Monday, March 16, 2020

A lovely tale of a lesbian couple part 2 trade

Hey all this one is a caption art trade with ADude4Now the second part of the trade will is done by him, so check his works out.

There was this guy named Carl, sitting in the bar with great despair loneliness. Drowned in his own sorrows & thoughts as he was. lucky for him me, Lucifer & ma friend Dan we were sitting just right by the corner & watching over Carl while he was watching over there another guy named Shane. We both decided to cheer these guys up, but what should we do for some fun? "ohhh well Dan that guy over there named Shane is all yars, I'll take care of Carl there." He agreed & nodded as we both got to work without anyone noticing anything. Carl suddenly felt a jolt of electricity flowing through his body as his body gave a sudden firm jerk & a tingle went as his head felt a sharp tingling sensation which grew till it's sharpened almost kneading his scalp.

In just a few seconds Carl now had long straight wavy blonde wisps of hair flowing outta his scalp now. His face became somewhat smaller feminine softer with feminine traits. His cheekbones rose, nose cracked and shrank down while his lips did the opposite and plumped up to a succulent soft juicy pair of plump cocksuckers. His eyebrows were now arched & thin as his eyelashes grew out & thickened with heavy mascara on them. His hair was already blonde long & wavy at this point as with a silky soft voluminous feminine aura. Carl gasped at the ecstasy & the very heat surrounded him as he moaned a very feminine seductive soprano-like moan escaped his lips which prompted that his Adam's apple was no more while at the same time his neck thinned out.

Carl's shoulder's crunched inwards in a very feminine manner as did his neckline was now prominently visible. Carl's spine arched in a feminine way too while his frame started to shrink until he stood 5'4" tall. His clothing was also changing as they were not the same they used to be. It changed & morphed & molded into something much more suitable like a black sweat pants & a black lacy bra. Carl's chest were pushing itself out of the black lacy bra filling it perfectly as his chest grew out to huge soft round pair of mounds with puffy nipples. Carl's arms got slender reducing the manly of his bicpes & triceps region while his palms rounded out to become soft dainty feminine with polished painted long nails. The small amount of body & facial hair that remained almost instantly was washed away at this point as Carl spoke in a sultry feminine voice in his head. "What is this happening to me?"

Carl's lower torso specifically his waist thinned out as it got toned feminine & in a good shape though. All the fat seems to be moved & redistributed to a certain place of Carl's body making his butt grow & swell until it reached to a very plump proportion which wiggled & jiggled each time he moved. His thighs & calves got completely feminized with soft feminine fats as his feet became slender, which are often referred to as perfect killer pair of legs. his last sign of manhood was now at distress as it felt a suck from the inside while being crunched by his thighs. It slurrped inside of his body making a wet opening replacing his penis & scrotum with a vulva, clitoris & pair of ovaries. Carla's mind was racing now with all the hormones flooding in. Finally it all came to a stop & Carla felt her new pussy tingling. She already noticed a girl over there sitting as if just for her. she was wearing a white dress. Carla knew what she wanted & all the sorrow washed aside from his new mind. Shirley & Carla two lesbian lovers were now enjoying their Saturday Night together.

"Hey dude another perfect victim eh?" I asked Dan. "yeah ya did a good job too great Satan, hahahaha." Dan chuckled. "ohhh ya bet ma works have been more refined since last time." "Yeah now let's have some drinks & get ourselves a few titties what say ya?" "I'd drink to that, toast." We had some tequilla shots & a few pint of Boiler Maker. Well ya can't miss these when ya're on a prowl now can ya?

Thanks for this amazing two part trade idea ADude4Now was great workin with ya. Hope to do more soon.


I hope ya'll loving ma work so far. I am so happy to make such a big fanbase watchers & page-view in such a short time (only a month) please do know that I have too many requests atm & will do them slowly as I have now ma hands & ma head quite full so please don't be impatient, it might take a while to come out yours request, but I assure you it will come eventually. I'm open for RP over discords only, but Imma bit picky over RP partners these days, please don't get offended if I don't like roleplaying with you after a while. I prefer more steady RP partners which now I have quite a few, Thank you all. Also stay tuned for more new series coming up soon, while enjoy these short pregnancy TG captions series which will go on parallel with my other stories & series. Here is a link below attached for my discord channel: which you can also find in my discord bio, my discord ID is Lucifer#7319. please do join ma group on deviantart & discord & shoot me a note here or a dm on discord, also again if I don't respond quickly please be a lil patient, I will surely get back to ya. This group of mine is for all TG TF lovers, artists, fans & roleplayers alike, hope you'll all love the place. Imma doin special requests on patreon now, yar request will get top priority depending upon the choice of yar tier & ya will have it delivered right away, also there will be some stuffs soon that might surprise ya, for every patreon there will be somethin in store that ya'll enjoy for just a lil bit of donation, for details, visit ma Patreon Link here…, Check out ma new blogspot here: & ma Youtube Channel here:…

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