Monday, March 30, 2020

Twelve Days of Christmas Day 7

It was 18th 00:00 hours & Kevin (tankev63) just wanted to go to bed. Kevin is the CEO of a huge prestigious corporate house who had done some dirty tricks to reach his goals & now achieve the post CEO, so naturally he came to Santa's naughty list. Kevin closed his laptop at the end of a tiring day & just tried to get under his warm blanket but was interrupted by an incoming E-mail from an unknown person. He was expecting an E-mail from his employee but oddly it wasn't from him. It was from an unknown source & heck there was no domain of the mail either. "WTH is that supposed to mean? Is this some kind of joke? Or maybe a spamware." he thought to himself. But couldn't contain his curiosity to open it. He opened the Mail only to find some instructions written on it: Quickly get down to the Hall-room nearby the Christmas tree. Kevin dashed to the Hall-room only to find boxes of gifts wrapped in silver & golden wraps laying there. Kevin rummaged through all those boxes but found nothing inside them.

"What? Empty boxes? Why would someone play such a lame joke?" Suddenly he noticed not all boxes were empty. One had something inside it. he tore it open as he found a white glittery thigh-high white sexy gown. For some reason it was calling to him & he quickly put it on feeling the warm sensation of the fabric ignoring the cold out there. Aaaand so it happened his body molded as if it was a lump of clay. His tight curves hugged the dress in right places as he laced around the waist his waist reduced to zero. Soon his brown hair was ass length & a color of raven black. His face completely changed now to resemble a hot bimbo trophy wife. His member already left his side leaving him with an emptiness between his... I mean her now. His frame even shrank a lot as his limbs readjusted to become feminine dainty curvy arms & legs leaving his toned body to a much more seductive lusty form. Kevin... Now Kristy had long painted & polished nails wore make-up & had glossy lips that glistened under the Christmas tree. There she is standing awestruck at what just happened till her mind completely lost it & she remembered herself as the Trophy wife of a very wealthy man & not the CEO. Kristy the trophy housewife was now here to serve her lover, her husband & her new Master. But who is this Master? She didn't know it just yet.

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