Saturday, February 1, 2020

Wish upon a... Pregnancy Tale

Ok it's been a while since I made some preggo captions. Today Imma gunna do one long time pending one. Meet Anderson (anubis999) a botanist who loved to take strolls at the park. One evening he was taking a stroll in the nearby park where he suddenly noticed a shooting star on the sky. He quickly tried to make a wish, but as it happens the moving object was indeed coming towards him. Anderson felt a bit nervous & tried to make a run for it, but alas he was captured in the meteor's blast radius. The meteor fell upon him & Anderson where nowhere to be found. Next morning people from the extraterrestrial department came to check up on the site & checked Anderson as a Missing person. They tried to move or cut the Meteor & take it to analyze. That's when something moved on the Meteor's surface & it slid open as if it was some kind of door. The people in the vicinity entered the meteor while few people stayed behind.

It was long time but those who entered never returned & so the others waiting outside got impatient as they tried to enter the meteor but some of them made obligations as it might be a trap. Suddenly the door flung open once again & a beautiful woman in an emerald green maternity robe came out of the meteor, she wore a leopard print once piece under the robe. "Hello there boys. don't worry, it's totally safe inside the meteor. In fact you all will love it." She cheerfully piped as the others asked her who she was. "She quickly answered without hesitation, "Well I used to be Anderson, but now I prefer to be called Andrea & this here is my baby girl Daphne here." She gestured towards her huge pregnant belly.

"What? How? How did you became pregnant?" a man in a black suit asked Andrea. "Oooooo I don't know I just remember that I saw that meteor coming towards me & then all went black suddenly & when I woke up I was already this cute mommy with ma baby in my womb, isn't that amazing?" she told the man gleefully. The man quickly took out all the others present there in a surprise attack with his stun gun & asked the woman to follow him. She did as if she couldn't resist. The man took her in a car & drove her off to a huge Mansion. "Welcome to mansion Andrea." I said as I helped her take a seat before me. "Imma Lucifer & the meteor was indeed ma mistake. I was trynna send signal into the space but somehow it seems they got rebounded into this meteor. The signals I had sent was originally a mating call to females which somehow got amplified by the seeds I have implanted into a capsule.

Andrea looked at me curiously not knowing what was happening or what just happened, but she somehow felt compelled to obey me as her brain was telling her to do. "So does that means you were the one behind this meteor impact?" She asked quietly. "Imma afraid yes, I am." I answered. "And this is your flesh & blood inside me now?" She asked with a sigh, "Yes that is correct." I replied. "Ooooooh. Well & here I was thinking of whom this baby will call father to? Hihihihi." she giggled as I chuckled. "So ya're ok with it? I mean don't ya feel weird? Ya were a man just yesterday & now ya're a 6 month's pregnant woman& the man behind the reason is sitting in front of ya, aren't ya mad at me?" I asked Andrea as she smiled & cuddled to me kissing me deep & passionately. Look at Andrea now, it's been a month since the evening she had turned into this pregnant woman & she is loving every bit of it. We visited the site this morning & Lucifer's Doll's site in charge made sure the story of the meteor up pretty nicely, though the people who entered the meteor are nowhere to be found still, What could possibly happen to them?


Hey there all ma dolls.  I hope ya'll loving ma work so far. I am so  happy to make such a big fanbase, watchers & page-view in such a  short time (only 6months) please do know that I have too many requests  at the moment & will do them slowly as I have now ma hands & ma head quite  full so please don't be impatient, it might take a while to come out  yours request, but I assure you it will come eventually. I'm open for RP  over discords only, but Imma bit picky over RP partners these days,  please don't get offended if I don't like roleplayin with you after a  while. I prefer more steady RP partners which now I have quite a few,  Thank ya all. Also stay tuned for more new series coming up soon, while enjoying ma other stories & series in ma deviantart gallery here:… & in
ma deviantart group here:…
. Here is a link attached for ma discord channel:  which ya can also find in my bio here, my discord ID is Lucifer#7319. Please do feel free to join ma group on deviantart & discord as ya shoot me a note here or a dm on discord. Also again if I don't respond  quickly please be a lil patient, I will surely get back to ya. This  group of mine is for all TG TF lovers, artists, fans & roleplayers  alike, hope you'll all love the place. Imma doin special requests on  patreon now, yar request will get top priority depending upon the choice  of yar tier & ya will have it delivered right away, also there will  be some stuffs soon that might surprise ya, for every patreon there  will be somethin in store that ya'll enjoy for just a lil bit of  donation, for details, visit ma Patreon Link here…
Lucifer's Dolls is now goin global with the new Youtube Channel here:… if ya wanna encourage me to create more stuff like this more stay connected with me all the time & updated about ma works coming out on ma channel please subscribe ma Youtube Channel & hit the bell icon, Share ma Youtube videos to help me reach viewers who love TG stuff & let's expand our family. I love ya'll.

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