Saturday, February 1, 2020

Roomies becomes sexy Latex Lesbian Lovers Updated

These are Noah (PinaVoila) & his roommate Stan. The two boys were friends since grade school, Noah being the nerdy brain & Stan being the Lady’s Man & the friendly jock. It was because of Stan Noah never got picked in High School. Maybe because of that or some else reason they had a very strong bond that made them friend for so long. In fact Stan was trying to hook his friend up with a girl he liked from his school days but for some reason Noah always broke down even with his wingman at his side. It was Thanksgiving evening and Noah & Stan went to visit the Mall nearby for some groceries. Noah had all the lists for their primary resources & they both split up & shopped for some time. Suddenly Stan noticed a small vendor selling perfumes. Stan never seen this brand of perfume as it had written Lucifer’s Dolls on it. Stan took one with the pink color & asked what fragrance is that. The seller replied “You have choose the best option it’s the Lusty shade of pink, that’ll boost your confidence in front of women & make your attracted to them.” Stan quickly purchased the perfume without thinking twice for Noah.
“Noah could surely use some boost with girl’s hahaha.” He thought to himself. After reaching their apartment Noah & Stan started ripping all the wraps & taking things out of those shopping bags. Noah noticed the pink fluid glowing one of those bags & curiously asked “hey man where did you get this from? What is this? Let me see? Is this some kind of perfume?” “Hey man, yeah take a look, I bought this one for you. Last time Samantha ditched you because you smelled awful man.” “Dang don’t make me remind that shit man.” Noah replied looking smug. “Hey don’t worry about it dude, here see, it says it will adapt to any woman’s choice of fragrance & turn the musk of it accordingly. Hahaha. Hey dontcha give it a try man?” Stan opened the cap of the bottle of perfume & sprinkled some on Noah. The smell was alone breathtaking & the fragrance was too strong for the Boy’s nose. Something was odd as the whole room quickly & rapidly got engulfed by a pink fume and the two roommates coughed in the pink fume that was choking them. “What… the cough… cough… hell did you bought man?” Noah gasped coughing up. “I don’t know man… cough… cough… maybe we should visit the seller & ask for a refund… cough… cough…”

After a few moments the pink fume quickly dissolved as quickly as it was spread but there was something going on. The two boys felt they were restricted in some kind of tube but once the smoky fume lifted off they saw in horror that they were encased in two different Latex moldings. “What the F… mmmpphhhh” Noah tried to talk but was interrupted. “MMMPPPPHHFFFF” Stan couldn’t speak either & something was spreading on their body. Something gooey, shiny… It was Latex. The two guys struggled against the restraints but it only made it worse & they felt their bodies shift morph & swell in places it shouldn’t. First they both lost their heights as their frames shrank until they Stan stood 5’5” & Noah was 5’6” beating Stan by an inch whereas before Stan was almost 4” taller than Noah. What happened next was nothing less than magic. Their whole body now covered in Latex cocoon was molding their body as if they were jellies put in molds. Stan’s tall manly bulk of physique was now being rewritten while Noah’s slim figure was being feminized slowly. Both the men loosing any hair & bulk of muscle except the only hair they had on their head. They couldn’t see themselves but they could see one another but couldn’t say anything & watched in complete shock.

Soon the shock in their mind was replaced by a sensation of lust & sex. Yip they had NO idea from where that came from, maybe it’s the fragrance maybe it’s their latex, who cared both their minds all of a sudden could only think of was soft skin on those latex. Both of them gasped & moaned in unison “MMMMMMMMMMM”  while they moaned many things about their bodies already changed it felt somehow their voices were very seductive & feminine, but it it all got clear when their genital bulge was completely gone & in place of a flat genital something tugged & pulled from the inside while their chest felt heavy & quickly ballooned up until they reached some massive sizes. Noah becoming huge F while Stan was at a good DD cup, (well maybe bigger, can’t say really with all those latex.) Oddly enough their faces were still not visible & was encased in those two latex hoods. Noah’s Latex cocoon was now taking a shade of fiery red whereas Stan’s took a lighter shade becoming soft pink. As they now had killer pair of legs & tight corseted waists, their hoods slowly started to fell off of their long hair which now revealed their faces. Noah now with a fiery red hair & Celtic look was in the mood of total domination while Stan in the baby pink was feeling more submissive to his friend with a lighter brown shade of hair & more European look.

The door of their apartment flew open & a voices came through… “aaaaaand CUT. It’s a wrap, take some rests, keep that lust up in ya Nia, girl ya’ll need the passion & libido for the next scene comin right up. Cause II wantcha ya… Nia… ya, all over Stella there, ya got it ya got me babe?” A tall dark handsome man said from the other side of the room suddenly & a reply came out of Noah’s mouth,“MMMMMM you got it Master L.”  Noah… Well now Nia replied to me licking her lips while looking at Stella, while Stella nervously looked back & forth from me to Nia. “What? How? Noah? What happened to us?” Stan exclaimed. “Call me Nia baby, everyone does so, yeah I don’t know either how I got here, but it feels reeeeeeeeally good, you too should feel the lust building inside you & let it consume you baby?”  Stan felt the surge in her tingling pussy as she slowly let go & took up the mantle of Stella. Nia & Stella the two amazing natural latex loving lesbian couple both on & off screen loved to show their love for Latex. They now are the two highest gross paid Latex Models in this industry & we all love them don’t we?

What happens next? Ya gotta wait till it comes out, or ya can sneak in through the backdoor to get a nice peek & the full captioned version of the art at ma Patreon.


Hey there all ma dolls.  I hope ya'll loving ma work so far. I am so  happy to make such a big fanbase, watchers & page-view in such a  short time (only 6months) please do know that I have too many requests  at the moment & will do them slowly as I have now ma hands & ma head quite  full so please don't be impatient, it might take a while to come out  yours request, but I assure you it will come eventually. I'm open for RP  over discords only, but Imma bit picky over RP partners these days,  please don't get offended if I don't like roleplayin with you after a  while. I prefer more steady RP partners which now I have quite a few,  Thank ya all. Also stay tuned for more new series coming up soon, while enjoying ma other stories & series in ma deviantart gallery here:… & in
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