Saturday, January 11, 2020

500 watchers achievement mark celebration Finale

Ok so today is the big reveal of the last part of this ongoing short special story. As ya'll remember ma two friends Bucky (BeckyTheBimbo) & James (TGJess) fell victim to James's fiancee & to-be-wife Cindy (cinderella123456) (well now ex-fiancee & to-be-wife tbh) who is revealed to be a witch & supposedly used a magic powder to alter the reality, body and mind of James to turn him into ma wife. Well at least we know now what happened to James... or better called Jess now. Jess and I were already en-route to our honeymoon suite where upon reaching we met a couple kissing each other. The man looked at me a couple of times and then quickly came towards me rushing.

"Lucifer... Lucifer... It's you? You recognize me?" He asked in an excited voice while glancing back at his lover there who was quite embarrassed & blushed to see me & Jess together. "I think I dun recognize ya man, who are ya?" I replied doubtfully. "Weeeeeelll it's me Casey... Cassandra... Or at least that's who I used to be. Yup this was indeed Casey (carrotorange123) who had the same tattoos on his right arm and the mole on his left cheek. "WTH? How? what happened to ya Casey & if it's ya does that mean that it's Bucky there?" "Well it's Becky now." the woman with long blonde wavy locks & a big pregnant tummy replied blushing & smiling at the same time. "What happened with ya two?" I asked Casey after we got checked in the hotel together. "Well it's long story, I'll tell ya."

Casey started her part of the tale of what happened to the couple actually I told them about James's situation. Though both the girl were now completely fine with what happened to them, or at least so it seemed, in fact Jess was more than happy to carry ma babies in her womb now. Bucky... Now Becky on the other hand seems to still remember who she used to be. But there is still one big question mark as to how Casey became a man? To which Casey replied "well after I sprinkled some of the powder onto Bucky's tuxedo he tried to rinse it off while I was still close to him & some of the dust reached into my genital somehow." This is how it happened she described inside the bathroom where Casey confronted Bucky and sprinkled the magic powder on him.

While Bucky's hair lengthened Casey's hair shortened and became manly pixie cut at first. Bucky's long golden blonde hair became smooth & soft starting to match his feminine face while the opposite happened to Casey. Casey's feminine face and jaws strengthened & got bigger, square while Bucky's became smaller and much rounder. Bucky's lips plumped up while Casey's plump lips became thin and pursed. Bucky's nose & chin became smaller while the opposite happened to Casey as she gained volume. next Bucky's eyes became feminine bigger rounder and changed color from blue to hazel while Casey's green eyes became manly squinted and smaller getting to a shade of brownish. Bucky lost all facial hair while Casey grew facial hair on his smooth girly face. I can't even imagine the scene, that'd look hilarious. but soon it looked perfect on each of their faces. Bucky's Adam's apple was lost while Casey grew Adam's apple which made his voice booming deeper.

Bucky's physique was completely being the opposite & vice-versa of that of Casey while Casey gained a lot of manly muscle & bulk Bucky lost it all gaining soft frail twig-like womanly features with more fat and less muscles. It was then Casey lost her D cup boobies which flattened while Bucky gained a pair of round massive mound of DD cup boobies. Casey's arms were at this point gaining a massive boost of bulk which was definitely not the case for Bucky as he got completely dainty fingers & palms as his biceps diminished completely. Casey's wide broad childbearing hips now got completely flattened while Bucky gained those fats & more making his bubbly jiggly round ass & booty jiggle and wiggle with every move of his. At this point they were almost had their roles reversed. Well almost but not yet completely. Bucky was pleading to Casey by now to not do this with him, but Casey mercilessly declined his every pleading request to take into account. After all Casey was furious at Bucky & wouldn't forgive that easy. But the last sign of Bucky's manliness were already endangered now.

Bucky & Casey both were now only had a few inches difference from their genders to be switched (well 6-7inches to be specific lol.) Bucky's cock tugged & pulled before it took a wife U-turn just at that moment Casey's pussy did the complete opposite & threw a meaty long thick cock out of her pussy which grew out while Casey's ovaries came outside forming a pair of testicles at the same time Bucky's balls got hidden inside the folds of his newly minted vagina's folds forming a pair of ovaries. Every detail was rewritten around the couple as Bucky was now the wife in this relationship & Casey was the husband. Casey & Bucky... well Becky now were still husband and wife, but just the other way 'round. Not only that but it also made Becky a pregnant as well (though the father of the child isn't Casey, but let's keep that a secret lol.) everythin from down the history changed itself as Casey bein a sterile man who used ma sperm from the sperm bank to impregnate her wife Becky & that's how we came to know each other. Or at least our memories say so. Yup it was all doing of Cindy & now the complete relationship of three friends were turned upside down.

Ma two best friends one of'em is ma wife & pregnant now while the other is also pregnant & due at the same time with ma wife. One of ma best friend's wife is now a man & the husband of the same guy she used to be wife of, the fiancee of ma friend who was gunna get married got married to me instead while his... now her fiancee... or ex-fiancee is now her BFF. Whew I know it's complicated for some of ya people but yeah that sums it all up. I hope ya enjoyed this story & of course what's a visual story without a nice picture, so here is Becky on the right & Jess on the left posing for this per-maternity photo-shoot, Doesn't they look amazing together. I still love both ma friends, but in a very unusual way & somehow I feel responsible for the spawns inside their wombs now. They sure know how to dress to impress hahaha. Tonight is gunna be a looooong night cause somethin tells me that these two girls love their new lives & roles now, ya can just tell that by lookin at their faces, can't ya?


I hope ya'll loving ma work so far. I am so happy to make such a big fanbase watchers & page-view in such a short time (only a month) please do know that I have now enough requests & will do them slowly as I have now ma hands & ma head quite full so please don't be impatient, it might take a while to come out yours request, but I assure you it will come eventually. I'm open for RP over discords only, but Imma bit picky over RP partners these days, please don't get offended if I don't like roleplaying with you after a while. I prefer more steady RP partners which now I have quite a few, Thank you all. Also stay tuned for more new series coming up soon, while enjoy these short pregnancy TG captions series which will go on parallel with my other stories & series. Here is a link below attached for my discord channel: which you can also find in my discord bio, my discord ID is Lucifer#7319. please do join ma group on deviantart & discord & shoot me a note here or a dm on discord, also again if I don't respond quickly please be a lil patient, I will surely get back to ya. This group of mine is for all TG TF lovers, artists, fans & roleplayers alike, hope you'll all love the place. One last thing I'd really like to say is many of ya may not like ma work, I can understand but please if ya wanna criticize me do so, but I request don't sneak & report ma work to deviantart as some people might like that work you're reporting & it is really hard to create a work but takes less than a second to destroy it so please live & let live. love ya'll, peace.

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