Saturday, February 1, 2020

In search of the Last Angel

Sebastian (Sebassietiaan) was a cop, a really good one at his job & for some time we have monitoring & tracking him. "I think he would be our best shot at it." I say seeing the potential Angel's files which I recently recovered from Kira (Sargentkian) the spy, who is now one of the Angels & is a sworn protector to our cause working for us wholeheartedly. "I think he would make the perfect candidate & a great asset for the team Master." Lindsey (theodd12) agreed to me while Kira nodded. Ok girls Imma leaving this to ya guys. Ya have the details, ya know yar target, go & extract him & give him what he deserves. Sebastian being a good cop always lived by strict code of justice & honor, but in the inside he wanted more, due to the reason of his honesty he has been declined promotions many times & now very broken as he had a wife & kids to look after. Ma two gorgeous angel went onto this recruitment assignment & located Seb as he was approaching a couple of burglars in a patrol car. The two angels took those burglars with ease as they both were skilled at stealth, espionage & martial arts. After that the two girls approached Seb & offered him a new life as an angel, Lucifer's Angels. Seb reluctantly asked "What about my wife & Kids?" "We will take care of your family for you Seb. They will receive full benefit along with some other facilities too & you can visit them anytime you want." Kira answered. He smiled & wore the bodysuit & the cop outfit I sent along with it. "Welcome to the team Samantha or should we call you Sammy?" said the two other girls in unison, giggling. The three angels stood at the command center later that day in front of me. "Reporting for Duty Sir." the three Angels said in unison. "Welcome ma Angels. From today ya'll be known as Lucifer's Angels. Ya'll have tools, equipment & gears needed for any mission ya're assigned to. Dismissed Dolls... I mean Angels."

The three partied all night as they lived their life & enjoyed it to their fullest. These three girls now known as the Lucifer's Angels will kick any ass if they needs to. Dun take these girls lightly. I love ma girls. I hope they will return from the parties in one piece with their virginity intact, cause they will soon be out there adventuring. I hope ya like the story guys. The characters of Lucifer's Angels are listed here: Kira (formerly Kian Sargentkian ) Lindy/ Lindsey (formerly Liam theodd12) & Sam/ Samantha (formerly Sebastian Sebassietiaan) I hope ya'll enjoyed these stories of the series. I'll create some more of their adventures if they decide to continue it so. I'll even create some story driven caption narratives using their faces if they agree & swap their faces in those pictures with their faces. Love ya'll

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