Saturday, January 18, 2020

The Momma Fever a TG Houswife story

Meet Ender (TheEnderAnaconda) & Alex (hards05) best friends & roommate. Alex is a sterile shy guy who always loved kids & wanted to have his own, but sadly he couldn't due to the fact that he was sterile. Ender on the other hand was a playboy charmer who just wanted to have fun & get into the panties of sexy girls. Even though the guys had their differences, they were very close friend who always helped each other. One day Ender met a girl named Cindy (cinderella123456) the bar, they got to know each other as the girl fall in love with him, they had sex that night but as expected Ender left the girl after he came inside her twice. Ender didn't even forgot to use protection which scared him a lot. So he decided to get rid of Cindy & leave her quickly, But Cindy woke up & won't let Ender leave. Ender tried to trick her, but he failed so he then decided to threaten her, but little did Ender knew that the girl was a witch & was very powerful. Cindy decided to curse Ender with the Mommy Fever. It transforms any person, regardless of Man or Woman into horny sexy insatiable girls who won't stop until they are impregnated & it only takes a week to transform the person into this horny nympho bimbo.

Ender got scared as he left Cindy, he kept thinking about the curse she put on her. Ender got to his apartment & told everything to his roommate Alex. Alex was shocked, though he wanted it to happen with him in some extent as this would make him have a baby of his own. But still he felt horrible hearing this. Ender fell ill for the next few days with a high Fever. Alex looked after him but each passing day they both changed little by little. First their short frizzy hair got longer & turned to glossy shades of dirty brown which were almost identical. Next their faces became softer, rounder with chiseled jaws as their cheekbones raised. Through the next few days their eyes changed color, got bigger & green with long lashes & curved eyebrows. Their lips swelled and got fuller plumper bigger juicier & kissable. next their neckline started to diminish as they thinned out perfectly while their Adam's apple got lost. Both the men lost their deep male voice which raise a few octaves as their teeth whitened to a perfect pearl-like white shine. Ender & Alex lost all their facial hair as they grew softer feminine features on their faces which now included flawless soft sensitive skin that made them look perfect.

By the middle of the week the fever grew intense & even Alex was now caught this fever from his friends as both of their changes were now rapidly growing. Their body weight diminished completely as they got skinnier yet their muscles were not at all gone, instead they were replaced with fats as their frames shrank visibly. Ender who was 6'4" tall became 5'5" while Alex's 5'11" frame became 5'4" only. They were in no condition to leave their apartment, so Ender called Cindy who came to look after the boys. Ender was scared what she will do to them now, but it seemed Cindy was in fact very caring & nurturing to them. Cindy looked after the two guys whose manly bulky arms were reduced to soft feminine dainty arms with long feminine fingers & long nails which Cindy painted & polished to make them look & feel better. Cindy even helped them embrace their new situation. Over time the two grew soft mound of breasts sitting atop of their chests. Alex gave in to the situation real quickly, but Ender not so much. He would never ever give up his manliness his attitude & most importantly his masochism, he would never give in nor he was willing to do as Cindy asked always trying to do the opposite, so Cindy was strict with Ender a bit.

In the end of the week on the Weekend Ender suddenly found out that his pelvis was huge & he couldn't pee while standing as his member was now completely gone... Along with his testicles. He... well now a She (at least judging by the genital) had a tight wet moist opening which would now qualify 'HIM' as 'HER' same happened to Alex that evening as he too lost his cock, but he accepted it & loved the sensation as he came gallons just before his tiny friend took a U-Turn & she collapsed. Both the girls were now almost complete & their fever wore off. Next morning they both woke up to see a strong black hung man talking to Cindy as the two beautiful girls woke up from their long slumber. "Well hello there Ladies, ok lemme introduce ya to maself. Imma Lucifer, Ya see Cindy here is ma beloved friend who called me that ya girls might need a... ya know... long dong? Cause last night ya both became full sexy women." As I completed the sentence the two new girls quickly checked their new bodies, they had plump juicy ass, huge round DD cup boobies a nice sexy slim zero waist & thick curvy thighs which were complimented by a arch of their spine which made their upper torso to hold out sexily in front of their bodies.

Ender was in disbelief & complete shock, while Alex on the other hand was ok with it completely. "Ya two girls now need two new names Alex, Ya'll be Alexa & Ender ya're Enaya." "NO Way, I am not going to be a girl ever." she screamed out of her highest pitch of voice possible & started sobbing as Alexa quickly started to comfort her. Alexa looked at me seductively while Cindy took Enaya inside the room to talk to her. Alexa & I talked long until finally Enaya & Cindy came out of the room. Enaya was still furious but now she sees the reason & know what must be done. She knew she had no other way & there is no turning back. Alexa was quick to give in to her urges as she was now horny as fuck. Enaya though was trying to resist, but once she saw me & Alexa undressed on the bed making out she couldn't stand the heat anymore. She begged me to break her, to make her a woman a mother. Enaya & Alexa knelt before me sucking ma huge long thick dong from each sides, playing with it as they make-out with each other at the same time. In the end I came gallons inside their perfect womb as they both begged me to fuck the man outta their girly brains & I obliged. Weeks later the two new mommy were now pregnant with ma babies.

This picture of the two women after 6 months since they became what they now look on this picture now. On the right ya can see Alexa laughing in that pink Nightgown & on the left ya can see Enaya accompanying her best friend her sister, her lover & having a good laugh as they both now enjoyed their newfound womanhood & motherhood. The two women are now housewives & lived with their man, Me, Master Lucifer loving enjoying & savoring every moment of it. The two beautiful housewives now loved each other, the baby in their wombs & me. Cindy still comes to our house from time to time to check up on them as Cindy has become BFF to them both. Cindy too was pregnant with Ender's baby & was happy about it. Though the child in cindy's womb will never see it's daddy, instead the baby will have two beautiful Mammas. Ain't that amazing? Alexa & Enaya now ma trophy wives, ma housewives & soon to be perfect mommies were excited what it'd be like to be mothers. After all it was their first time, hahaha.

I hope ya'll loving ma work so far. I am so happy to make such a big fanbase watchers & page-view in such a short time (only a month) please do know that I have now enough requests & will do them slowly as I have now ma hands & ma head quite full so please don't be impatient, it might take a while to come out yours request, but I assure you it will come eventually. I'm open for RP over discords only, but Imma bit picky over RP partners these days, please don't get offended if I don't like roleplaying with you after a while. I prefer more steady RP partners which now I have quite a few, Thank you all. Also stay tuned for more new series coming up soon, while enjoy these short pregnancy TG captions series which will go on parallel with my other stories & series. Here is a link below attached for my discord channel: which you can also find in my discord bio, my discord ID is Lucifer#7319. please do join ma group on deviantart & discord & shoot me a note here or a dm on discord, also again if I don't respond quickly please be a lil patient, I will surely get back to ya. This group of mine is for all TG TF lovers, artists, fans & roleplayers alike, hope you'll all love the place. One last thing I'd really like to say is many of ya may not like ma work, I can understand but please if ya wanna criticize me do so, but I request don't sneak & report ma work to deviantart as some people might like that work you're reporting & it is really hard to create a work but takes less than a second to destroy it so please live & let live. love ya'll, peace.

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