Saturday, December 21, 2019

A nice change of Latex - Pregnancy TG

Meet Alexander (BooTheMighty) a Latex & BDSM lover. He loved my TG Latex & Pregnancy captions & always asked me when it is going to be his turn. So today I decided to surprise him with the Latex egg I have procured from my Latex Breeding Cow called DeeDee (1KNG) & gifted it to Alex. He opened & was exclaimed at seeing this baby-pink gooey latex orb inside the box which had now address of correspondence or whatsoever. As he touched it it felt like a rubber pulling him into a thin slim tube as he felt his body twist twirl & morph in any ways he couldn't imagine. His body was being transported via the hollow pink tube which was engulfing him completely as he looked like a cocooned latex larvae from the outside. A few minutes later he felt his face slowly being released as the latex now forms like a dress on her with elbow-long sleeves & knee length dress skirt which was already merged with the rest of his dress & formed a beautiful latex outfit. His... now her name is Alexa. Alexa now have long blonde wavy locks which flowed past his now feminine shoulders. & she is one of my obedient slutty pregnant Latex wives. That night I sowed my seeds into her newly minted fully functional ovulating ovaries till I was sure about it & after a few week she took the pregnancy test which was positive & she is going to give birth soon. This picture is taken 6months after her transformation into woman, look at her big balloony tummy, her huge baby bump grown so big & round, the fetus is now well developed inside the pregnant tummy of it's mother while Alexa holds her belly & feeling embarrassed she lowers her head downwards as I snap the picture, Ain't she looks a darling blushing like this? i just love how she holds her baby in the tummy.

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