Saturday, January 11, 2020

500 watchers achievement mark celebration Part 1

So today I decided to tell ya guys a special story and a journey to this amazing place of deviantart I've been only for a couple of months, I mean seriously 500 watchers in just 2 months? Seriously? I feel absolutely A-Fuckin-Mazing for all the love Imma havin from ya guys, some of ya have been patient with me a lot while others been criticized me & some even threw me like shi*, but in the end nuthin matters to me & what's most important I got some really good friends and really amazin fanbase on this journey of mine. Yeah some really helpful amazing friends. So today I decided to tribute one of those friends on this event of occasion, after all we doesn't achieve somethin special everyday, do we?

Now lemme get into the story right away & let ya'll enjoy the beginning of this story. It started with Three very unlikely friends & an unlikely friendship who have been friends since childhood. I, Lucifer (MasterLuciferSatan), Bucky (BeckyTheBimbo) & James (TGJess) been friends for over two decades now (or at least it's feel like it.) & they have been in each other's every major or minor events from Bucky's first high school kiss to the first date James went with his long crush on the college, The three of us have been quite inseparable in every aspect of our life. We have been always together since recently we got busy with our respective lives & moved on with each other's lives, yet we try to meet up and have some fun every once in a while. The both of ma friends were unaware of me being the CEO of this Lucifer's Dolls Co. They were both well renowned persons in their own line of work for a while now.

Yesterday James called & suddenly came up along with Bucky and said he had a surprise to share with his closest friends, he has been dating this woman Cinderella or Cindy (cinderella123456) for over 5 years now and asked me on ma opinion about proposing to her now. He was ready to bring up the big question yeah so I suggested him "Yeah man why not? Ya should bring it up now." Within a few days they got engaged and James was gunna marry Cindy soon now. Bucky was also happy for James though Bucky was already married to Cassandra or Casey (carrotorange123) for a couple of years now & I was happy for both of them also James wanted me to be their best man since he was the best man on Bucky's wedding & I wasn't present due to work. I had to agree cause this time i had no excuses to make since we all knew there is escape from ma best friends, they will find me from the deepest darkest hell if they had to. We decided to hold a Bachelor's party right before the big day arrives, James & Bucky decided to take it up a few steps ahead to try somethin new. So they hired a few hookers. After a couple drinks both of them were all over those girls, I warned them but he didn't heed ma warning & that's what it all takes to ruin yar perfect day.

Cindy & Casey on the other hand was havin their kinda fun party and later called their respective men to check up on them, but they didn't get any answer which made them concerned. They quickly got dressed and drove to the apartment where we were partying and saw Bucky and James sleeping with those hookers. This made them mad at the guys so they quickly left the apartment and called me for help, I came as quickly as I could and seeing the Casey and Cindy sobbing I tried to reassure them, Cindy was so furious that she even wanted to cancel the wedding. But I requested her not to do such and suddenly the two girls came up with a plan. They hatched a devious plan and wanted ma help in that. Hearing their plan at first I was like "Dang ya girls are lil she-devils, but I dunno if that'd be a nice thing to do t ma best friends." They replied to me "Awww Lucifer dun sweat it we all know you three people have been closer than anyone and we both know ya'd love them like no one else." and i replied "Yeah that is indeed true, but still..." "No still or buts Lucifer. You have to do it for us, for our husbands." Casey pleaded & I had to oblige.

So Cindy prepared this special magical dust, I never knew she was a witch before but dang, imagine what James would go through once he comes to know that his long-time girlfriend & soon to be wife was a witch? Cindy gave me and Casey both a Pinch-full of the powder, she called it the Gender-bender powder & asked me to be very cautious while using it on our targets. Casey would be using the powder on Bucky when they both change for the wedding ceremony while Cindy wanted me to use the powder right before the priest. As planned we all waited for the ceremony to begin and then Cindy was to walk to the arch with me as her best man. I could see the anticipation in the face of James as he waited for Cindy when she walked towards him. Though Cindy was furious at him she showed no sign of it as she smiled & beamed at James while walking with me. She looked into ma eyes for one last time before giving me a nod signalling me it was time to execute our plan. While on the other hand in the changing Casey had already slipped some of the magical powder into Bucky's Tuxedo but while pouring the powder onto Bucky's clothes some of the powder slipped into Casey's own body since she had hid it in between her cleavage.

Stay tuned for the next part of the story coming up soon... Hahahaha ya can see on the picture Cindy walking close to James in the picture as she is ready to take her revenge on James. I get a feeling there will be some twists for sure. So stay with me & keep watching me peeps.


I hope ya'll loving ma work so far. I am so happy to make such a big fanbase watchers & page-view in such a short time (only a month) please do know that I have now enough requests & will do them slowly as I have now ma hands & ma head quite full so please don't be impatient, it might take a while to come out yours request, but I assure you it will come eventually. I'm open for RP over discords only, but Imma bit picky over RP partners these days, please don't get offended if I don't like roleplaying with you after a while. I prefer more steady RP partners which now I have quite a few, Thank you all. Also stay tuned for more new series coming up soon, while enjoy these short pregnancy TG captions series which will go on parallel with my other stories & series. Here is a link below attached for my discord channel: which you can also find in my discord bio, my discord ID is Lucifer#7319. please do join ma group on deviantart & discord & shoot me a note here or a dm on discord, also again if I don't respond quickly please be a lil patient, I will surely get back to ya. This group of mine is for all TG TF lovers, artists, fans & roleplayers alike, hope you'll all love the place. One last thing I'd really like to say is many of ya may not like ma work, I can understand but please if ya wanna criticize me do so, but I request don't sneak & report ma work to deviantart as some people might like that work you're reporting & it is really hard to create a work but takes less than a second to destroy it so please live & let live. love ya'll, peace.

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