Saturday, January 11, 2020

The Breeding Cattle Farm

Mr Elliot (tbiss2000) was a research fellow & one of the lead scientist at the Lucifer's Dolls Co. He was hardworking, devoted and a very resourceful man who loved his work at the Company. He made a breakthrough when he discovered this new serum that can change people and fuse them with the choice of their animals, one day he was working on a project to infuse bovine genes into human genetic code. He was inches away from a groundbreaking invention even he lacked his test subjects. That's when he decided to use his own creation on himself. He prepared the pod & started initiating the genetic fusion, but something went wrong as the power fluctuated and his experimental data were miscalculated a bit. Mr Elliot was stuck inside the pod as the chamber started genetic restructure of Mr Elliot.

Mr Elliot screamed for help but he was alone in the laboratory as his body was now bombarded with cow genes & hormones both internally and externally. First it started to rewrite Elliot's genetic codes molding him transforming him from a man into a woman. His short balding hair was now stimulating long pink straight hair as he got softer feminine facial features with a cuter smaller nose, soft cock-sucking lips, bigger eyes with changed eye-color from brown to greenish blue raised cheekbones & a much smaller chin & whitened teeth which were stained yellow not a few moment earlier. His eyelashes grew out as his eyebrows got thin & arched. Any sign of his stubble was completely gone leaving his face hairless smooth attractive & rather flawless. His ears lengthened & got pointy cow-like as Elliot started to sprout a pair of long curved polished white horns. Elliot felt pleasure oozing out of him as his body was being slowly molded by the device.

At this point Elliot's 6' tall frame shrank to 5'2" with much more feminine & softer bone structure including his feminine arched spine and inward curved shoulder that was now showing prominent collarbone but no sign of his Adam's apple which now marked his voice raising a few octaves, a soft 'moooooo' escaped his lips which sounded a very feminine cow-ish moan. His bulky manly arms reduced to feminine dainty soft twig like arms as his fingers became long feminine fingers with manicured polished pink nails but soon they too were merged & formed a pair of hooves while his chest started to sprout a pair of mounds of huge succulent round fleshy udders with nice large teats. Elliot's waistline thinned & slimmed down to a zero waist while his hips jutted out becoming big round plushy cushion-like inflated balloons.

Elliot's cock was getting hard by all these changes at this moment. But what he didn't knew that his thighs were now putting an immense pressure to get his long dong get back inside of his body which took a U-turn & finally became a pussy along with his balls accompanying it to form his... well now her new ovaries. Elle the hu-cow was now complete. Her strong legs were formed into a shape of cow hind legs which too was like her hands became a pair of hooves. Elle's mind started changing as her new bovine hormones flowed through her veins & made her mind a loving nurturing motherly breeding cow who now had only one purpose in life, to server her master & raise a cattle of hu-cow for her new Master. I gifted Elle a new cowbell which had her new Master's name engraved on it. Dr Elliot was no more and no one knew that he became his own test subject who was now living the life of a cattle hu-cow hybrid living only to be bred & raise her master's cattle.


I hope ya'll loving ma work so far. I am so happy to make such a big fanbase watchers & page-view in such a short time (only a month) please do know that I have now enough requests & will do them slowly as I have now ma hands & ma head quite full so please don't be impatient, it might take a while to come out yours request, but I assure you it will come eventually. I'm open for RP over discords only, but Imma bit picky over RP partners these days, please don't get offended if I don't like roleplaying with you after a while. I prefer more steady RP partners which now I have quite a few, Thank you all. Also stay tuned for more new series coming up soon, while enjoy these short pregnancy TG captions series which will go on parallel with my other stories & series. Here is a link below attached for my discord channel: which you can also find in my discord bio, my discord ID is Lucifer#7319. please do join ma group on deviantart & discord & shoot me a note here or a dm on discord, also again if I don't respond quickly please be a lil patient, I will surely get back to ya. This group of mine is for all TG TF lovers, artists, fans & roleplayers alike, hope you'll all love the place. One last thing I'd really like to say is many of ya may not like ma work, I can understand but please if ya wanna criticize me do so, but I request don't sneak & report ma work to deviantart as some people might like that work you're reporting & it is really hard to create a work but takes less than a second to destroy it so please live & let live. love ya'll, peace.

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