store that ya'll enjoy for just a lil bit of donation, for details, visit ma Patreon Link here…, Check out ma new blogspot here: & ma Youtube Channel here:…

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