Monday, December 16, 2019

How Joshua became the Amecia's ass

Joshua (RedbladeJoshua) was a huge of Avengers & needless to say the Avengers: Endgame movie launched he almost fought & clawed his way for a ticket to watch it on first day of it's worldwide premiere. He was so excited to support his favorite Avenger from the movie, Steve Rogers aka Captain America. He was even dressed as Captain America when he reached the theater at the premiere. He saw a vendor was selling Captain America shields, so he bought one for himself & started to watch the movie. The changes already has started to take place as he placed the shield on his lap while watching the movie. His hair started to grow long as it changed color from dark black to a crisp golden blonde while it reached until his back past his midriff. His face started to change as well. Joshua had a bit of Asian Filipino look which changed a lot as he grew to look more like European. His eyes grew as they lost their epicanthic folds & changed color from black to deep blue. He didn't much facial hair but whatever remained left his face leaving a smooth soft trail as his cheeks got fuller lashes got longer & eyebrows became thinner & arched. His lips plumped up to become soft kissable cushiony pillows. His body was shrinking at this point as his talk rather skinny 5'10" build shrank till it was a little curvy & a nice 5'4" loosing almost half feet in the process. His Adam's apple was already lost at this point as his neck became slim & shoulders became arched in a feminine way. His chest started to fill up his Captain America suit when it reached the suit's maximum stress point as his chest now flashed two round DD cup orbs  with nipples that was visible under the suit. His midriff slimmed down to a perfect toned sexy zero waistline giving him a  rather alluring look. Joshua was so obsessed with the movie as the two Steve Rogers fought each other in the movie. He was having the best scene of his entire life-time as The Endgame Steve have finally beaten & put down the alternate timeline Cap & comments on his ass hilariously. At that time his butt too swell & grew to became huge bubbly round America's Ass. His ass already was complimented by his sexy thick thighs which almost crushed his nuts & his only manliness left inside those trousers which already morphed into a sexy shorts. His cock slowly went in making a way for cock's to go inside him while balls were completely inverted & started doing a different job inside his... errrr now her body. Josie the cosplayer was now watching Avengers: Endgame & almost cried at the scene when Tony Stark aka Ironman snaps his finger wiping out Thanos & his minions & dying in the process. She was so in love with him now, even more than she loved Steve Rogers & then her eyes went to T'Challa & she smacked her lips. As she was such a slut for black guys & her master. She was almost wet at the thought of him. She noticed her cute Captain America outfit fitted her so well, as if was tailored after her. "Well who am I kidding? I am the best cosplayer & got the skills to show it off." She thought to herself.

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