Saturday, January 11, 2020

TG Quesionnaire for hawkeye1633

So today Brendan (hawkeye1633) took this TG Questionnaire challenge and ya can see some quite amazing results as an answer and see how he... Now she turned out to be. Ain't she looks amazing? I sure do hope ya like her new body and looks. So I started asking him the questions and he started answering them as reality shifted around him.

Master Lucifer: If you were a girl... would your handwriting be nice?”

Brendan: Of course! Girls have much neater writing than guys, though mine might be considered a bit messy for a girl.

Your writing becomes a bit feminine but still not too neat as it's a lil messy.

Master Lucifer: If you were a girl... would you like pink?

Brendan: Probably. I mean, I don’t really have a favorite color, so I would probably just go with whatever goes together.

Reality changed as you liked pink yet not that much you loved like it was your favorite.

Master Lucifer: If you were a girl... would your hair be straight or curly?

Your hair grow long reaching your shoulder and get straightened.

Brendan: Mine’s straight now, so it would probably be straight as a girl too. I’d maybe curl it when I felt like it.

Master Lucifer: If you were a girl... what would be your favorite color?

Brendan: Like I said, I don’t have a favorite now, but I do own a lot of purple and red stuff so people tend to think I like those.

As you said Purple and red are now your most favored color.

Master Lucifer: If you were a girl... what color would your hair be?

Brendan: Brown, but I’d probably want to try dying it something fun like purple or turquoise or silver!

Your hair color change from dark shade of blonde to a deep brown.

Master Lucifer: If you were a girl... what color would your eyes be?

Brendan: Blue, like mine are now, but maybe a bit brighter.

Your eye color doesn't change at all.

Master Lucifer: If you were a girl... would you like makeup?

Brendan: Yeah. Maybe not a lot, but enough to look pretty.

A soft layer of make-up is applied to your face.

Master Lucifer: If you were a girl... would you be sporty?

Brendan: You bet! Sporty girls are the best!

Your body looses most of the muscular manly bulk making you look much more sporty and flexible as a girl.

Master Lucifer: If you were a girl... would you wear high heels?

Brendan: When the occasion calls for it.

Master Lucifer: If you were a girl... would you wear a skirt?

Brendan: Just like heels, when the occasion calls for it.

Master Lucifer: If you were a girl... would you wear jewelry?

Brendan: Probably. Maybe some simple piercings in the ears, belly button and nose for fun.

Your nose ears and belly button gets pierced and loop earrings are formed on your ears.

Master Lucifer: If you were a girl... what size would your breasts be?

Brendan: I think I would love to have huge boobs! Like G cups or something, though they might make sports a bit harder...

Your chest swells becoming round huge orbs of fleshy mounds at least a good G cup.

Master Lucifer: If you were a girl... would you be into guys?

Brendan: definitely I'd be into both girls and guys

Again your sexual orientation changes as you are now a Bi girl.

Master Lucifer: If you were a girl... would you shave?

Brendan: No, but I would wax or get it electrolyzed off!

Master Lucifer: If you were a girl... would you use pads or tampons?

Brendan: Tampons. Pads are for young girls just getting their periods, I’m told.

Your cock slowly slips inside your body making your vulva clitoris and hymen safe and secure under the Tampons.

Master Lucifer: If you were a girl... what type of shirt would you be wearing right now?

Brendan: probably a simple t-shirt or just a sports bra. It’s hot out!

A tee-shirt appears on your busty curvy body.

Master Lucifer: If you would were a girl... would you be wearing briefs, bikini, thong or boxers?

Brendan: I feel like I’d be a thong girl. Don’t want those panty lines showing!

Your tanned panty lines were now exposed.

Master Lucifer: If you were a girl... what would be your intelligence? One being stupid and ten being high enough to drive the class nerd up the wall.

Brendan: 10! Why would I want to be dumb!?

Your mind and intellect becomes so high that you can easily knock the hell out of the class nerd with your cunning.

Master Lucifer: If you were a girl... what type of bra would you be wearing?

Brendan: Sports bra, or something with some good support, since I said they were huge!

Master Lucifer: If you were a girl... how old would you be, how tall would you be without shoes and what would you weigh without clothes? (Don't lie)

Brendan: I’d be pretty tall for a girl, like between 5’9” and 6’ and the same age I am now, which is 25! Also, a gentleman never asks a woman her weight, but I’d probably be heavier due to the muscle mass.

Your body becomes that of a fit well toned hung quite the overweight curvy body.

Master Lucifer: If you were a girl... what would your name be?

Brendan: I’ve always liked Aspen...

Reality shifts around you as you are now Aspen the sexy amazon queen.

This is a request for hawkeye1633 hope ya guys like the answers and her new hot body.


I hope ya'll loving ma work so far. I am so happy to make such a big fanbase watchers & page-view in such a short time (only a month) please do know that I have now enough requests & will do them slowly as I have now ma hands & ma head quite full so please don't be impatient, it might take a while to come out yours request, but I assure you it will come eventually. I'm open for RP over discords only, but Imma bit picky over RP partners these days, please don't get offended if I don't like roleplaying with you after a while. I prefer more steady RP partners which now I have quite a few, Thank you all. Also stay tuned for more new series coming up soon, while enjoy these short pregnancy TG captions series which will go on parallel with my other stories & series. Here is a link below attached for my discord channel: which you can also find in my discord bio, my discord ID is Lucifer#7319. please do join ma group on deviantart & discord & shoot me a note here or a dm on discord, also again if I don't respond quickly please be a lil patient, I will surely get back to ya. This group of mine is for all TG TF lovers, artists, fans & roleplayers alike, hope you'll all love the place. One last thing I'd really like to say is many of ya may not like ma work, I can understand but please if ya wanna criticize me do so, but I request don't sneak & report ma work to deviantart as some people might like that work you're reporting & it is really hard to create a work but takes less than a second to destroy it so please live & let live. love ya'll, peace.

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