Sunday, December 22, 2019

A Gorgeous Twinning of cheating lover

Meet Gwendolyn (GorgeousGwen) & her Boyfriend Ryan (well now ex boyfriend as you can see in the picture & yes that twin looking girl used to be her boyfriend) was quite happy with their relationship until one day Gwen saw panties in her wardrobe which wasn't hers, she was furious but didn't tell Ryan that she was suspecting him for going behind her back to have sex with other girls. One day she followed Ryan to an apartment & Robert's secret was now revealed. Ryan had a wife & was cheating on Gwen just to have fun with her. She was so furious & quickly ran out of there crying, one of my Dolls were nearby & heard her sobs, she quickly came to her aid & asked what happened? She told her everything & they came to me seeking revenge on Gwen's Boyfriend Ryan. I gave Gwen two pair of black push-up bra & matching pair of panties & asked her to replace one bra & panty next time with Ryan's clothing while wearing the other set herself, which she did the next day when Ryan was taking his bath. Ryan couldn't find his clothes & yelled after Gwen "where are my clothes Gwen? give them to me." Gwen quickly came into the bathroom in her bra & panty & with out a word placed the other pair of it in front of Ryan. Ryan was mesmerized at the view of Gwen & the same bra & panties she brought for him. He wasn't thinking rationally so he took the bra in his hands & started to wear it. As he did so he felt his chest swell & grow becoming soft round orbs of flesh whic stopped at the same size as Gwen's maybe a cup bigger than Gwen's at a firm D cup while his hands became soft feminine dainty arms with no trace of muscles or hair perfected with long manicured polished & painted nails on each feminine fingers. His waist started to cave in becoming very smooth & slim as his neckline became smoother softer & more visible with high-raised collarbone. His Adams apple vanished instantly making his voice similar to that of Gwen. Well heck he was looking & even more resembling Gwen. "WTH is happening to me." He pleaded in her sexy Gwen-like voice. While Gwen replied "Something nice & sexy love." With that being said Gwen quickly slid the panties into his now thinning slim waist & it changed his butt, his genitals & of course his legs. His hips jutted outwards becoming huge plump pillow asses while his long hard dick slowly entered his body becoming soft moist vagina with a cute clitoris that Gwen loved calling Clitty & the pair of his... now her testicles became a pair of uterus, fully functional & very much like Gwen's. Gwen was so excited to see the rest of her body mold & become one like hers. Ryan's legs slenderized as her thighs & calves became softer thicker with feminine fat complimenting her new larger pelvis. Her spine arched a very feminine manner pushing her a little forward while her center of gravity shifted & then Gwen started to apply makeup on Ryan's face. At this point Ryan was same height as Gwen was 5'. They looked almost teenager Twin girls who are just going to step into their adulthood. Gwen started to doll-up her boyfriend's... well now girlfriend's (ex boyfriend sounds better now) face with brushes & a tube of lip-gloss & a thick mascara brush. She first trimmed her eyebrows which took the same shape of Gwen's while she lathered up her hair with the special shampoo i have given her & Ryan's short black hair grew long & turned blonde with brown highlights on them an exact copy of Gwen's. Her hair was the same length as Gwen's too. Then Gwen started to sculpt her own face on her lovers body with tools provided by me & made Ryan's lips fuller, bigger & plumper cock-pillows, in fact a bit fuller & rounder than Gwen's own lips. Then she matched her eye color to the lens she fitted on Ryan's eyes which now was same light Greenish brown as Gwen's eye color. Now the hardest part was to craft Gwen's face which she did with a small contour brush & started to apply foundation on her face which slowly morphed as if it was a mold of clay & shifted to a rounder heart-shaped face with small chin, raised cheekbones fuller cheeks & chiseled jawline, a cute pert small nose & a same fair complexion of Gwen's Rhiannon or Rhian was now complete. Her mental changes were already finished as Ryan no more existed, Rhian was the twin sister of Gwen who loved her master & loved even more her twin sister, They were inseparable in every ways as you can seen them in the picture. Gwendolyn on the left (wait I think I lost her, is she on the left? was Gwen on the left? ohhh forget it it's too hard to tell as they look completely exact copy of each other now.) & Rhiannon on the right (Imma not so sure though but I think I got that right. yeah) was now posing for the new push-bra Lucifer's Dolls Co launched & they were so happy to wear them together & pose sexily for the camera & for me. The two young girls are amazing, They were so much in love with each other & it showed so nicely as Gwen hugged her sister protectively. After the shot was taken they both wanted to thank me & came to my room, we had a great time together as Gwen guided her ex-boyfriend now her loving sister & BFF & lesbian girlfriend all at the same time helped Rhian take me in all her tight virgin holes. i loved how the twin worked on my huge 18" stuff seriously. I hope you all like the twin girls & how they look now?

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