Monday, December 16, 2019

Flash gets beaten in his own game

Meet this boxer dude (I mean babe as you see now, but trust me he used to be a man before) Flash (flashkill455), an arrogant guy who'd get into trouble just to prove his worth. He was practicing in the arena while I was passing by & taunted me since I bore a resemblance to Mike Tyson. He challenged me to into a bet of a one-on-one match, I couldn't say NO. So I accepted & his terms were clear that if I lost I will have to accept it publicly that he is one of the best boxers in the world while if I won, well I could do anything & make him do anything. At least that's were the terms we agreed on & so the fight ensues. I KO-ed him at the 10th round before even all 12 bouts were complete marking a humiliating victory over Flash. He was then taken to the infirmary to treat his injuries where I visited him & told him that it was his time to keep his end of bargain & injected him with the pink serum which he couldn't protest out of fear or out of humiliation I couldn't tell. His body then started to change as his hair turned blonde & got long silky wavy locks. He was so much in pain & humiliation that he didn't even protested. His face then started to change as his manly chiseled face feminized & his eyebrows got arched & pencil thin while his eyelashes grew out longer & heavier. His deep blue eyes turned greenish-brown as his cheeks got fuller & his chin became softer & pointy with less prominent jawline & a cute pert nose. His lips became plump & soft becoming collagen filled bee-stung cocksuckers while his some missing & a few imperfection whitened & straightened to perfection giving him the best pearl-like smile ever. His skin turned to a shade of caramel honey tan while all of his facial hair still remained fell off giving him a very smooth soft feminine featured face. His tall muscular 6'1" build shrank before my eyes as he now stood only 5'2" tall with not so muscular build as all his muscles were now converted into feminine fat & was being redistributed into his chest, butt & thighs. His chest swelled until it was a pair of round DD cup supple perky boobies while his butt grew to give him a perfect sexy child-bearing proportionate hips. His waist caved in along with his shoulders & his back which arched in a sexy feminine way shifting his center of gravity to a different point. His arms started to loose their muscles already & was now so frail & feminine. His muscular biceps now completely diminished while his fingers became soft feminine & girl with long polished painted & manicured nails. His waist was so thin that his body now looked like a complete hourglass. His thighs were now starting to grow while all his leg muscles now converted into feminine fat & started to shift making his legs slender & very sexy. Then his thighs started to build tremendous pressure on his dick which couldn't take the stress anymore & took a U-turn into his body arranging his balls into their female counterpart as a pair of working ovaries. He... Now a She called Flora was a extremely slutty sexy blonde bimbo. She still did have her competitive mentality which gives her an edge over others to prove herself better at every aspect of being my cute lil Bimbo doll. This is Flora after a month of her humiliating loss, posing as one of my bimbo doll & a complete slut. Look at how she is sticking her tongue out mmmm. She proved now that her tongue can do much more better things than just talk the talk over this past month & always longed for a piece of my 19". I think she just can't contain it. lol. She still sometimes like to have a boxing rematch sometimes but on bed & it's a different kinda boxing which includes a lot of bouncing too.

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