Tuesday, December 24, 2019

A Birthday he will never forget part 2 The Trio

So Let's recapitulate the events a bit? It was Darth's (Deathgeass) birthday today & decided to hit the local club for some fun with his three other friends named Cole (coolaola2), Emmanuel (EmmaTGCaps) & Diego (indigopoison7) who were ready to hit the new bar & dance-club called Lucifer's Dolls opened recently in the town. They were having a full blast of a birthday party & the party just got even wilder since it was Sunday. They drank & danced all night until they got themselves into trouble by teasing & molesting one of the girls at the club who then reported it to the security & the security intervened & tried to calm the young guys down, but sadly they were in a mood for mischief.

So what seems like a fun party turned out to be a bit different for them as Darth was taken along with his friends in a secluded area of the club where the security asked the other friends of his to wait outside while he took Darth with him inside & Darth didn't came out since & his three friends were already concerned now as the security who took Darth inside came out & asked them to follow him as he lead the three guys through a Passage. He then stopped & pulled out a Dart gun & shot the three guys suddenly hitting them each with pink darts freezing & paralyzing them temporarily.

And then the the changes started as they hit the floor almost collapsing on each other. First Cole's hair grew long & dirty shade of blonde with dark brown roots opposed to his normal black hair growing chest length, while Emmanuel got his short frizzy brown hair extended to a level past his midriff longer in length than Cole's which grew a bit lighter & to a shade of dirty blonde too but with less brown highlights than Cole's. Diego's short dirty blonde hair grew even longer & reached his ass-length changing to a shade of dark jet-black which making all three of them. All of their faces started to morph & change as their eyes became almond shaped & changed colors Making Emmanuel's dark brown eyes hazel-green, while Cole's blue eyes changed to dark shade of brown & Diego's blue eyes became deep-brown. The three guy's lips then grew out & swell becoming succulent soft plump full cock-pillows of lips which could milk any huge monster cock. While their overall faces rounded out as their cheekbones raised & jawline getting chiseled & softer becoming very feminine faces with no trace of their facial hairs leaving their faces feminine smooth, soft chiseled girly girl faces with smooth soft tanned skin, Emmanuel had the most fair complexion now among the group while Diego was more on the Latino tanned look & Cole was more on the tanned blonde Caucasian side.

It is then their bodies started to shrink & grow in places they shouldn't shrink & grow at all, as their over all frame shrank to an average of 5'3" almost everyone of the boys lost nearly a foot. Tallest of them all Cole was now the shortest in the group being only a 5' shrinking from 6'3" while Diego was the shortest but now became 5'3" as opposed to his 6' tall frame & Emmanuel has gotten 5'1" only from his former 6'2" stature. All three of the guys arms lost their masculine bulk & the muscles or the little manliness they had left while their neck was thinned & their Adam's apple vanished showing visible prominent collarbones on them. Each of the men was living this horror but couldn't say of do anything about it as the three guy's palms & fingers were slimmed as they grew long manicured fingernails on their fingers while their Biceps & Triceps were diminished into feminine fat-filled twig-like arms.

At this point Diego started to develop breasts on his rather skinny square bony chest which reached D cups while Cole's broad manly chest grew almost the same maybe a little further but not less than anywhere a D. Emmanuel was luckiest of the three of them all & grew a pair of supple round DD chest grew onto his now feminine chest which was much broader & square a few moments ago as all three of them were only could be heard moaning from this sensation they felt building up from growing these round milk-jugs of chest-pillows. Their waists already started to cave in as all the three men's well built or average belly slimmed & thinned down, Cole's waist was second thinnest despite his muscular toned ripped waist which got a really slimmer & thinner waist but didn't boosted his hips much which were still big & bubbly, rounder & much more firm than those average booties you see on those random chicks making him the luckiest among the group with an ass of a booty Queen while Emmanuel's rather bulky average belly fat got his hips as it boost & made his ass look bigger & his waist smaller but not smaller than Cole's. On the other hand Diego's average skinny waist wasn't that thin but his hips got really wider somehow as his waist slimmed a lot than Cole's & Emmanuel's making him the luckiest in this matter as his waist was the thinnest even though his hips were not the widest of the group but at least second biggest & roundest of the group making him the Cutie with a Booty in the group while making Cole the most.

All of the Boi's (well I prefer not to call them guys or Boys at this point as they are much more gurrls or rather Bois that Boys, hahaha.) lost their dicks as their members slurped into their body with a large slosh slurp & pop noise while their balls now as their new pair of ovulating fully functional ovaries & their cocks made the way for other cocks to get inside them making a path with a set of vulva & clitoris. From Left to right you can see Cindy (the dirty Blondie at the extreme left as in the picture above) who was formerly Cole , Dizzy (the Latina brunette in in the middle as seen in the picture) who used to be Diego & finally Emma (the platinum blonde in the extreme right in the pic) who was once a guy named Emmanuel. They were having such a great night & those dart shots that turned them into nympho bimbo, was absolutely magical.

As their new clothes have already materialized on their new sexy female bodies and make-ups appeared on their faces which covered any imperfection on their faces (I don't think any imperfection was there though.) They took this picture together as they were about to taste get this Birthday party of their friends along with their new Master (MasterLuciferSatan) to another level of wild crazy endless fun. It's After Birthday Bash. Mmmm they already started feeling horny as they see me naked on bed with their friend BFF Dora who was formerly a guy too named Darth & quickly took this pic before jumping in & going on their knees hungry for master to take in. They will surely keep me busy for a while. I loved how horny they were after their Birthday party. You can literally see the wild party fever one their faces. I love these four Darling dolls of mine Imma gunna have the Best Birthday bash eva I think. LOL

This one is the end or conclusion of the special two part 10K page-view deviation caption from me made on the special occasion of the
Deathgeass Birthday. Happy Birthday doll, & a joint request from coolaola2 EmmaTGCaps indigopoison7 these three amazingly sexy dolls of mine. Love ya guys, Love ya Coola, Emma & Indigo, Ihope ya like this caption & enjoyed this concluding part? it's really amazing to have people like ya guys around.

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