Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Magician's Little Assistant

Today I decided to put up with a little show for our next deviation caption. So I decided to arrange a magic show act as a part of charity & donation & a very prestigious guest named Manfred (The-Manimal-Magician) or often called as Manny who was indeed another Executive officer at another Multinational & Multimillionaire rival company of mine. He took his VIP seat & started to sip his coffee while gawking all those hot asses of the Lucifer's dolls waiting tables & walking around the stage. He didn't paid much attention to the show or to me at all. So I called out to him… "yes I’m talking to you man at the table in the third row wearing a black tuxedo and staring at that waitresses’ ass; yes you Mister." He turned my eyes to the stage with a confused look & asked. “Me…what?” “Would you like to come onstage to assist me in my next trick?” I asked him smiling.“No.” He replied quickly and firmly. “Okay then…we’ll get back to you later” I said before another man in the crowd was picked until no one except Manny in the VIP area was left. “It’s your turn Mister…everyone else has assisted me tonight so far” I said. “But I really don’t want to…” He started to whine. “All you have to do is stand still” I said motioning for him to join me at the stage. He slowly made his way up to the stage as he heard all the cheering & applaud. "Ok, so what's your name Mister?" I asked in a inquiring tone. "Manny" he replied in a short audible voice. "Well thanks for helping out tonight Dolly." I replied bluntly. He was taken a back & raised an eyebrow but let it pass for the moment as he stood on the stage beside me. "Now Dolly, all ya gotta do is stand still for me tonight, think ya can handle it?" I asked him with a smile. "Well It's Manny, not Dolly... & yeah i think I can just do that." He spat back at me. I then faced the crowd & went on with my speech a bit "“Since all of you have ben up here tonight, you all know that there are no mirrors or trap doors or any other special equipment up here correct? But I do want you to all pay attention to this trick as I think you might be surprised and, dare I say, amazed.” & with that I turned to Manny. "Now Dolly tell me how tall are ya?" He was at least a couple of inches taller than me for sure which which would be right about 6'4" & he replied that. "ohhh really tall. Hmmm but i think you are wrong with that info. I said as I put my arms on his each shoulders & with a gentle push on his shoulders he felt himself begin to shrink. My hands remained on top of his shoulders as he began to drop inch after inch in height. “What are you doing?” he said as he came closer to my height.
“Magic” was all I replied as our eyes met level with each other. But I didn’t stop there; my hands continued to gently press down on his shoulders and he continued to get smaller. Soon he was looking up into my eyes. I took my hands off of him and he realized that he now only came up to my shoulder. He looked down at the stage, expecting to see himself dropped down on a trap door or something but all he saw was the wooden stage and his clothes hanging loosely on himself. “Now Dolly, would you like to answer the question truthfully this time? You are not 6’4”; how tall are you? ”Without hesitation he answered “5 feets.” His eyes bulged at his answer “Why did I say that?” he asked in a panic “How did you…?” “Magic my dear girl” I answered quickly and simply. He stood there in shock as I walked around him. “Now that short hair can be quite beautiful, but I think that you will look much prettier with longer hair, don’t you agree” I said from behind him. He felt my hands touch his hair as I began to massage my fingers through his short frizzy greying-brown hair as if I were lathering it up with shampoo. He felt tingling in his scalp seconds before he felt wisps of hair begin to brush against his ears and the back of his neck. He was paralyzed to turn around. He felt locked to the floor as his hair grew longer and longer. He could see the expressions of the people in the audience now; they were entranced by his growing hair and shorter stature. Out of the corners of his eyes, he could see his hair twisting and turning as it grew down over his shoulders and he could feel  it brushing his cheeks and neck now as it styled itself in long blonde wavy curls. “Now that’s what I call a hairstyle” I said as the audience applauded louder this time. I conjured a hand mirror from behind of my back and handed it to Manny (well now Dolly). “Ah” he said quickly. His right hand held onto the mirror as his left hand grasped at my long flowing locks. “What are you doing to me Sir?” He asked. “Soon enough Miss” I said before turning to the audience. “Now, now; please keep a close eye on our volunteer’s pretty visage” I turned back to the frightened man behind me now and added “Please keep that mirror handy; you will need to keep a close eye on yourself too.” At this he was in shock. I flipped his blonde hair back off his shoulders so it flew down past his back as I smoothed it out around his ears. From behind his ears, I produced two gold hoop earrings that I quickly showed to the crowd. Without a word, I pushed them against his ears, which suddenly produced a hole for the piercings to go through. He quickly swung the mirror to his newly pierced and much smaller ears. “Oh my…” he muttered. But before he could go any further, I placed my hand in front of his face. I stuck my thumb through my fingers and said “Got your nose” and with the slightest tap against the end of his nose, it began to shrink. He watched in the mirror with horror as his nose grew smaller and changed shape from rather big & bulky to rather small pointy and round. I next reached into my pocket and produced a pair of dark sunglasses that I slid over his eyes. A second later I removed them, reveling that his eyes had changed from brown to blue and had become much wider with long lashes. Staring into the mirror, he blinked rapidly. I placed my thumbs on his eyebrows and ran them over them, thinning them as I went along & giving them a perfect arch. I then pulled out a make-up brush and acted as if I was applying make-up to his cheeks. As I did, his cheeks rose up to apple fullness. I then continued to brush around his chin and jawline as they reshaped themselves as well. Finally, I pulled out a tube of pink vibrant lip-gloss and even though I barely touched his lips with it, suddenly he had painted, pink, pouty, full cock-pillow of a lips on her now feminine face. “Now isn’t she adorable like Dolly?” I said, standing next to him. “How are you doing this to me?” he asked “And don’t you dare say…” as he was talking, I pulled a magic wand out of my sleeve and tapped him on the throat. Once that tap was applied his last word sounded very different very feminine. “…magic”. The crowd gasped at his final word and his left hand flew to his throat and his eyes bulged in shock and surprise. The word magic had come out in a seductive woman’s voice. “Now don’t be shy” I said in a consolation tone “Let the audience hear your beautiful singing voice” I then clicked my fingers and he began to sing. “Take this pink ribbon off my eyes… I’m exposed and it’s no big surprise… He finally stopped singing No Doubt and clapped his hand to his mouth. “Doesn’t he have a lovely singing of a soprano voice?” I said to the crowd. I took the mirror away from him as I did another circle around him.  “I have a question for you Dolly” “WH…what Sir?” he said meekly. “Why are you wearing just your bra out in public like this?” I snapped my fingers and his black shirt disappeared, leaving him standing on stage in just an empty black bra. He quickly self-consciously slapped his right arm across chest to cover himself. “No need to be embarrassed Dolly.” I assured him. “You seem to be in great shape… Nothing to be ashamed of… By the way, how much do you weigh?” He looked down and saw that he was much smaller and skinnier now overall.  “Um…110” he answered. Manny weighed around 210lbs when he walked in, but he couldn’t bring himself to say it for some reason. All of us could see the differences in his stomach and chest at how much smaller they were already. He felt a pressure building on his chest. He clenched his skinny arm down as hard as he could across his chest, but something made him drop it to his side. Against his will he turned to the side to give the audience a profile view of his chest. I lifted my hands above my head and rubbed my fingers together. With each pass of my fingers his breasts grew larger. He looked down, his mouth gaped open as they grew out quickly and filled out the cups stopping at nothing less than an F cup maybe. He felt his nipples press against the soft satin fabric and he felt the weight of his breasts settling in on his chest. He suddenly had use of hands again and they flew up and covered his humongous titties. His face flushed bright red and he turned back to the crowd as they clapped long and loud. With a click of my fingers, his jeans disappeared, leaving his legs now exposed to the awe struck audience. He knew that his boxers were no longer on and he looked down in horror to see that he was wearing a lacy pair of thong panties. He wanted to jump and spin around to face the audience once more and deny them an extended look at his exposed butt cheeks, but it was already too late. His ass had expanded and rounded off into a firm and full ladies’ heart shaped bubbly ass rear end. He heard a catcall jeering, sneering & whistle from the crowd & felt his face flush anew. I managed to shuffle myself around in a semi-circle to face the crowd and as I came around, I made sure both of his hands covered the front of the thin panties. “Very unlikely” was all I said. Then I faced the audience and placed my hands at about 8 inches apart from each other. Dramatically, I slowly began to bring my hands closer to each other & as I did such gesture, he felt his penis shrinking and pulling backward into his body. I acted as if it was straining to get my hands to meet and with a final clap of my hands; his penis and testicles were gone; sucked inside his womanly body replaced by a vulva, clitoris & wet moist vagina while his testicles were now his ovaries & uterus  fully functional. An audible gasp escaped her lips as her thighs clamped together and her knees locked tight. I walked up to her and pulled a pink razor from my sleeve. I tapped her right hairy leg and the hair disappeared and then the left one.  Once more I turned to the audience and lifting my hands up to her midsection, I moved them about in an hourglass motion. With my hands moving, her hips flared outward, while her thighs became fuller and her calves trimmed, leaving her with an overly made woman’s hourglass body. He looked down at her new figure in shock. “Almost done now Dolly.” I said to her rather quizzically. I brought my foot up and stomped down on the stage making her shoes vanish. Now barefoot, she clicked her heels together and feet feet began to change. They shrank down and reformed themselves into a pair of petite and dainty women’s feet all the way down to her pedicured toes. “How do you feel now Dolly?” I asked her. “A bit cold master” she replied as she was just in a bra and panties on stage. I pulled a black scarf out of my sleeves and showed it to the audience, making sure everyone could see that it was just a thin scarf. I quickly waved it in front of me in a single pass. She gasped along with everyone else in the crowd when she looked down to see that she was now wearing a form fitting black sleeveless cocktail dress and black heels. “TA-DA” I said with a bow at the audience. The audience rose to their feet and gave a long standing ovation. I gestured toward her and she too did a slight curtsy while blushing all the while. “You have been a lovely assistant Dolly” I said to her while looking deep into her eyes. “When I end the show, I will say thank you to all of my lovely guests & who donated for the charity event of the Lucifer’s Dolls Co. & thank you Dolly you will be my slutty assistant & my personal Toy & your mind will know only one thing of how to please your master Magician. Understood Dolly?” She gave me a puzzled glance as I was about to end the show with another loud applause from the crowd & did my last speech. Dolly blinked twice behind me as she then followed me to the backstage with everyone’s memory of the Manfred/Manny was completely wiped clean & the show was dismissed. Everyone now knew Dolly as a Magician’s Assistant worked at Lucifer’s Dolls as his personal slut & his toy. You can look her vacant & confused expression after the night's events. She is still wearing the dress while looking at me seductively.

Well this one got pretty big really. I enjoyed so much making this one. Though the idea & the scenes are based on a very talented Author (Tservo96) whose story I actually used. All credits to him alone, without his story I wouldn’t be able to put myself in the Magician’s shoes. I’d love being able to do that really. Love ya mate, for making this amazing piece of story.

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