Saturday, February 1, 2020

Lucifer's Angels: Reformed

Liam (theodd12) a fitness freak & enthusiast who loved & lived almost all his time at the gym. He dedicated his life to become & stay fit. Liam always wanted to work for a secret organization where his agility & his fitness would be put to a test but couldn't find any work except some promotional media & modelling gigs. Then one day the opportunity just showed up at his doorstep, or so it seems. Liam got a package with a letter bearing a mark of Lucifer. His old mentor & Martial arts Master. He couldn't say NO to his call & quickly tore the wrap open. in there was a letter from his Master & a beautiful one piece lingerie along with something that looked like a skin. "What on earth has Master sent me?" He thought to himself. he opened the letter hoping it'd explain everything. "Liam, it is time for ya to take up the mantle of Lindsey now. I yar Master is in need of yar services & I summon ya. See me tomorrow at the art muesuem where we will discuss matters, wear the bodysuit & the lingerie... ohhh & bring a white robe please?" Liam met me as he was instructed. "Hello Master." he said. "hello Liam... I mean Lindsey it is from now on. Lindsey we are recruiting the most formidable forces of world & I need yar skills of Martial arts, with yar skills ya can perform amazing even with this body. can't ya." "It won't be a problem Master." Lindsey replies. "Good Ya will be ma second angel, Lindsey Oddus & now we need to find the final potential member worthy of becoming Lucifer's Angels. Ya're now free to go & live yar new life as Lindsey & know that there is no goin back ya'll have fun adventuring woulndt'cha?" I said. "Of course Master with ya in this how could we fail. I'll do my best." She answered.

Another amazing person joins the fight with me. meet ma amazing friend theodd12 an amazing TG artist. please do appreciate her work on the way. I hope ya'll are enjoyin the series, feel free to comment on the comment section open for ya'lll yeah that'd make me more happy & when Imma happy I can create more stuff spontaneously. Please gimme a watch if ya dun like ma work, cause those who like ma work are watchin me. Hahahaha. Love ya'll Kisses.

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