Saturday, February 1, 2020

Dun forget yar Truffle on ThanksGiving TG

Gary (goldenswat05) was enjoying Thanksgiving Day nearby a pool watching hot girl & eating till he was full. He ate so many turkey that his stomach would burst open anytime. He kept burping as he looked here & there for dessert. suddenly he saw the irresistibly amazing looking Truffles which he wanted to munch on & he quickly grabbed as many as he could & started gulping each one by one sitting nearby the pool. As he kept gulping those his gut was feeling odd & suddenly he felt funny. It was as if all his body was on fire & he was like a pool of Jelly. He felt his body shifting morphing molding into something different, something alien. "What is happening to me?" Gary screamed as his pitch of voice started raising.

Soon Gary's hair was chest length & his face was shifting & morphing, he quickly ran nearby the pool to see his reflection & what he say from the sunglasses he wore made him jump outta his skin. (Well if that's even his skin at all.) soon enough Gary had a face all dolled up with long lashes & painted heavy with mascara, thin arched brows, deep ocean blue eyes & long wavy wisps of blonde hair while his facial hair fell off & his face morphed to that of a round total doll-like feature. His lips plumped up becoming huge round cock-pillows as his nose got smaller & pointy. His cheeks puffed up to a playful feminine proportion. Gary's neck got longer & became feminine. Gary's Adam's apple slowly dissipated as his his broad shoulder became frail & small.

Next Gary's arms became slender as soft & feminine loosing all bulk of muscle as his nails elongated & got manicured, painted and polished like well maintained nails, rather than his half chewed nails. Next his arms lost all the bulk & his chest got thinner & rounder. His nipples got puffier & swelled as his chest started ballooning till it reached a firm soft DD cup. Gary's clothes were already taking a pink hue & started changing in shape. His midriff started to tone down as his pot belly became toned abs with a bit feminine curves while his hips flared outwards becoming jingle bells of Santa. That made only a few part of his body remained untouched & soon his legs followed too becoming soft hairless dainty legs just as his arms gotten slender & hairless.

The last thing that made Gary a guy already felt a tug & pull from the inside as his thighs were squeezing them so hard & soo after that his cock & balls slurrped into his body becoming wet hot vagina. His... Now Her new tool was already effective & started it's work as the hormones started spreading into her body which started clouding her mind. with the last truffle left in his hand Gloria's mind now was all girly & couldn't think of other than checkin out hot hung guys by the pool. While eyeing guys she suddenly noticed a tall handsome dark skinned man standing behind her in the pool. She couldn't control her urges & quickly jumped after she finished the last truffle she had in her hand. Look at her the last truffle she is going to devour before she loose her mind completely & be a Totally ThanksGiving Nympho. Isn't Gloria the best Thanksgiving gift ya could ask for whaddya say guys?

Thanks to all ma watchers & admirers, i know ma work isn't the best here, but I have met some amazing people here as well as some complete jerks, full of Ego. I maself a very nice person & always try to be nice to others as I love this community, this TG community knows no hatred. People love each other's arts, works people love to share their bonds contacts friends & spread the love but even in here I have met a couple of very rude & Egoistic people who for some reason can't stand me. I have no clue why. Maybe it's because Imma guy? Maybe it's because Imma dark-skinned & they are fair-skinned (which is an issue for some people.) maybe it's because of ma speech pattern or weird grammar. I dunno, but never have I have hurt a single soul with ma words or ma actions but some people dun just trust genuine people while on the other hand some people just love me for who I am, for those who love me & admire me I thank them, I love them & those who hate me I pray that the almighty open yar eyes & remove the curtain of blind hatred & Ego from yar eyes as Imma man who love each person on this earth as much as I love maself. Thank ya'll


Hey there all ma dolls.  I hope ya'll loving ma work so far. I am so  happy to make such a big fanbase, watchers & page-view in such a  short time (only 6months) please do know that I have too many requests  at the moment & will do them slowly as I have now ma hands & ma head quite  full so please don't be impatient, it might take a while to come out  yours request, but I assure you it will come eventually. I'm open for RP  over discords only, but Imma bit picky over RP partners these days,  please don't get offended if I don't like roleplayin with you after a  while. I prefer more steady RP partners which now I have quite a few,  Thank ya all. Also stay tuned for more new series coming up soon, while enjoying ma other stories & series in ma deviantart gallery here:… & in
ma deviantart group here:…
. Here is a link attached for ma discord channel:  which ya can also find in my bio here, my discord ID is Lucifer#7319. Please do feel free to join ma group on deviantart & discord as ya shoot me a note here or a dm on discord. Also again if I don't respond  quickly please be a lil patient, I will surely get back to ya. This  group of mine is for all TG TF lovers, artists, fans & roleplayers  alike, hope you'll all love the place. Imma doin special requests on  patreon now, yar request will get top priority depending upon the choice  of yar tier & ya will have it delivered right away, also there will  be some stuffs soon that might surprise ya, for every patreon there  will be somethin in store that ya'll enjoy for just a lil bit of  donation, for details, visit ma Patreon Link here…
Lucifer's Dolls is now goin global with the new Youtube Channel here:… if ya wanna encourage me to create more stuff like this more stay connected with me all the time & updated about ma works coming out on ma channel please subscribe ma Youtube Channel & hit the bell icon, Share ma Youtube videos to help me reach viewers who love TG stuff & let's expand our family. I love ya'll.

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