Thursday, December 19, 2019

Japanese Maid TG

Meet Patrick (sexypei) a guy who hated Asian cultures & most importantly Asian people. He just couldn't stand Asian people. So I wanted to teach him a lesson. I used this TG Bimbo serum on him. The effects were so immediate that he quickly lost almost over a feet shrinking from 6'3" to 4'8" while his dirty blonde hair grew out & became dark black. His face softened up & became really cute & Asian. His face overall rounded out as his chin became small & pointy, his nose became tiny button-like while his eyes became cute Asian eyes with epicanthic folds. His cheeks raised & grew fuller just as his lips swelled & plumped to to succulent luscious cock-suckers. His neck became small & thin as his Adams apple vanished giving him a very cute soft soprano-like sexy voice. His shoulder caved inwards making him look more feminine while his hands became feminine cute dainty & soft with long manicured & polished painted nails. His chest then started to inflate like two balloons which grew until they were F cup humongous titties. His waist started to slim as his hips widened & grew out to be perfect cushion-like bubbly heart-shaped round-ass. I watched as his thighs squeezed in & getting thicker while his legs slenderized & started to send his penis inside his body along with his balls which then became pair of working ovaries. Patrick was no more as Vicky or Victoria took his place. Vicky is a maid at my mansion, she looks like Japanese but doesn't really speak or know much about Japanese culture since she was born & brought up here in the States with her Parents both living here for decades. Vicky was in love with her Master & never ashamed of showing it off. She always loved to pleasure her master in public or in private. She has an amazing voice & a very kind compassionate attitude. She loves to be my maid & probably more she wants to be for her master one day. Ain't she looking cute in her one-piece that I bought her on her 21st Birthday? She poses for me to take a picture of her in that One-piece bikini. I love her in it though soon it will be on the floor as we started making out already.

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