Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Sweet Mouth Sweet Tooth Sweetness Overloaded

Meet Taylor (sweetmouth) commonly called as Sweet (dun ask me how he got the name cause I dunno even though we lived in the same hood but I've always known people calling him that, maybe cause of his sweet talking with girl. no clue.) was a sex addict, charming & suave guy who loved bdsm stuff & was a total in charge. He always loved sweet-talk into a girls heart & into their panties. One day he talked to a girl & took her home for a ride & once inside he rummaged through the collection of his sex toys & his BDSM toys stash to find something useful that could make this fun. He found a weird looking inflated rubber lips ring mouth gag which he didn't remember putting it in there though. He quickly took it & also took out a large 'U' shaped bend dildo-butt-plug which he thought could come in handy while he ties up the girl. So he took both the toys in his hands & was getting ready for a sex-filled action. But for some reason he felt funny & an urge to wear that rubber-lips ring gag on his mouth & have a lil bit of fun, so he put it on his mouth & started to mock in a funny muffled groaning weird voice which he felt was quite funny really it sounded like his voice was already starting to crack, but that slipped his mind & he paid no attention but right then he felt a weird sensation rushing off to him & changes were now taking place.

As soon as he put the gag into his mouth & tucked the strap he could literally feel the changes began from his mouth as his teeth started to become visibly white bright & extremely shiny while being straightened & any imperfection he had such as the gap between his front upper teeth was now being completely mended making his teeth look like a perfect set of necklace made of whitest pearls. Then his hair started to grow as he felt his short trimmed dark black hair grew out & reached the back of his midriff while becoming perfectly straight & a shade of ultra-bleached platinum blonde shade. He then felt a stinging sensation on his face as his face was tugged & pulled & twerked, while making his manly rough a bit dark tanned skin to perfection soft smooth & rather pale. His eyes got bigger & changed color from a dark brown to a shade of deep ocean blue shade while his lashes became super-long & ultra-thick. His eyebrows were pencil thinned & arched in a very feminine style. His overall face rounded out with a soft pointy chin making his face look like heart-shaped as his cheeks were filled in, rising & shifting, cheekbones raising a bit making his jawline very shapely & feminine rather than his square manly jawline as his beard fell off. To be honest at this point his beard was looking really weird on that pretty lil feminized face of his. His nose felt the same tingling sensation as it became a tiny pointy small button-shaped nose while his lips filled out perfectly inside of that duck-lips sucker of ring gag which was now world's most perfect soft plump cock-pillows that any thick meaty pole can find, like those often referred as Ultra bimbo Cock-pillows.

The changes then moved on downwards as he felt his Adam's apple reduced to nothing as gulped it leaving his voice like a breathy vixen while his shoulders started to curve inwards making them look more feminine & quite smaller than his former shoulders making his collar-bone very prominently visible in a feminine manner. His body frame then shrank as his body lost any muscles it had leaving him a cute tiny 5' tall frame & 110lbs as opposed to his former 6'4" tall figure & 230lbs & rather Athletic muscular built physique. After all he worked out quite hard for that body of his & it really showed until now hahaha. His chest started to swell as it grew to a humongous perky round supple F cup boobies which now sat on top of his chest (to me they are quite the beach-ball-size funbags if ya ask me). He didn't have much belly-fat but the little muscles & toned abs he had there redistributed into places some of which got into his boobies which grew once again & were now a G cup sitting heavily on top of his chest bigger than even his head.

The most of the volume from his belly shifted downwards though which got his ass ballooned to a round jiggly heart-shaped funk-ass booty squeezing his waist completely out of it's juices & leaving it tiny & slim as pencil. His hands & legs feminized too as all his body hair fell on the ground leaving a smooth soft sensitive rather bit pale skin that matched his face now with a pair of twig-like dainty hands with thin fingers topped with long polished manicured & painted nails, rounder & softer palms & a soft feminine fat-filled rather curvy biceps which had no definition or muscles on them while his legs on the other hand were getting slender & long while his thighs got thick & curvy curved in a sexy feminine manner giving him the perfect shape of an hourglass while putting a huge pressure on his cock to go in its home back inside.

Taylor was so aroused that he splattered & exploded his load onto the U-shaped dildo he was holding as he released all his juices & then it happened, his cock took a U-turn & was like a punctured balloon which with a sloshing slurping noise got inside his body making itself safe & sound with a clitoris & vulva while his balls surrounded them forming the new uterus finishing his... Now 'HER transformation as Taylor became Tara the sluttiest bimbo on earth. Tara couldn't take much more as she started fingering her crotch & her warm wet juicy pussy. Tara felt her juices leaking as her mind took off & giving in to her new master. Tara was now the ultimate cock-whore of a bimbo dolly who just loved to take ma huge 19" into her fake lips, her throat & her fake funbags of titties. I took this picture of her right after her transformation, look at her face the horror & the shock of becoming a rubberdolly-like-sexdoll, the vacant look on her face & she now started to wear these fake duck-lips of a ring-gag all the time while talking in a weird but funny manner & a extremely funny voice that makes me cum almost instantly inside her head & her throat filling it with ma cock & emptying ma load in them respectively. I just love it, hope ya like it too sweet mouth Tara?

P.S.: uploading the story for a third time for fu**s sake ya retarded people whoever reporting it, if ya wanna report it go ahead I dun care cause I have all ma stories backed up now.

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