Saturday, January 25, 2020

Halloween Party 4 The busted cop

Since the Halloween party started to kick off & the loud music was makin some of the neighbors of mine annoyed who seems to have called the cops. Officer Chase (LadyChaos95) showed up at ma door knockin hard. Ma girls opened the door & brought him up to me. The officer took his handcuff out & asked me "So you are the owner of this Manor & the host of this party? I am sorry sir but I have to arrest you, we got complaints from neighbors of the loud music & ghastly noises your Halloween Party is producing." "Ohhhh but I think I might have other plans for ya Officer, why dontcha join our party?" As I asked I grabbed him by the wrist while Kira took his batton from him. Kira handed him a nice long 9" dildo instead & poof Officer Chase were no more. A sexy busty brunette girl with huge titties & long straight hair stood there a bit confused. "Cherri put that handcuff on yar hands & get down on yar knees now babe?" I commanded & she obeyed me after a second of hesitation. "Amazing, we have a cop with us now." Becky piped up cheerfully while Angela made a pout. "That's totally not cool, I wanted to be a sexy cop." To which Nicky reassured her. "Well you can be a cop next year Halloween." They both piped up cheerfully kissing each other & saying "Happy Halloween" in unison. I hope ya'll enjoyin the holiday, cause the party is just started.

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