Wednesday, January 22, 2020

The Bimbo Virus Part 2

I decided to make some pending requests in one shot, so this time I made this Bimbo Virus story continuation here, to read the captioned version ya gotta follow me on patreon here: though it'll be posted here eventually next month, but the second part will be here as a normal deviation here as well the captioned version will be available for everyone on ma patreon, just to keep ya'll interested. winks To read the captioned version of this story please follow me on patreon & find it on there, hope ya'll like ma stories & captions.

Jared (jaru0), Kevin (210912), Santiago (sentai1) & Austin (ajmelinafreak) are local gangsters who kept threatening people & robbing them off of their belongings. One day these four surrounded an extremely busty curvy hot bombshell of a woman in a dark alley. The four guys quickly surrounded the helpless girl like a pack of wolves, but unbeknownst to them this was no ordinary girl. Kira (Sargentkian) was the newest super bimbo (a super soldier outcome of the Bimbo Virus project of mine) a deadly Ass-ass-in & a spy now working for the Lucifer's Dolls Co. & the cause of humanity after that eventful day of his rebirth. (which ya can read on ma patreon & here eventually.) Kira was not even the slightest intimidated by these four mobs in fact she was smiling at these poor souls & what will soon gonna happen to them. As expected she lured them into the trap & once they all came out of the shadows to advance a move on Kira, she quickly dived & two canisters of gases fell on the ground covering the area in a thick pink smoke. Even before the mobs could understand anything they were stiff & paralyzed as they each collapsed on the floor hard. A tall dark hooded figure then appeared from behind a lamp-post and hugged Kira while Kira kissed the tall dark brooding stud. "It is done master." she said in a submissive voice. "Yes, it is ma doll. Now we wait for them to transform."

The four men laid there paralyzed but something was going on, some thing was happening to all of them as their hair grew long & dark black, except for Austin, his dirty blonde hair became dark brown with lighter blonde highlights from root to tip. Santiago's Latino look started changing as he got a full facial makeover with epicanthal folds giving him the looks of an Asian. Kevin & Jared retained their Caucasian look, but their face feminized a lot, their eyelashes grew out, eyebrows got thinner eyes got bigger & almond shaped. All of the men's jaws chiseled as their cheek bones got raised, their nose became small & pert. Their chin got really small & pointy as their lips plumped up becoming soft succulent luscious cock-suckers, Finally all the traces of facial hair on their faces & body was completely lost leaving a soft smooth flawless fair skin, Austin's complexion was tanned rather than others while Santiago became the fairest of them all. All the boys lost their Adam's apple making their voices sweet sexy & alluring as they moaned. "Oooh look at them Master, they look Yummy don't they?" Kira asked smacking her lips. "Mmmhmm ya bet Kira, but not yummy as ya." I say kissing her back.

Their bodies were squirming under their clothes so Kira & I undressed every one of them as we watched their bodies squirm & mold like jellies. Their overall frame started to shrink with Jared standing the tallest of all at a 5'6" while Kevin was the shortest being 5'2" both of them were formerly over 6'1". their muscular arms lost all of their manly bulk as they became feeble petite dainty with round palm, twig-like arms thin nails with painted, polished & manicured nails. The guys were now slowly getting their consciousness back as they felt lightheaded & dizzy, they felt an ogling sensation on their chest as each men's chest ballooned up. Kevin was the luckiest of'em all in this matter who got the largest massive boobies sat atop on his chest which seemed almost FF cup beating Austin, who was second with an huge round F cup while Santiago ended at the last with a D cup. Santiago did got a bigger booty to show off though, probably the biggest booty of them all. Kevin was second next Santiago in the booty department as well as the calves and thighs, all the men now exhibited soft feminine fat induced thighs & small round petite feet.

The last thing that still made these Bois, Bois were now about to get trimmed as these roosters were now about to become hens. Each of the men's cocks slurrped with a loud plop & slosh as their balls created 4 pair of ovaries now these former men became the most voluptuous, busty, buxom, curvy sluts on earth alive. Their minds were now being re-conditioned as Kira set 4 pair of earphones into each of their ears which fed them with subliminal messages & to obey their new Master, Master Lucifer, Kira dressed these dolls made them up & presented them to me for their initiation as ya can see them around me kneeling & standing at each side of mine. On the left Sinata standing beside me (formerly Santiago) & Audrey kneeling before me (formerly Austin) while on ma right ya can see Jerri standing (formerly Jared) & Kelly (formerly Kevin) kneeling before me as we posed for this photo-shoot. These four Bimbo Sluts now served me along side Kira, each of them now workin to transform sleazy, dirty asshole men, into slutty voracious sexy Bimbo dollies for me & Lucifer's Dolls Co. I think they now love their new lives, wouldtcha all agree?


I hope ya'll loving ma work so far. I am so happy to make such a big fanbase watchers & page-view in such a short time (only a month) please do know that I have too many requests atm & will do them slowly as I have now ma hands & ma head quite full so please don't be impatient, it might take a while to come out yours request, but I assure you it will come eventually. I'm open for RP over discords only, but Imma bit picky over RP partners these days, please don't get offended if I don't like roleplaying with you after a while. I prefer more steady RP partners which now I have quite a few, Thank you all. Also stay tuned for more new series coming up soon, while enjoy these short pregnancy TG captions series which will go on parallel with my other stories & series. Here is a link below attached for my discord channel: which you can also find in my discord bio, my discord ID is Lucifer#7319. please do join ma group on deviantart & discord & shoot me a note here or a dm on discord, also again if I don't respond quickly please be a lil patient, I will surely get back to ya. This group of mine is for all TG TF lovers, artists, fans & roleplayers alike, hope you'll all love the place. Imma doin special requests on patreon now, yar request will get top priority depending upon the choice of yar tier & ya will have it delivered right away, also there will be some stuffs soon that might surprise ya, for every patreon there will be somethin in store that ya'll enjoy for just a lil bit of donation, for details, visit ma Patreon Link here…

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