Monday, March 30, 2020

Twelve Days of Christmas Day 4

Dan (dollboyy) got a present on the 16th 00:00 hours from a mysterious anonymous gift-giver. There was a letter under the Christmas tree which had written on it: Dan you have been a bad boy, so I got you this present so you can be like ME TOO. Much love Bree XOXO. The letter then melted away in his hand & the gift box opened itself. Inside it was a Santa Hat which itself jumped onto Dan's head immobilizing him as Dan's body started to change. Soon Dan had long platinum blonde hair & huge red duck-lips that'd make any man cum just with one touch. Fan's face contorted & molded into softer feminine feature. The most noticeable thing that happened to Dan was his chest. It won't stop growing until it reached the size of beach balls which gave him the look of most slutty, ditzy lil bimbo with long heavy lashes & painted red long nail extensions. Dan's waist became zero as hip hips ballooned to a pair of heart-shaped cushions. Dan couldn't move a muscle while all this happened but to watch himself change in the mirror on the opposite wall until his mind was hit hard. Dan's mind was completely blank now replacing thoughts of being pretty, going to shopping for dresses & just be carefree, cheerful Bimbo, a total slut as his cock was slurrrped inside his feminine thighs. He... Now she still loved presents in a way & loved the most to unwrap them early for Christmas. Right now Dana is waiting to unwrap something big chocolaty thick & meaty, look at the hungry expression in her new eyes. I wonder what's going on in her mindless mind right now? Can ya tell from the look?

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