Saturday, February 1, 2020

In search of the Last Angel

Sebastian (Sebassietiaan) was a cop, a really good one at his job & for some time we have monitoring & tracking him. "I think he would be our best shot at it." I say seeing the potential Angel's files which I recently recovered from Kira (Sargentkian) the spy, who is now one of the Angels & is a sworn protector to our cause working for us wholeheartedly. "I think he would make the perfect candidate & a great asset for the team Master." Lindsey (theodd12) agreed to me while Kira nodded. Ok girls Imma leaving this to ya guys. Ya have the details, ya know yar target, go & extract him & give him what he deserves. Sebastian being a good cop always lived by strict code of justice & honor, but in the inside he wanted more, due to the reason of his honesty he has been declined promotions many times & now very broken as he had a wife & kids to look after. Ma two gorgeous angel went onto this recruitment assignment & located Seb as he was approaching a couple of burglars in a patrol car. The two angels took those burglars with ease as they both were skilled at stealth, espionage & martial arts. After that the two girls approached Seb & offered him a new life as an angel, Lucifer's Angels. Seb reluctantly asked "What about my wife & Kids?" "We will take care of your family for you Seb. They will receive full benefit along with some other facilities too & you can visit them anytime you want." Kira answered. He smiled & wore the bodysuit & the cop outfit I sent along with it. "Welcome to the team Samantha or should we call you Sammy?" said the two other girls in unison, giggling. The three angels stood at the command center later that day in front of me. "Reporting for Duty Sir." the three Angels said in unison. "Welcome ma Angels. From today ya'll be known as Lucifer's Angels. Ya'll have tools, equipment & gears needed for any mission ya're assigned to. Dismissed Dolls... I mean Angels."

The three partied all night as they lived their life & enjoyed it to their fullest. These three girls now known as the Lucifer's Angels will kick any ass if they needs to. Dun take these girls lightly. I love ma girls. I hope they will return from the parties in one piece with their virginity intact, cause they will soon be out there adventuring. I hope ya like the story guys. The characters of Lucifer's Angels are listed here: Kira (formerly Kian Sargentkian ) Lindy/ Lindsey (formerly Liam theodd12) & Sam/ Samantha (formerly Sebastian Sebassietiaan) I hope ya'll enjoyed these stories of the series. I'll create some more of their adventures if they decide to continue it so. I'll even create some story driven caption narratives using their faces if they agree & swap their faces in those pictures with their faces. Love ya'll

Lucifer's Angels: Reformed

Liam (theodd12) a fitness freak & enthusiast who loved & lived almost all his time at the gym. He dedicated his life to become & stay fit. Liam always wanted to work for a secret organization where his agility & his fitness would be put to a test but couldn't find any work except some promotional media & modelling gigs. Then one day the opportunity just showed up at his doorstep, or so it seems. Liam got a package with a letter bearing a mark of Lucifer. His old mentor & Martial arts Master. He couldn't say NO to his call & quickly tore the wrap open. in there was a letter from his Master & a beautiful one piece lingerie along with something that looked like a skin. "What on earth has Master sent me?" He thought to himself. he opened the letter hoping it'd explain everything. "Liam, it is time for ya to take up the mantle of Lindsey now. I yar Master is in need of yar services & I summon ya. See me tomorrow at the art muesuem where we will discuss matters, wear the bodysuit & the lingerie... ohhh & bring a white robe please?" Liam met me as he was instructed. "Hello Master." he said. "hello Liam... I mean Lindsey it is from now on. Lindsey we are recruiting the most formidable forces of world & I need yar skills of Martial arts, with yar skills ya can perform amazing even with this body. can't ya." "It won't be a problem Master." Lindsey replies. "Good Ya will be ma second angel, Lindsey Oddus & now we need to find the final potential member worthy of becoming Lucifer's Angels. Ya're now free to go & live yar new life as Lindsey & know that there is no goin back ya'll have fun adventuring woulndt'cha?" I said. "Of course Master with ya in this how could we fail. I'll do my best." She answered.

Another amazing person joins the fight with me. meet ma amazing friend theodd12 an amazing TG artist. please do appreciate her work on the way. I hope ya'll are enjoyin the series, feel free to comment on the comment section open for ya'lll yeah that'd make me more happy & when Imma happy I can create more stuff spontaneously. Please gimme a watch if ya dun like ma work, cause those who like ma work are watchin me. Hahahaha. Love ya'll Kisses.

The Spy who SHAGGED me...

Meet Kian (Sargentkian) a spy who was tasked to get a dirt on the Lucifer's Dolls Co. Kian was recently captured by the security forces of mine & ma four horsewomen were more than excited to add her to their amazing club. Hahaha lucky for Kian or else I normally turn spies into totally dumb nympho bimbo dolls, since they posses great threat. But the four horsewomen wanted Kian in their club & who was I to say NO, but I made sure to implant a chip to monitor & control his brain activity so Kian can't even think of deceiving me. After that I gave them to the four horsewomen & look what they did to her? Ma god. Imma really happy that Kian was still a spy but now working for her opponent. Hahaha. Well suits him best dontcha think? Kian.... eerrmmmm now Kira is the new girl to the squad & I have plans for her & a few other people who will soon join Kira here. this time Imma naming them The Lucifer's Angels & ya're gunna soon find out what's gunna happen.

Ok another new series on the bodysuit & faceswap series starting with ma biggest fan Kian (@Sargentkian) here please give a big round of applause for him... I mean her now. Kian is the biggest & most adorable fan I could ask for. I love ya babe. always do & always will. Kian loved the bodysuit idea & she also have some great ideas in her naughty lil mind right now too, which Imma willin to explore. Thanks babe, ya're the biggest achievement I could have here. A fan with the biggest kindest heart, thanks for inspirin me. I choose ya as the first of the angels for the new Lucifer's Angels.

The general faceswap idea: a brief discussion

A general faceswap idea came to me with the bodysuit when I saw a few pictures from Solace (Sofiamiller) here. These were amazing & I loved this pictures & the idea hit me of making the bodysuit four horsewomen series. The four horsewomen are Solace (now Sofia Sofiamiller), Hal (now Hailey ChaosHollow), Brian (well now she is Bianca ImperionPatriot) & Jacob (now Jessy jessyssej) they made some amazing works themselves ya can always check those out. But I wanted to piece a story together with them, short but effective step by step revealing the plot & here we are here we have the bodysuit TG series. If any of ya're interested in joining this swapped faces kingdom just lemme know in here in comment & I'll send ya a picture which ya can then use yar swap on. for security reasons I won't take any of yar faces maself for the swaps, ya'll make them yarself & send to me, cause I dun wanna any details that includes or violates yar privacy or might be a breach of privacy. Imma gunna make some more & ya guys can help me by commenting here what or who ya wanna become & I'll definitely send a bodysuit of hers to ya. Hahaha right now Sofia is wearing Holy Deacon's bodysuit, ain't that tanned bronze skin is lovely? look at those eyes & that hair. mmmmmm I love it & her expression, hahaha it's hilarious, seems like she enjoyed too many tequila shots last night.

So keep'em comin & love ya'll, peace. Continued.

The secretive Professor: The Final Horsewomen

Mr. Jacob (jessyssej) used to be a living genius & a professor of a renowned university, sometimes people said there is no bigger brain than his. Though in reality he wasn't happy with his married life & two kids. He had a secret fetish of bodysuits & faceswaps so when a package arrived to him with a letter from someone called Lucifer. He quickly unwrapped the package & there it was a bodysuit & a black robe for him. He felt the bodysuit in his arms. it felt so realistic like a second skin. He quickly took it on & zipped it up since his wife & children were outta the town visiting her mom & Jacob would be alone for the rest of the week. Jacob was amazed to see how realistic it looked on his... or her body now. well ya can see the skin it's flawless & the hair was complimentary came with a few more color options, but Jacob did like this color, so he didn't complained. Jacob... now Jessy got a letter which she now read. "Meet us at the bar tonight." She quickly got dressed after experimenting a bit with the skin & got off of for the meeting. "Hello Jessy." he heard a woman calling her out from the VIP area. "Welcome Jessy we were just waitin on ya." I said as I introduced the four women to each other. Well ya are now the four horsewomen of Lucifer & this is yar new lives, yar old lives are gone. Ya are now four passionate seductive women who love to party have fun & enjoy yar lives to the fullest. "Remember I, Lucifer is yar close confidante & will always help ya with anythin ya need. In turn ya girls will work with me occasionally as we create adventures filled with lust, love & of course some real fun.

Woah that got a bit bigger but I loved the end result. I hope ya'll enjoy these four girls. I have one request to all of ma watchers to to watch their work as they are amazing in faceswap stuff & the picture courtsey credit goes to those individuals. I thank those who participated & really wanna say I love ya guys, thank ya for yar support. also if someone could create me a faceswap for these four girls with a picture of mine I have I'll gladly share it with them so they can help me create a afun faceswap with these four horsemen... ooooppsss I mean Horsewomen. other girls ya can find are in a another thank ya post comin right up.

A tale of a Patriot: bodysuit explained

Brian (ImperionPatriot) worked for the nation's naval services became a war prisoner when he & his battalion got attacked. He was imprisoned & tortured. One day a woman named Sofia came to interrogate him, who quickly handed him a bodysuit & asked him to wear it if he is to get outta here alive. Brian had no idea of what was goin on neither had any explanation, but this is all he had at the moment to get outta this hellhole alive, he thought to himself. Brian quickly took on the bodysuit & man can ya recognize him now? When we say realistic bodysuits we mean it. Even though it was Brian's face there but no warden nor any prisoner could tell it was actually Brian really. Brian took the identity of Bianca & with the help of Sofia he... or should I say she got off of the rocks. Sofia then brought Brian to the man she was working for, Lucifer. "Hello Brian? or should I call ya Bianca now? well as ya can see ya now have this new identity this new body with full of opportunity, the bodysuit is a very malleable one it can be changed like a second skin. I give ya an opportunity to start yar life as new. here is to an alliance, here is to us." I stop there as the other girls come & circle around me. Welcome girls, ya'll be known from now on as the four horsewomen. Three down just one to go now to complete the horsewomen. The last of the four horsewomen will soon be revealed.

Ok so these guys... ummm actually girls now are amazing, I love their faceswap works & fell in love with it so I decided to give'em ma tribute Imma happy to present ya the four horsewomen, a force of formidable & very seductive (well at least now they are) women who now works for the shady organisation called Lucifer's Dolls, there are more comin I hope ya guys are enjoyin this short series & where the story goes, the more will be revealed as the story progress. Thank ya ohhh & dun make me beg for comments & watch again please. Please if ya like ma work, encourage me with yar kind or unkind words & help me spread love to this hateful world. muwhahahaha.

Hollow in black

Hal Carter (ChaosHollow) a renowned private investigator who bought a bodysuit to stalk on behalf of his client who was trynna dig some dirt on his wife, the investigator bought this bodysuit with huge funbags & some amazing curves, after he zipped it up all tight & ready to dig up some dirt on his client. But lil did he knew that the client's wife had plans for him & she replaced the body suit Hal ordered with one of those secretive Lucifer's Dolls manufactured ones. After an hour when Hal trynna take off this damn bodysuit he couldn't find that zip anywhere. At first he felt scared but soon the fear started to take off as he now had a whole new world full of opportunities to explore. yup, he can now go clubbing partying & have free drinks on ladies night, Hal even signed up for Lucifer's Dolls upcoming massive party too. ain't ya Hailey? (ChaosHollow) Well stay tuned to see what happens next to these beautiful Ladies... uhhh guys... well whateva they look pretty real girls to me at least. Next day Hailey received a letter from Me (MasterLuciferSatan) "Welcome to the dollhouse babe. Lucifer guarantees ya'll have the most fun of yar lifetime enjoy yar new life."

Ok, imma bit disappointed really Imma makin stuff captions for ya'll & no one even doin any comments, I mean what's goin on guys? there is a comment section below. From now on for every 10 different person's comments I'll make a unique TG caption. Come on guys show me what naughty dirty thoughts ya guys can come up with. Love ya'll Please check ma Bio & Link if ya like ma work & dun forget to gimme a watch cause ya wouldn't know when it's yar turn.

The Rebirth of a Phoenix Updated

Carlos Phoenix is a Drug Mafia, he got huge influence & control over the Drug Cartel of Bolivia & Peru. One evening Carlos & his men came to negotiate a deal with me for an aphrodisiac drug that I needed for our mass production of the new TG Serum’s compound. I knew Carlos was a man of honor and thought he would never cheat on his acquaintances, but as it seems I was wrong & more so Carlos was trying to get me killed & take over my business which would then work as his front business. But as ya guys know Lucifer can’t be deceived because Lucifer is the deceiver. I wasn’t really prepare for the situation anyway but regardless I knew what I had to do. I quickly pulled the emergency hatch which then shot darts on Carlos & his men. What happened to Carlos’s men is a story for another day. I took Carlos as ma prized possession & put him into the new advanced ClayDollMaker Unit which we have codenamed as Project Rebirth.

Carlos was fit into the small tube-like chamber as the pink fluids engulfed him. Ya know I do like using magic in these kinda situations but that'd make me a target cause a great wizard once told that Magic always leaves trail & I dun wanna leave too much of ma trail to anyone. So here was Carlos strapped & wrapped in the Project Rebirth as he was unconscious. I watched through transparent bulletproof glass as Carlo's hair grew out long & ass length, his hair color remained the same as it was, black. Carlo's face morphed tugged & pulled as it slowly became that of a seductive object of lust. His pursed thin lips grew to be fuller plumper & softer as his cheeks were now burning red & filled up nicely to make it look round in shape. His chin became small & pointy while his goatee was completely gone making his face overall heart-shaped & feminine. Carlos had dark brown eyes with a Latin American lineage which remained almost the same under the pink fluid as he breathed inside it. His eyes grew bigger & lusty as it changed color from dark blue to dark brown giving him a Latina doll-like face while his eyebrows became thin & arched and his eyelashes grew heavy & long. Carlos's nose slimmed & thinned down becoming cute small button-like as he breathed inside of that pink fluid. Carlos's larynx morphed as his Adam's apple was not visible anymore.

After a few minutes inside that pod Carlos seem to be visibly shrinking in frame inside the pod as the pod was clearly now had a lot more room which I enjoyed seeing. Carlos's tall muscular 6'2" built was rather small & frail now as he stood only 5'4" with a skinny built. Carlos had a weird feeling, cause I wanted to erase his entire memory, but I felt I should make him pay & suffer so I made him remember everything but at the same time I made sure he would love his new life & as if he was reborn as a new person. Carlos couldn't move a limb even if he wanted to just as I wanted. At this point Carlos's body was enough feminine & very few manly traces were left since his chest started swelling & growing. ADD cup massive boobies sat on top of Carlos's chest that looked soft firm & really perky. In fact Carlos's limbs 8 waist were now feminine too, his fingers now had 4" long painted polished manicured fingernails while his body was washed to a perfect tanned bronze sheen to go perfectly with his new Latino face, of course without any trace of facial or body hair nowhere.

A rubber dildo was inserted inside Carlos's open mouth to help him breathe under the water so far & he couldn't help but to choke on it forcefully, as if he had no other choice. It was now almost 20minutes we have been monitoring Carlos's changes & finally his changes came to his hip region legs & genitals. His waist was already this as pencil which seemed like a perfect corseted waist. Carlos's square hips filled in perfectly becoming bubbly jiggly round fat ass Latina booty giving him a nice childbearing hips while his thighs became thicker softer feminine & rounder with fat induced calves. Carlos's toenails were now pedicured & painted in the same coloi as his fingernails. His thighs locked in a feminine manner crushing his cock & balls which were small & almost nowhere to be found. What happened next was nothing less than a magic. Carlos's tiny cock slowly melted away inside the folds of his new vagina... Well her new vagina to be specific. Carlos's mind & memory was kept intact to extract the knowledge of her drug business secrets while her body was now under complete control of mine.

After a few more minutes the Carlos... Well, now Carla was released from inside of the pod & she was not happy about it as she was fully awakened & reborn now from the ashes. She tried to fight her way from the lab but poor lil girl failed to run on her new toes with those massive jiggly bombs on her chest. Carla was led to me in chains. "ohhhh release her take it easy on her people." I told the guards laughing on her furious face. "Ahhhh Carla ma slave that was a poor move to hack into ma servers, I thought ya of all people would know that pretty well. But now ya'll serve me as ma lil pet.- Carla tried to say something... Well I think she wanted to protest but she couldn't say anything but "Yes my Master. I will do as you wish me to." in a very feminine sultry seductive voice & Latina accent..Good girl, now Carla gimme a nice pose?" She quickly went on posing with her hips flared out as she complied & the way now ya see on the picture. She stared into my eyes as I made a neural connection with her brain to transmit long range commands which means now I can make her horny just by thinking of it. This is how Carla looks now, ain't she a total dolly of a slave? I love the look on her face I know inside she is really mad at me but she can't make her face smiling as I have invaded her mind. Look at how she is posing for me now.

Know what the Project Rebirth is right naway by subscribing ma patreon here:…


Hey there all ma dolls.  I hope ya'll loving ma work so far. I am so  happy to make such a big fanbase, watchers & page-view in such a  short time (only 6months) please do know that I have too many requests  at the moment & will do them slowly as I have now ma hands & ma head quite  full so please don't be impatient, it might take a while to come out  yours request, but I assure you it will come eventually. I'm open for RP  over discords only, but Imma bit picky over RP partners these days,  please don't get offended if I don't like roleplayin with you after a  while. I prefer more steady RP partners which now I have quite a few,  Thank ya all. Also stay tuned for more new series coming up soon, while enjoying ma other stories & series in ma deviantart gallery here:… & in
ma deviantart group here:…
. Here is a link attached for ma discord channel:  which ya can also find in my bio here, my discord ID is Lucifer#7319. Please do feel free to join ma group on deviantart & discord as ya shoot me a note here or a dm on discord. Also again if I don't respond  quickly please be a lil patient, I will surely get back to ya. This  group of mine is for all TG TF lovers, artists, fans & roleplayers  alike, hope you'll all love the place. Imma doin special requests on  patreon now, yar request will get top priority depending upon the choice  of yar tier & ya will have it delivered right away, also there will  be some stuffs soon that might surprise ya, for every patreon there  will be somethin in store that ya'll enjoy for just a lil bit of  donation, for details, visit ma Patreon Link here…
Lucifer's Dolls is now goin global with the new Youtube Channel here:… if ya wanna encourage me to create more stuff like this more stay connected with me all the time & updated about ma works coming out on ma channel please subscribe ma Youtube Channel & hit the bell icon, Share ma Youtube videos to help me reach viewers who love TG stuff & let's expand our family. I love ya'll.

Dun forget yar Truffle on ThanksGiving TG

Gary (goldenswat05) was enjoying Thanksgiving Day nearby a pool watching hot girl & eating till he was full. He ate so many turkey that his stomach would burst open anytime. He kept burping as he looked here & there for dessert. suddenly he saw the irresistibly amazing looking Truffles which he wanted to munch on & he quickly grabbed as many as he could & started gulping each one by one sitting nearby the pool. As he kept gulping those his gut was feeling odd & suddenly he felt funny. It was as if all his body was on fire & he was like a pool of Jelly. He felt his body shifting morphing molding into something different, something alien. "What is happening to me?" Gary screamed as his pitch of voice started raising.

Soon Gary's hair was chest length & his face was shifting & morphing, he quickly ran nearby the pool to see his reflection & what he say from the sunglasses he wore made him jump outta his skin. (Well if that's even his skin at all.) soon enough Gary had a face all dolled up with long lashes & painted heavy with mascara, thin arched brows, deep ocean blue eyes & long wavy wisps of blonde hair while his facial hair fell off & his face morphed to that of a round total doll-like feature. His lips plumped up becoming huge round cock-pillows as his nose got smaller & pointy. His cheeks puffed up to a playful feminine proportion. Gary's neck got longer & became feminine. Gary's Adam's apple slowly dissipated as his his broad shoulder became frail & small.

Next Gary's arms became slender as soft & feminine loosing all bulk of muscle as his nails elongated & got manicured, painted and polished like well maintained nails, rather than his half chewed nails. Next his arms lost all the bulk & his chest got thinner & rounder. His nipples got puffier & swelled as his chest started ballooning till it reached a firm soft DD cup. Gary's clothes were already taking a pink hue & started changing in shape. His midriff started to tone down as his pot belly became toned abs with a bit feminine curves while his hips flared outwards becoming jingle bells of Santa. That made only a few part of his body remained untouched & soon his legs followed too becoming soft hairless dainty legs just as his arms gotten slender & hairless.

The last thing that made Gary a guy already felt a tug & pull from the inside as his thighs were squeezing them so hard & soo after that his cock & balls slurrped into his body becoming wet hot vagina. His... Now Her new tool was already effective & started it's work as the hormones started spreading into her body which started clouding her mind. with the last truffle left in his hand Gloria's mind now was all girly & couldn't think of other than checkin out hot hung guys by the pool. While eyeing guys she suddenly noticed a tall handsome dark skinned man standing behind her in the pool. She couldn't control her urges & quickly jumped after she finished the last truffle she had in her hand. Look at her the last truffle she is going to devour before she loose her mind completely & be a Totally ThanksGiving Nympho. Isn't Gloria the best Thanksgiving gift ya could ask for whaddya say guys?

Thanks to all ma watchers & admirers, i know ma work isn't the best here, but I have met some amazing people here as well as some complete jerks, full of Ego. I maself a very nice person & always try to be nice to others as I love this community, this TG community knows no hatred. People love each other's arts, works people love to share their bonds contacts friends & spread the love but even in here I have met a couple of very rude & Egoistic people who for some reason can't stand me. I have no clue why. Maybe it's because Imma guy? Maybe it's because Imma dark-skinned & they are fair-skinned (which is an issue for some people.) maybe it's because of ma speech pattern or weird grammar. I dunno, but never have I have hurt a single soul with ma words or ma actions but some people dun just trust genuine people while on the other hand some people just love me for who I am, for those who love me & admire me I thank them, I love them & those who hate me I pray that the almighty open yar eyes & remove the curtain of blind hatred & Ego from yar eyes as Imma man who love each person on this earth as much as I love maself. Thank ya'll


Hey there all ma dolls.  I hope ya'll loving ma work so far. I am so  happy to make such a big fanbase, watchers & page-view in such a  short time (only 6months) please do know that I have too many requests  at the moment & will do them slowly as I have now ma hands & ma head quite  full so please don't be impatient, it might take a while to come out  yours request, but I assure you it will come eventually. I'm open for RP  over discords only, but Imma bit picky over RP partners these days,  please don't get offended if I don't like roleplayin with you after a  while. I prefer more steady RP partners which now I have quite a few,  Thank ya all. Also stay tuned for more new series coming up soon, while enjoying ma other stories & series in ma deviantart gallery here:… & in
ma deviantart group here:…
. Here is a link attached for ma discord channel:  which ya can also find in my bio here, my discord ID is Lucifer#7319. Please do feel free to join ma group on deviantart & discord as ya shoot me a note here or a dm on discord. Also again if I don't respond  quickly please be a lil patient, I will surely get back to ya. This  group of mine is for all TG TF lovers, artists, fans & roleplayers  alike, hope you'll all love the place. Imma doin special requests on  patreon now, yar request will get top priority depending upon the choice  of yar tier & ya will have it delivered right away, also there will  be some stuffs soon that might surprise ya, for every patreon there  will be somethin in store that ya'll enjoy for just a lil bit of  donation, for details, visit ma Patreon Link here…
Lucifer's Dolls is now goin global with the new Youtube Channel here:… if ya wanna encourage me to create more stuff like this more stay connected with me all the time & updated about ma works coming out on ma channel please subscribe ma Youtube Channel & hit the bell icon, Share ma Youtube videos to help me reach viewers who love TG stuff & let's expand our family. I love ya'll.

Roomies becomes sexy Latex Lesbian Lovers Updated

These are Noah (PinaVoila) & his roommate Stan. The two boys were friends since grade school, Noah being the nerdy brain & Stan being the Lady’s Man & the friendly jock. It was because of Stan Noah never got picked in High School. Maybe because of that or some else reason they had a very strong bond that made them friend for so long. In fact Stan was trying to hook his friend up with a girl he liked from his school days but for some reason Noah always broke down even with his wingman at his side. It was Thanksgiving evening and Noah & Stan went to visit the Mall nearby for some groceries. Noah had all the lists for their primary resources & they both split up & shopped for some time. Suddenly Stan noticed a small vendor selling perfumes. Stan never seen this brand of perfume as it had written Lucifer’s Dolls on it. Stan took one with the pink color & asked what fragrance is that. The seller replied “You have choose the best option it’s the Lusty shade of pink, that’ll boost your confidence in front of women & make your attracted to them.” Stan quickly purchased the perfume without thinking twice for Noah.
“Noah could surely use some boost with girl’s hahaha.” He thought to himself. After reaching their apartment Noah & Stan started ripping all the wraps & taking things out of those shopping bags. Noah noticed the pink fluid glowing one of those bags & curiously asked “hey man where did you get this from? What is this? Let me see? Is this some kind of perfume?” “Hey man, yeah take a look, I bought this one for you. Last time Samantha ditched you because you smelled awful man.” “Dang don’t make me remind that shit man.” Noah replied looking smug. “Hey don’t worry about it dude, here see, it says it will adapt to any woman’s choice of fragrance & turn the musk of it accordingly. Hahaha. Hey dontcha give it a try man?” Stan opened the cap of the bottle of perfume & sprinkled some on Noah. The smell was alone breathtaking & the fragrance was too strong for the Boy’s nose. Something was odd as the whole room quickly & rapidly got engulfed by a pink fume and the two roommates coughed in the pink fume that was choking them. “What… the cough… cough… hell did you bought man?” Noah gasped coughing up. “I don’t know man… cough… cough… maybe we should visit the seller & ask for a refund… cough… cough…”

After a few moments the pink fume quickly dissolved as quickly as it was spread but there was something going on. The two boys felt they were restricted in some kind of tube but once the smoky fume lifted off they saw in horror that they were encased in two different Latex moldings. “What the F… mmmpphhhh” Noah tried to talk but was interrupted. “MMMPPPPHHFFFF” Stan couldn’t speak either & something was spreading on their body. Something gooey, shiny… It was Latex. The two guys struggled against the restraints but it only made it worse & they felt their bodies shift morph & swell in places it shouldn’t. First they both lost their heights as their frames shrank until they Stan stood 5’5” & Noah was 5’6” beating Stan by an inch whereas before Stan was almost 4” taller than Noah. What happened next was nothing less than magic. Their whole body now covered in Latex cocoon was molding their body as if they were jellies put in molds. Stan’s tall manly bulk of physique was now being rewritten while Noah’s slim figure was being feminized slowly. Both the men loosing any hair & bulk of muscle except the only hair they had on their head. They couldn’t see themselves but they could see one another but couldn’t say anything & watched in complete shock.

Soon the shock in their mind was replaced by a sensation of lust & sex. Yip they had NO idea from where that came from, maybe it’s the fragrance maybe it’s their latex, who cared both their minds all of a sudden could only think of was soft skin on those latex. Both of them gasped & moaned in unison “MMMMMMMMMMM”  while they moaned many things about their bodies already changed it felt somehow their voices were very seductive & feminine, but it it all got clear when their genital bulge was completely gone & in place of a flat genital something tugged & pulled from the inside while their chest felt heavy & quickly ballooned up until they reached some massive sizes. Noah becoming huge F while Stan was at a good DD cup, (well maybe bigger, can’t say really with all those latex.) Oddly enough their faces were still not visible & was encased in those two latex hoods. Noah’s Latex cocoon was now taking a shade of fiery red whereas Stan’s took a lighter shade becoming soft pink. As they now had killer pair of legs & tight corseted waists, their hoods slowly started to fell off of their long hair which now revealed their faces. Noah now with a fiery red hair & Celtic look was in the mood of total domination while Stan in the baby pink was feeling more submissive to his friend with a lighter brown shade of hair & more European look.

The door of their apartment flew open & a voices came through… “aaaaaand CUT. It’s a wrap, take some rests, keep that lust up in ya Nia, girl ya’ll need the passion & libido for the next scene comin right up. Cause II wantcha ya… Nia… ya, all over Stella there, ya got it ya got me babe?” A tall dark handsome man said from the other side of the room suddenly & a reply came out of Noah’s mouth,“MMMMMM you got it Master L.”  Noah… Well now Nia replied to me licking her lips while looking at Stella, while Stella nervously looked back & forth from me to Nia. “What? How? Noah? What happened to us?” Stan exclaimed. “Call me Nia baby, everyone does so, yeah I don’t know either how I got here, but it feels reeeeeeeeally good, you too should feel the lust building inside you & let it consume you baby?”  Stan felt the surge in her tingling pussy as she slowly let go & took up the mantle of Stella. Nia & Stella the two amazing natural latex loving lesbian couple both on & off screen loved to show their love for Latex. They now are the two highest gross paid Latex Models in this industry & we all love them don’t we?

What happens next? Ya gotta wait till it comes out, or ya can sneak in through the backdoor to get a nice peek & the full captioned version of the art at ma Patreon.


Hey there all ma dolls.  I hope ya'll loving ma work so far. I am so  happy to make such a big fanbase, watchers & page-view in such a  short time (only 6months) please do know that I have too many requests  at the moment & will do them slowly as I have now ma hands & ma head quite  full so please don't be impatient, it might take a while to come out  yours request, but I assure you it will come eventually. I'm open for RP  over discords only, but Imma bit picky over RP partners these days,  please don't get offended if I don't like roleplayin with you after a  while. I prefer more steady RP partners which now I have quite a few,  Thank ya all. Also stay tuned for more new series coming up soon, while enjoying ma other stories & series in ma deviantart gallery here:… & in
ma deviantart group here:…
. Here is a link attached for ma discord channel:  which ya can also find in my bio here, my discord ID is Lucifer#7319. Please do feel free to join ma group on deviantart & discord as ya shoot me a note here or a dm on discord. Also again if I don't respond  quickly please be a lil patient, I will surely get back to ya. This  group of mine is for all TG TF lovers, artists, fans & roleplayers  alike, hope you'll all love the place. Imma doin special requests on  patreon now, yar request will get top priority depending upon the choice  of yar tier & ya will have it delivered right away, also there will  be some stuffs soon that might surprise ya, for every patreon there  will be somethin in store that ya'll enjoy for just a lil bit of  donation, for details, visit ma Patreon Link here…
Lucifer's Dolls is now goin global with the new Youtube Channel here:… if ya wanna encourage me to create more stuff like this more stay connected with me all the time & updated about ma works coming out on ma channel please subscribe ma Youtube Channel & hit the bell icon, Share ma Youtube videos to help me reach viewers who love TG stuff & let's expand our family. I love ya'll.

Courtney's Youtube blog gets 500K subscriber

So this is it, Cole (Miss--Chloe) now Courtney has became a youtube sensation, her blogs are all over the charts. I love how she presents herself on there & look what we achieved a 500k subscriber. Can ya believe it? Courtney was so excited & all hyped that she was almost jumping inside of the car. She loves her new life & more so she loves who made it possible, her Master, Master Lucifer. She kissed me before started making funny faces & making pranks. I just love the cheerful blondie bimbo I made outta that grumpy old smug of a man. I hope ya'll like the new cheerful Bimbo Dolly Courtney (Sally) too. Love ya ma BimboDolly Sally/ Courtney. Kisses from Master. now next objective get 1M subscriber... hahahaha mmmmmm Courtney says "Challenge accepted."

How Cole became a famous youtuber

Meet Cole (Miss--Chloe) a youtuber and a travel blogger. Cole had a secret fetish. He wanted to be captured by a dominant muscular man & turned into his hot nympho bimbo slutty slave wife. Recently one day while traveling to Paris, Cole met a man whom he wanted to be with. He knew somehow this was the man who could mold him into what he desires. So Cole didn't resist when I captured him the next night. Well it seems I knew Cole's dirty secret wish after all. after I kidnapped him. I did several surgeries & injected hormones until Cole... now known as Courtney (also Sally the BimboDolly sometimes) was born, Courtney loved to be manhandled by her new Master Lucifer. Courtney didn't even think twice before giving in to her Hung Master (she loved her Master's Cock even more inside her each holes.) Soon Courtney was famous in her youtube channel as she now was a professional sports model & a blogger who still loved traveling, only there was much more fun now.

Interviewing Sally ma Bimbo Dolly

After an amazing workout with her Master Sally made breakfast for me like a good Bimbo Dolly. (though she chipped many nails while doin that, but it's not important.) After we had our breakfast Sally & I were ready to take our first press meeting, the interview went well as the interviewer didn't asked too many complicated questions to Sally. (I guess he knew what might happen to him if he try & pester ma slavedolly too much) But Sally indeed gave some amazing reactions & answers to the questions. Sally was asked why she wanted to be a Bimbo, to which she only giggled & answered that this was always her dream to be a Bimbo Doll of a master who could mold her, change her transform her in anyway he wanted to & who could do that better than her Master Lucifer? She giggled even louder as Sally hugged me & kissed me after answering every question. It seemed like as if she was addicted & obsessed to her Master & wouldn't want it any other way. mmmmm ain't that right Ma slave Dolly Sally?

Sally posing for morning selfie

Meet Sally (Miss--Chloe) Ya guys already know how she became ma Bimbo Slave Dolly dontcha, if not then ya gotta read it in here: ya know how much she loves to show her selfies off? Yeah she just can't contain her excitement after a nice workin out. Look at her now, I used this brunette wig & this realistic bodysuit of a very popular model we created after on Sally this morning, the result was amazing. I love how she poses & reacts in front of the camera, love her face. Ya see Sally is now a Bimbo a total Nympho Doll of a Bimbo who happens to love to show off her funbags. Well they weren't always that big, they were once flat as a plateau, but now they got more curves than the Alps itself hahaha. Mmmmmm gosh she loves her new life as a trophy bimbo for me. isn't that right Sally?

How to train your... Bimbo

I met this person, this person was lookin for a Master to direct her into the right direction, into the right path to transform him into a complete nympho bimbo dolly. So how could I say NO? He was ready & willing to sell her soul to the Devil in the wake of transforming into the perfect bimb, the perfect slave & the perfect dolly in her Master's wake. This Dolly was once a man known as Cole (Miss--Chloe) but now she is known as Bimbo Dolly Sally. Now now lemme tell ya not everyone can be a slave, it takes both sides to grow the bond, the trust in one another. This person trusted to her Master. Now Cole is no more only Sally the Bimbo Dolly is all that remained. I took away his manhood, i took away his body & soul & gave her a new identity a new face, the bodysuit she wore merely changed her appearance but to be perfect for her Master she needed to accept her rightful place at her Master's side. today she joined her slavehood today she became Sally the Bimbo Slave Dolly for her new Master. Come take yar place at ma side ma slave? I hope ya like & enjoy this picture of her, this is her new true identity, her new face. Sally loves to serve her Master & wouldn't like it any other way, wouldntcha Sally. Lots of Love & Kisses from Master. Imma gunna upload a full gallery on Sally which will be edited by her but chosen by me as our Master-Slave bond grows together. Love ya ma Bimbo Dolly Sally.

A Carnival to Remember: Samba Dancer TG

This is Manny (The-Manimal-Magician) a bearded manly man at his mid thirties who always wanted to visit Brazil at the Carnival & see those Samba Dancers a lil bit up-close & personal. He never thought he'd get to see one so close though. He was visiting the local comedy club today trying to loosen up after a stressful day at work & a lecture from boss on why he can't take a vacation during the carnival. He was broken & thought he could use some good laugh but alas today was a show for a comedy magician named Master Lucifer (MasterLuciferSatan). A tall handsome dark man in his early forties appeared out of of nowhere but got caught in the act as it seems like that he was a slobby magician after all, though not sure if he was pretending it or not, but everyone burst into laughter as all of the people gathered in the club saw how I actually appeared by using the curtains in the back. After a couple of drinks Manny felt a bit distracted thinking of Carnival & Samba Dancer.

"Yes Imma talkin to ya Mister.... Ummm... In Green Tee there. Yes that's right ya." I, Master lucifer motioned towards Manny as I asked him to join me on stage. Manny stood up sighed & then walked onto the stage as he joined me there. "Ok so Mister, can I ask for yar name?" I asked him politely. "It's Manfred, but you can call me Manny." "Ok, so Manny. hmmm lemme see, isn't Manny a very manly name for a Samba Dancer? Hahaha." I joked & laughed at it. "What? Hahaha very funny." Manny tried to mock me, but suddenly he was completely frozen on stage as he couldn't move a limb."What are you trying to do to me." Manny whispered in a lowered voice. "Ohhhh imma just doin ma magic Manny & trust me ya'll love it too." I reassured him as I started with my magic.

"Aright audience first of all check out our tonight's volunteer's face & hair, look at how they change & morph into somethin that'll make your jaws drop." As I said that I massaged Manny's head & scalp, suddenly long wavy brunette hair flown past his midriff grew out as his short blonde hair became a tight brunette bun. Next what I did made the audience gasp in complete shock as I massaged Manny's face wgich then morphed into that on a beautiful woman with all the trace of facial hair now completely gone. Manny's eyelashes were long & heavy as I touched them & his eyebrows got thinned & arched as I ran my fingers on them. After that I conjured a tube of lip-gloss & applied it (or at least pretended to apply it on his lips) Manny now had soft juicy succulent plump lips to suck any cock dry. Manny's square jaws got rounded & softened too while I molded his face, neck & collarbone region giving him visible collarbones while his Adams' Apple vanished completely marking his change in voice.

Next I grab hold his shoulders as I pushed his shoulder downwards which made him significantly look shorter as he stood only 5'3" tall with a feminine Brazilian model look-alike face. The next thing I did made the crowd of audience burst into laughter. I took both Manny's manly small nipples in my mouth between ma teeth & blew them as if I was inflating a balloon with ma mouth. Needless to say that Manny's chest grew & swelled as all of his chest & body hair fell off in front of everyone leaving him with waxed soft butter-like smooth skin with a pair of J cup massive milk-jugs. Manny could see & feel it all, but couldn't move or say one thing at all in fact Manny was horrified at this. Soon enough I painted Manny's each nails making his nails feminine & dainty while at the same time I made his palms & arms soft & girly. Manny's flabby bulk of arms was now gone, instead there was a soft fatness in his new arms & chest which grew even further to make him look a bit chubby.

Soon after that Manny was completely naked, exposed in front of the crowd just in his underwear. but not for too long as a Samba dancer outfit just got materialized over his body while I worked on his crotch region. I made his butt grew out all wiggly & jiggly while making his thighs softer more feminine & rounder with feminine curvy calves that now squeezed Manny's balls & cock. It was too stressful for them so they retreated into their cavity as a pussy opening with clitoris, vulva & labia was now formed. Manny (well not so manly now) was now in shock. He... I mean She has lost it, the only thing that supposed to make him different than a girl was now no more. Though she could have thinner waist I thought & did so as I corseted her waist region. Manny... Now Mandy was a Carnival girl & a Samba Dancer. Yup, he... oops sorry I mean she now got her one ticket to make her dream cum true, though she never knew it'd cost her this.

Months after this is Mandy now & she loves her dancing skills, she even picked Samba better than any dancer could. look at how she is enjoying her time. Imma now her manager & her off-screen lover as we both visited Brazil. Man I love this place. Ain't Mandy looks happy? Imma sure she loves it as much as I do now. Ohhhh there she comes Imma sure she got some nasty lil things goin on in her mind as she is headin towards me. "Hey there handsome want some Mandy Candy?" she asked seductively. "Mmmhmmmm ya always know Imma ready for ya babe." I replied as we wasted no time before jumping onto each other. She is bouncin on ma massive pole & showin me some amazing Samba Dance moves on a pole right now. mmmm look at her innocent cute lil face, ya won't know the devilish lil minx she is. Do ya enjoy lil Miss Mandy Candy, I hope ya'll want some Candy?


Hey there all ma dolls.  I hope ya'll loving ma work so far. I am so  happy to make such a big fanbase, watchers & page-view in such a  short time (only 6months) please do know that I have too many requests  at the moment & will do them slowly as I have now ma hands & ma head quite  full so please don't be impatient, it might take a while to come out  yours request, but I assure you it will come eventually. I'm open for RP  over discords only, but Imma bit picky over RP partners these days,  please don't get offended if I don't like roleplayin with you after a  while. I prefer more steady RP partners which now I have quite a few,  Thank ya all. Also stay tuned for more new series coming up soon, while enjoying ma other stories & series in ma deviantart gallery here:… & in
ma deviantart group here:…
. Here is a link attached for ma discord channel:  which ya can also find in my bio here, my discord ID is Lucifer#7319. Please do feel free to join ma group on deviantart & discord as ya shoot me a note here or a dm on discord. Also again if I don't respond  quickly please be a lil patient, I will surely get back to ya. This  group of mine is for all TG TF lovers, artists, fans & roleplayers  alike, hope you'll all love the place. Imma doin special requests on  patreon now, yar request will get top priority depending upon the choice  of yar tier & ya will have it delivered right away, also there will  be some stuffs soon that might surprise ya, for every patreon there  will be somethin in store that ya'll enjoy for just a lil bit of  donation, for details, visit ma Patreon Link here…
Lucifer's Dolls is now goin global with the new Youtube Channel here:… if ya wanna encourage me to create more stuff like this more stay connected with me all the time & updated about ma works coming out on ma channel please subscribe ma Youtube Channel & hit the bell icon, Share ma Youtube videos to help me reach viewers who love TG stuff & let's expand our family. I love ya'll.

Wish upon a... Pregnancy Tale

Ok it's been a while since I made some preggo captions. Today Imma gunna do one long time pending one. Meet Anderson (anubis999) a botanist who loved to take strolls at the park. One evening he was taking a stroll in the nearby park where he suddenly noticed a shooting star on the sky. He quickly tried to make a wish, but as it happens the moving object was indeed coming towards him. Anderson felt a bit nervous & tried to make a run for it, but alas he was captured in the meteor's blast radius. The meteor fell upon him & Anderson where nowhere to be found. Next morning people from the extraterrestrial department came to check up on the site & checked Anderson as a Missing person. They tried to move or cut the Meteor & take it to analyze. That's when something moved on the Meteor's surface & it slid open as if it was some kind of door. The people in the vicinity entered the meteor while few people stayed behind.

It was long time but those who entered never returned & so the others waiting outside got impatient as they tried to enter the meteor but some of them made obligations as it might be a trap. Suddenly the door flung open once again & a beautiful woman in an emerald green maternity robe came out of the meteor, she wore a leopard print once piece under the robe. "Hello there boys. don't worry, it's totally safe inside the meteor. In fact you all will love it." She cheerfully piped as the others asked her who she was. "She quickly answered without hesitation, "Well I used to be Anderson, but now I prefer to be called Andrea & this here is my baby girl Daphne here." She gestured towards her huge pregnant belly.

"What? How? How did you became pregnant?" a man in a black suit asked Andrea. "Oooooo I don't know I just remember that I saw that meteor coming towards me & then all went black suddenly & when I woke up I was already this cute mommy with ma baby in my womb, isn't that amazing?" she told the man gleefully. The man quickly took out all the others present there in a surprise attack with his stun gun & asked the woman to follow him. She did as if she couldn't resist. The man took her in a car & drove her off to a huge Mansion. "Welcome to mansion Andrea." I said as I helped her take a seat before me. "Imma Lucifer & the meteor was indeed ma mistake. I was trynna send signal into the space but somehow it seems they got rebounded into this meteor. The signals I had sent was originally a mating call to females which somehow got amplified by the seeds I have implanted into a capsule.

Andrea looked at me curiously not knowing what was happening or what just happened, but she somehow felt compelled to obey me as her brain was telling her to do. "So does that means you were the one behind this meteor impact?" She asked quietly. "Imma afraid yes, I am." I answered. "And this is your flesh & blood inside me now?" She asked with a sigh, "Yes that is correct." I replied. "Ooooooh. Well & here I was thinking of whom this baby will call father to? Hihihihi." she giggled as I chuckled. "So ya're ok with it? I mean don't ya feel weird? Ya were a man just yesterday & now ya're a 6 month's pregnant woman& the man behind the reason is sitting in front of ya, aren't ya mad at me?" I asked Andrea as she smiled & cuddled to me kissing me deep & passionately. Look at Andrea now, it's been a month since the evening she had turned into this pregnant woman & she is loving every bit of it. We visited the site this morning & Lucifer's Doll's site in charge made sure the story of the meteor up pretty nicely, though the people who entered the meteor are nowhere to be found still, What could possibly happen to them?


Hey there all ma dolls.  I hope ya'll loving ma work so far. I am so  happy to make such a big fanbase, watchers & page-view in such a  short time (only 6months) please do know that I have too many requests  at the moment & will do them slowly as I have now ma hands & ma head quite  full so please don't be impatient, it might take a while to come out  yours request, but I assure you it will come eventually. I'm open for RP  over discords only, but Imma bit picky over RP partners these days,  please don't get offended if I don't like roleplayin with you after a  while. I prefer more steady RP partners which now I have quite a few,  Thank ya all. Also stay tuned for more new series coming up soon, while enjoying ma other stories & series in ma deviantart gallery here:… & in
ma deviantart group here:…
. Here is a link attached for ma discord channel:  which ya can also find in my bio here, my discord ID is Lucifer#7319. Please do feel free to join ma group on deviantart & discord as ya shoot me a note here or a dm on discord. Also again if I don't respond  quickly please be a lil patient, I will surely get back to ya. This  group of mine is for all TG TF lovers, artists, fans & roleplayers  alike, hope you'll all love the place. Imma doin special requests on  patreon now, yar request will get top priority depending upon the choice  of yar tier & ya will have it delivered right away, also there will  be some stuffs soon that might surprise ya, for every patreon there  will be somethin in store that ya'll enjoy for just a lil bit of  donation, for details, visit ma Patreon Link here…
Lucifer's Dolls is now goin global with the new Youtube Channel here:… if ya wanna encourage me to create more stuff like this more stay connected with me all the time & updated about ma works coming out on ma channel please subscribe ma Youtube Channel & hit the bell icon, Share ma Youtube videos to help me reach viewers who love TG stuff & let's expand our family. I love ya'll.

The Sexdolly of mine Trade with Sissybimbolucy

Ok, I hope ya'll already read the amazing caption made by sissybimbolucy about how I made her ma dirty bimbo dolly. if ya haven't please do read this one here:… but if ya already have gone through story, Imma sure ya love how this talented person made an amazing caption of how I turned him (Andre) into a raunchy sexy submissive bimbo of a dolly. Now it's ma turn to tell ya the other half of the story.

Ya already know the part where Andre is molded by me transformed & humiliated by me, as I turned her into ma saucy lil minx. He was like a putty in ma hands as I molded him & gave him the body that every man can only dream of & drool onto hahahaha. But I didn't stopped there. I wanted to completely control her, make her dance, wave & sway at the gesture of ma fingertips. I wanted to turn her into ma ultimate sextoy, a doll for her Master. I also changed her mind & her speech pattern in time. After a while her body & mind was broken completely as she was no more than just a mindless object for her master to play with. I loved to chain her up in the dungeon dressing up her like a gorgeous slave as ya see her now in this picture. Yup that's her right there, That's ma dolly Lucy (sissybimbolucy) This is the picture I took of her after a while I tamed her. made her submit to me completely, Ya can see her submissive gaze, her lust for me in those eyes. Ohhhh I made some minor adjustments to her face & looks (well after all that's not a big deal for me really, as I can mold her anytime as if she was a lump of clay.)

The thing is that today I invited a few of ma friends & Lucy was goin to entertain us all tonight, yup that's right, Lucy, dressed as Slave Leia will now serve her Master & ma friends to our every wishes. I even arranged those chains to put on that collar she is wearing right now as we play with ma new Slave Dolly. I love the way she seductively entered the room carrying the tray loaded with food & drinks, people couldn't look away from her exotic beauty as they stared at her jiggly boobies & wiggly ass. I spanked Lucy as she squealed while makin her serve drinks for us while me & ma friends talked about what we should do with her. Then an idea came to ma mind. I wanted to show off just how good & loyal of a Doll Lucy can be & so I decided to hold a false auction.

I made an announcement & started the bid. The starting bid was 100K bucks. Man, I was so surprised to see that people would go 200Million bucks to claim this slave as their owned toy. I could see the tension rising in Lucy's face as she was blushing red. I could feel her heart pound that she was now merely an object for trade in the market. I could feel her heart pumping as her eyes almost filled with tears. But then I called the deal off suddenly as I asked her to join me. She walked towards me sitting at my feet waiting for her next order. I caressed her chin as I made her stand up & kissed her lips. This was a proud moment for her as her Master's kiss landed on her lips in the full crowd.

The next thing I sweeped her off of her feet & carried her to the table at the center. i then chained her & took ma pants off, making her gulp at ma huge thick stuff. Without hesitation she took all of it into her mouth showing her gratitude & loyalty to her one & only Master. Lucy was now reborn as Master's devoted worshiper & the slavedoll of Lucifer. it's not like she is the first slave of Lucifer, nor the last, but she was just happy to call herself as Lucifer's Doll Lucy. I hope ya'll enjoyed this caption made ba me, also Imma sure Lucy too loved this trade. Stay tuned for more trades comin soon. upcomin trade is with ADude4Now comin next week soon.

Hey there all ma dolls.  I hope ya'll loving ma work so far. I am so happy to make such a big fanbase, watchers & page-view in such a  short time (only 6months) please do know that I have too many requests at the moment & will do them slowly as I have now ma hands & ma head quite  full so please don't be impatient, it might take a while to come out  yours request, but I assure you it will come eventually. I'm open for RP  over discords only, but Imma bit picky over RP partners these days,  please don't get offended if I don't like roleplayin with you after a  while. I prefer more steady RP partners which now I have quite a few,  Thank ya all. Also stay tuned for more new series coming up soon, while enjoying ma other stories & series in ma deviantart gallery here:… & in
ma deviantart group here:…
. Here is a link attached for ma discord channel: which ya can also find in my bio here, my discord ID is Lucifer#7319. Please do feel free to join ma group on deviantart & discord as ya shoot me a note here or a dm on discord. Also again if I don't respond  quickly please be a lil patient, I will surely get back to ya. This  group of mine is for all TG TF lovers, artists, fans & roleplayers  alike, hope you'll all love the place. Imma doin special requests on  patreon now, yar request will get top priority depending upon the choice  of yar tier & ya will have it delivered right away, also there will  be some stuffs soon that might surprise ya, for every patreon there  will be somethin in store that ya'll enjoy for just a lil bit of  donation, for details, visit ma Patreon Link here…
Lucifer's Dolls is now goin global with the new Youtube Channel here:… if ya wanna encourage me to create more stuff like this more stay connected with me all the time & updated about ma works coming out on ma channel please subscribe ma Youtube Channel & hit the bell icon, Share ma Youtube videos to help me reach viewers who love TG stuff & let's expand our family. So Please Please Please, if ya like ma work, please support & help me expand ma reach on every other platforms too. I love ya'll.