Monday, March 30, 2020

Twelve Days of Christmas 12

Barry (newestbarbie) the truck-driver always dreamed of having a huge mansion & being a celebrity, maybe this year Santa might heed his prayers & gift him something that can help him fulfill his dreams. 23rd 00:00 & Barry was already running late he needed to pull up soon as he can't drive anymore. He found a burger joint grabbed some bleeder burger & parked around the lot as he rented a room in the nearby cheap motel. "It wasn't the best but it'll do." he thought. as he was sleeping on the bed in his dreams he saw some weird stuff. as if a man using flesh magic on him to mold him like a lump of clay. His hair hair became long & blonde as his face became soft, feminine. His frame shrank from 6'2" to 5'2" his pot-belly melted away into nothing but tiny waist. Barry's feet became cute feminine feet accompanied by killer pair of legs while his cock shrunk & faded away into nothingness a warm wet emptiness took place in his... Well her groin region now. "Barbie, wake up Barbie." a voice called to her as she woke up. Barry the truck driver was nowhere to be found. Barbie now posed nearby a Christmas tree in a cozy apartment posed for a late night portrait as she was heading to a late-night party. "Dun worry Barbie, ya're safe here now." I assured her as we have all what it needs.

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