Sunday, January 5, 2020

ClayDollMaker 2.1 Victim 5

Meet Lenny (lunatic1995) was the next victim of my ClaDollMaker 2.1 as he used to work as a tech-person for the ClayDollMaker & who else would know the machine better that Lenny? One day Lenny signed up and before he went inside the machine the team dressed his in this black n white cocktail dress which looked odd on him then but as his body started to morph and change, his every curves started to hug the dress as if it was tailored after his... well now her body & Luna was born. Now Luna still serves as our tech-person at the Lucifer's Dolls R&D labs but only with a better & fitting form. Ain't she look cute & amazing? I sure like her new body & slutty mind mixed with her technical knowledge. Best of both if ya ask me whaddya guys think?

Please comment below what ya guys think of these short before-after themed panels if ya guys like it I'll need to create some more since there aren't many of these kinda panels, but it's quite time consuming though so I'd limit the words to save some time taken to create these. I hope ya'll are enjoying.

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