Sunday, January 5, 2020

ClayDollMaker 2.1 Victim 7

Ok so we are back once again with another ClayDollMaker 2.1 victim. This guy here Wanton (Influencerwannabe) is an Instagram Influencer who was looking for a new way to promote himself and get himself a complete make-over. So needless to say when he heard that there was a device that can change him mold him completely to a different person No doubt he would sign up for it.

As he got into the ClayDollMaker 2.1 the dressed in the crop top he was provided with he reluctantly entered the machine when the changes started. His blonde hair turned long and Brown while his body slimmed and became feminine & soft with two round soft perky mounds sitting on his chest now. His member got back inside his body and voila. Wendy was here. Wendy now loved her new life as a public figure on Instagram and got her fans & followers to show it off. Wendy now posts slutty pictures of hers that gets countless likes and comments right from the minute she post them. Her fanbase grew from a 100K before to a huge 3.2 Mil in just a few days. Yup that's her now wearing the same clothes she wore when she got into that ClayDollMaker 2.1 Machine. Lemme know how ya guys like Wendy now?

Please comment below what ya guys think of these short before-after themed panels if ya guys like it I'll need to create some more since there aren't many of these kinda panels, but it's quite time consuming though so I'd limit the words to save some time taken to create these. I hope ya'll are enjoying.

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