Saturday, January 11, 2020

500 watchers achievement mark celebration Part 2

So let's recap a bit to the events of yesterday. Ya guys already know that I, Lucifer (MasterLuciferSatan), Bucky (BeckyTheBimbo) & James (TGJess) been friends since High School. Bucky was already married to Casey (carrotorange123), while James was gunna get married today with his long time girlfriend & fiancee Cindy (cinderella123456), but recently their girls caught these guys in a ruthless act while they were celebrating James's bachelor party. They came to me hatching a plan which was now about to get fulfilled as Cindy walked with me into the ceremony hall where under the arch The priest and James was awaiting her arrival. Cindy is a witch with powers to manipulate ones body and mind with her magical dust. Cindy had already prepared and gave some of the dust to me and to Casey so we can put that dust on ma two best friends to teach them a lesson. As we had planned as soon I got closer to ma best friend James I sprinkled some of the dust on his head & shoulders. The changes were really quick as the effect of the dust started to take place & James started to change.

James stood 6'2" tall a couple of inches shorter than me but as soon as the dust took effect James's frame started to shrink. He dropped & dropped in height until he was a full feet shorter than me standing 5'3" tall only beside me. He was amazed & looked at me fearfully of what just had happened to him, while on his left his soon to be wife Cindy beamed while looking at him. He was completely clueless of what was happening to him & why he was suddenly seeing everything so big around him, or is it him becoming smaller he had no idea. James looked at me & then at Cindy embarrassed while whispering to me. "What is happening to me Luke? Why I feel so funny?" I answered "I dunno mate ask yar girl Cindy." But before he could ask Cindy anything Cindy dragged him by the arm & took him into the nearby restroom. Inside the restroom Cindy stripped off of her clothes and started to put them on James. As she smirked at James. James had no idea of what was going on, but Cindy knew what she was doing, she was actually changing the fabric of reality. By stripping James naked & then she started to dress James up in her wedding gown and accessories as the fabric of reality changed along with it all.

First Cindy put a tiara on James's head and suddenly long locks of wavy blonde hair grew past James's shoulder till his midriff. Then she put a veil on James's hair and James's hair grew in volume became silky smooth and styled itself into a a beautiful tight updo bun. Cindy then started to put her bra on James's hairy manly square chest which shrank and ballooned to a firm supple round mound of orbs of D cup breasts, giving him sensitive rock hard nipples which cupped Jame's breasts perfectly as Cindy & James were now almost the same size. After that Cindy quickly slipped James into her panties which made James's butt swell and grow to become soft round child bearing hips. and a jiggly fat butt. James was stunned. All he could do was ask one small question. "Why?" to which Cindy just giggled and answered "Well I figured you could use a bit of makeover. hehehe."

Cindy then blew a kiss to James which made James's face all dolled up as his face started to feminine slowly, becoming softer with feminine features. James's eyes grew bigger feminine as it changed color from Ocean blue to vibrant brownish green which looked amazing on his now feminine face and those chiseled jaws that just got a nice trim to them. James nose got smaller as an effect of the magic dust while his eyelashes grew heavy as his eyebrows got thinned and arched. James had grown a manly beard on his face which looked quite hilarious at this point on his face but that was about to change as all his beard fell off leaving his face smooth, soft sensitive with a pale Slavic look. James's big square chin just got smaller & pointy as his overall face scale shrink a bit adding even more feminine softness to his face. Then suddenly his lips started to grow and swell making them large inflated plump soft cock-pillows as his coffee stained teeth got whitened to a visible bright pearl-like radiant brightness. James at this point looked like a woman with hairy bulky massive manly arms yet a feminine soft quite curvy torso.

Cindy was quick to distract James as the changes progressed further and James's hands felt dainty soft feminine since Cindy had shoved her Bouquet of white flowers into James's palms already which only quickened the process of James's changes as he now a pair of twig-like feminine pair of arms that showed lots of collarbone & a feminine arched shoulder. He started crying as tears rolled down from his cheeks which Cindy quickly rubbed off of his face. "Awww don't cry hun, it'll ruin your biggest day & it'll ruin your make-up too." She laughed at him. James was now finally regained his composure & control of his body back as he tried to confront Cindy but suddenly was cut across by a sharp pain & pleasurable sensation at the same time on his crotch region & he knew what was going to happen. He knew it, he feared it he, it was all over now. He dropped to his knees rubbing his manhood as it felt a tug and pull as if playing a tug of war. He tried his best to keep it in his hands in between his fingers, but it was too late... James's cock slurrrped inside his body with a loud slurrrrp and sloshing noise replacing it with a vulva, clitoris & hymen while his balls released their one last load and followed James's cock creating a pair of ovaries within his... now her pelvis.

James was in a trance-like state from all the pain pleasure & exhaustion of the transformation made him weak, frail and very effeminated. "Ok Jess here come & wear this cute wedding dress and accept your fate?" Cindy cheerfully piped as she held her wedding gown showing it off to James. "NO, NO, Please don't do this... Please leave me, I don't want to be a bride." But it was too late as Cindy already started to put it on James and lace the gown now. Soon James was wearing the beautiful white wedding gown which was earlier worn by Cindy who now wore another gown (which has just materialized on her body) which is usually worn by the bridesmaid. Cindy then walked James out of the bathroom. While they were inside the bathroom history has been rewritten while reality completely changed around everyone present on the marriage ceremony. James now Jessica (or Jess I prefer to call) is the fiancee and soon to be wife of Lucifer with whom she bore a children. Yup ya heard that right.

As soon as Jess and Cindy got out of the restroom Jess grew a beautiful big round belly with a cute baby bump. She was now a 2 months due pregnant woman who have been in love with Lucifer since the High School & Cindy was Jess's best friend, well who could she think of other than Cindy as her Bridesmaid on this special big day of hers. Jess remembered having a cold-feet as she felt numb before she looked at the man she was going to get married. her eyes transfixed at her hung manly tall beloved husband, her Master & the Father of the child growing inside her belly. She felt magical as her memories of being a man was slowly being faded away, it was still there but it felt like so distant now, as if it was another lifetime, a complete different lifetime to be honest. Jess beamed at me while walking towards the arch where the priest and her soon to be husband waited for her now, she now remember of having a cold feet and almost collapsing inside the bathroom, if it wasn't for her BFF & her bridesmaid Cindy she might haven't even left the ladies toilet ever. This is her biggest day the best day of her life & she wouldn't in anyway want to spoil it.

We both took oaths in front of the priest as he finally asked Jess "... Do you take this man as your lawfully wedded husband and will cherish being with him till the end wherever he leads you to..." In the end I heard Jess's soft whisper under the breath "I DO." and the priest then commenced turning to us both. "... Then by the will of god and by decree of mine I now pronounce you Man & his wife... You may kiss the bride now..." We awaited for this moment for so long as I looked into Jess's eyes I could see the confused yet longing vacant stare while she hold her tummy in one hand & the bouquet in other, but at the last words of the priest her eyes gleamed with joy which I noticed right before our lips met and tongues coiled like two serpents coiling each other. Jess now accepted her new life her new body and her new situation. She threw the flowers before holding ma hands and following me into the limo waiting for us which is gunna take us somewhere private somewhere to enjoy our honeymoon together.

But this is just the 2/3rd of the story. Ya'll gotta stay hooked to know what happened to ma other friend Bucky & his wife who might just have made a blunder with the magic dust. As it seems quite lethal since it can change and alter the fabric of reality as well ya see? Well, to find that out ya gotta wait till the Last part of this story comes out and dun forget to leave a watch a fav if ya like ma work.


I hope ya'll loving ma work so far. I am so happy to make such a big fanbase watchers & page-view in such a short time (only a month) please do know that I have now enough requests & will do them slowly as I have now ma hands & ma head quite full so please don't be impatient, it might take a while to come out yours request, but I assure you it will come eventually. I'm open for RP over discords only, but Imma bit picky over RP partners these days, please don't get offended if I don't like roleplaying with you after a while. I prefer more steady RP partners which now I have quite a few, Thank you all. Also stay tuned for more new series coming up soon, while enjoy these short pregnancy TG captions series which will go on parallel with my other stories & series. Here is a link below attached for my discord channel: which you can also find in my discord bio, my discord ID is Lucifer#7319. please do join ma group on deviantart & discord & shoot me a note here or a dm on discord, also again if I don't respond quickly please be a lil patient, I will surely get back to ya. This group of mine is for all TG TF lovers, artists, fans & roleplayers alike, hope you'll all love the place. One last thing I'd really like to say is many of ya may not like ma work, I can understand but please if ya wanna criticize me do so, but I request don't sneak & report ma work to deviantart as some people might like that work you're reporting & it is really hard to create a work but takes less than a second to destroy it so please live & let live. love ya'll, peace.

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