Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Scott's latex leggings

Here you can see Scott (scotishjoker1), who loved latex stuff & was walking down the streets. he found a latex goop laid on the street & didn't noticed & stepped on it. The latex then quickly molded him & bonded with his body & cocooned him completely, starting to change his body slowly as started to change him.

First his hips got flared out as it was square while his toned waist & little ripped definition it had which changed completely as he now got a cute shapely womanly waist which was very slim & a round bubbly jiggly booty which show-cased her heart-shaped round & firm ass-cheeks perfectly. His body was almost done by now as the latex was now started to focus & move onto his midriff & torso covering him in those places more & being thinned from other. Scott's latex cocoon now formed a tight leggings on his legs & heels formed on his now feminine sexy feet & his now long slender legs were here crunching & crushing his cock & balls which now became his pussy & a pair of fertile uterus.

The changes then went upwards as her whole body already shrank down a lot while she lost both weight & height which could be seen even outside (Scott was 6'4"  tall & weighed 230lbs in a peak form of her body & Athletic physique) from the latex cocoon she was in, since the volume of the latex cocoon started to reduce & become much smaller in both height (as she was now only 5'2" tall & weighed 110 lbs rather on the skinny side if ya ask me), volume & mass which large globe the front of his chest which marked she now had a pair of F cup breasts as her hands & legs lost all of their manliness & became hairless smooth fat-filled soft dainty feminine arms & legs as her legs got slenderized while her arms became petite with long scarlet glossy polished nails perfectly manicured. while the latex formed a nice yellow leather jacket & a top on his body perfectly hugging her body.

Lastly her face started to chiseled down as her cheekbones raised & her chin got smaller while her lips softened & became plumper fuller softer cock-suckers then her Adam's apple was lost as his face got a contoured feminine face with shapely eyes nose raised cheekbones & eyebrows under not visible under the latex. Her collarbone was prominently visible now even though she was covered in latex. but at the end the latex slowly left her face & it could be seen that she now had long blonde hair with brown highlights as her eyes were now blue almond shaped eyes which were really beautiful.

Staci was the hottest buxom bimbo & a slut who got the looks & the flashy trashy attitude & wasn't scared to show off herself on the stage for her new master & would love to be a stripper at Master's new bar & strip joint

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