Saturday, January 18, 2020

TG Questionnaire flguy1989

Another Pregnant caption, this time mixed with the TG Questionnaire. The victim who fell to ma TG Questionnaire is Ed (flguy1989) a sleazy lil guy in his mid-forties who loved ma captions & wanted to take the TG Questionnaire. Here is what happened to him.

Master Lucifer: If ya’re a girl... would yar handwriting be nice?”
Ed: Of course! The nicest!
Your handwriting becomes naturally cursive & feminine
Master Lucifer: If ya’re a girl... would ya like pink?
Ed: I’d love it!
Your favorite color set to pink.
Master Lucifer: If ya’re a girl... would yar hair be straight or curly?
Ed: Straight!
Your sexual orientation grew to that of a straight as an arrow as you felt a strong affection towards me.
Master Lucifer: If ya’re a girl... what would be your favorite color?
Ed: Pink, duh!
Your favorite color as well as all your color settings changed to that of cute bubbly bubble-gum pink.
Master Lucifer: If ya’re a girl... what color would yar hair be?
Ed: Blonde or brunette, silly!
As you said blonde your hair grew out to become long blonde locks.
Master Lucifer: If ya’re a girl... what color would yar eyes be?
Ed: Green!
Your eye color changed to that of a vibrant green.
Master Lucifer: If ya’re a girl... would ya like makeup?
Ed: I’d love it!
Heavy make-up was being applied to your face as your lips plumped up and gotten all red & glossy.
Master Lucifer: If ya’re a girl... would ya be sporty?
Ed: And get all sweaty? Ew no!
Your body became skinnier than Athletic built.
Master Lucifer: If ya’re a girl... would ya wear high heels?
Ed: Of course!
Long 8” heels appear under your feet.
Master Lucifer: If ya’re a girl... would ya wear a skirt?
Ed: Only if I can’t be naked :)
Your formal attire was set to sexy pencil skirt.
Master Lucifer: If ya’re a girl... would ya wear jewelry?
Ed: Of course!
Your formal attire and all your dressers were now filled with jewelry as you got nose, ears navel & tongue pierced.
Master Lucifer: If ya’re a girl... what size would yar breasts be?
Ed: Very large!
Your breasts grow to become soft round big juicy DD cup melons sitting on your former flat chest.
Master Lucifer: If ya’re a girl... would ya be into guys?
Ed: Yes Master! I’d be into all kinda hung studs!
Your sexual drive now made you orgasm even thinking of a guy.
Master Lucifer: If ya’re a girl... would ya shave?
Ed: Yes silly!
Each & every hair on your body except your head fell off on the ground making you look like the waxed flawless perfect dolly
Master Lucifer: If ya’re a girl... would ya use pads or tampons?
Ed: Tampons!
Your cock shrinks inside your body following by your testicles & creates a warm wet vagina full with clitoris & vulva while your balls become a pair of ovaries.
Master Lucifer: If ya’re a girl... what type of shirt would ya be wearing right now?
Ed: None, or a tube top!
A tight black tube top dress appears on your body
Master Lucifer: If you would were a girl... would ya be wearing briefs, bikini, thong or boxers?
Ed: Thong or G-String for sure!
Master Lucifer: If ya’re a girl... what would be your intelligence? One being stupid and ten being high enough to drive the class nerd up the wall.
Ed: 1, I guess? tee hee!
Your IQ drops significantly as you are now less intelligent than even a 2nd standard elementary school kid who can’t even properly say words which consists more than four alphabets.
Master Lucifer: If ya’re a girl... what type of bra would ya be wearing?
Ed: Something skimpy, I guess!
Master Lucifer: If ya’re a girl... how old would ya be, how tall would ya be without shoes and what would ya weigh without clothes? (Don't lie)
Ed: 23, I’d be 5’ 4” and somewhere around 110 lbs because of my breasts and ass.
Your weight decreases as your manly muscular frame shrinks & all your muscle mass which defined you as a man vanishes make you look busty curvy blonde dolly you are now while making you shrink in the process from 6’3” to 5’4” as your age recedes to early twenties from a late thirties man, making you look much younger.
Master Lucifer: If ya’re a girl... what would yar name be?
Ed: Hmmmm, Brittany I guess?!
Reality changes as you were now known as Brittany, or Britt popularly. Britt the Slut.
Master Lucifer: Well I have one last question for ya, it’s a special one, would now that ya’re a girl, would ya like to have ma babies in yar slutty womb?
Brittany: Like absolutely yeah Master! I’d love to do that for you!
As you excitedly hop onto my long hard pole & adjusted yourself after mounting we had a long hard night of amazing sex-crazed night where I finally impregnated you. This is how you look now. I hope ya like yar new body & the huge tummy (flguy1989) carrying our spawn. Hope everyone enjoyed this piece of work of mine.


I hope ya'll loving ma work so far. I am so happy to make such a big fanbase watchers & page-view in such a short time (only a month) please do know that I have now enough requests & will do them slowly as I have now ma hands & ma head quite full so please don't be impatient, it might take a while to come out yours request, but I assure you it will come eventually. I'm open for RP over discords only, but Imma bit picky over RP partners these days, please don't get offended if I don't like roleplaying with you after a while. I prefer more steady RP partners which now I have quite a few, Thank you all. Also stay tuned for more new series coming up soon, while enjoy these short pregnancy TG captions series which will go on parallel with my other stories & series. Here is a link below attached for my discord channel: which you can also find in my discord bio, my discord ID is Lucifer#7319. please do join ma group on deviantart & discord & shoot me a note here or a dm on discord, also again if I don't respond quickly please be a lil patient, I will surely get back to ya. This group of mine is for all TG TF lovers, artists, fans & roleplayers alike, hope you'll all love the place. One last thing I'd really like to say is many of ya may not like ma work, I can understand but please if ya wanna criticize me do so, but I request don't sneak & report ma work to deviantart as some people might like that work you're reporting & it is really hard to create a work but takes less than a second to destroy it so please live & let live. love ya'll, peace.

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